1065 A fight to the death is a matter of life and death!
If you continue to retreat towards Goguryeo, I am afraid that Kim Tae-young’s morale will be even lower!
Once the advantage was robbed by Meng Tian, ​​it would not be so easy for Jin Taiying to fight back against them.
He waited patiently, and his men and horses were attacking quickly, aggressively.
Thousands of troops are under such an offensive, giving full play to their strengths, as always.
It’s just a pity that this kind of power is beyond his control, and the soldiers are very embarrassed.
One by one, the soldiers came forward with all their might, quickly stabbing down the weapons in their hands.
Many people are entangled together, and their figures look tall and mighty.
But such a fight is useless, no matter how much Kim Tae-young resists, it is only a dying struggle.
Haha laughed, Meng Tian and his men were still charging quickly, in order to break through Jin Taiying.
After killing all the Goryeo army, Meng Tian will be able to occupy the entire Goguryeo!
This is a very difficult task, because it is impossible for ordinary people to stop such an aura.
However, any rapid charge and unscrupulous fighting will cause casualties of soldiers in front of the two armies.
Their death is doomed, but ordinary people do not have the opportunity to block such an attack.
He has long heard that Ying Changge’s general Ru (affa) has divine help, but he never expected that the same is true of Meng Tian.
They are all Qin Jun,They are all brave and fearless, they are galloping to attack.
The soldiers in their hands were all very strong, each and every one of them came to attack in resentment with a mortal attitude.
When he started fighting with Meng Tian’s army, he knew that his strength would not be many.
Not many people could block Meng Tian’s charge, not even the Korean army had this chance.
Feeling the hard support of his own army, Kim Tae-young is still not afraid of death, and still insists on doing things.
It is unbelievable that the army in Meng Tian’s hands has such an offensive, Jin Taiying is a little at a loss as to what to do.
The camps around the river were all occupied by Meng Tian’s army, and he himself had no way out.
It is very important for Jin Taiying to fight a bloody way out of Meng Tian’s siege.
If he can’t continue, he will completely guard this place with his soldiers.
As long as they avoid the killing of Meng Tian’s army, the Goryeo army has the hope of surviving.
Ever since, Kim Tae-young and his army are united and ready to continue fighting.
They plundered a lot of supplies and piled them up one by one on the banks of their own rivers.
So many things are enough to support the construction of this fortress to resist Meng Tian’s offensive.
As long as there are fortresses built and equipped with fortresses, they will be able to counterattack Ying Changge’s army at that time.
For this very long war, Kim Tae-young must prepare all the troops in his hands.
Otherwise, once it is easily defeated by Meng Tian’s troops, the entire army of Goryeo will be wiped out.
They don’t want this kind of thing to end easily. Under the war, Kim Tae-young has no way out.
As long as they can be eradicated one by one, Ying Changge will be left with remnants and defeated generals.
This is Meng Tian’s goal. He is working hard to relieve Ying Changge’s worries.
Goguryeo’s army is still in this river, for a decisive battle, which is a matter of life and death.
1066 Give them temporary relief!
Of course Ying Changge also knew the goal of these stupid Goryeo troops, and they would not back down.
Then the news of Meng Tian’s sneak attack in the middle of the night quickly reached Ying Changge’s ears, and he was very puzzled.
Obviously it was his own army, but Meng Tian suddenly attacked, it was really unexpected!
However, Ying Changge would not blame them, because he knew Meng Tian’s kindness.
Without his own order, Meng Tian went to attack Jin Taiying’s army without authorization, trying to wipe them all out.
Such things are good things for Ying Changge, but they are not worth advocating.
Because Ying Changge already knew that Jin Taiying was building the Changbai River, this is very important.
Since Goguryeo wanted to build it, Ying Changge did what they wanted and let them all build it.
Many fortresses were built on both sides of the river bank to play a certain protective role~.
As long as there is no danger, Kim Tae-young will be able to survive, and be with his own Korean army.
Such things are of course rare, and Kim Tae-young is desperately working hard to survive.
If Ying Changge had been the first to attack, he would have easily conquered Goguryeo.
However, he doesn’t need to do this, Ying Changge needs to borrow a knife to kill people, and he doesn’t need to go through such a lot of trouble!
He just needs to let Goguryeo completely build all the strongholds on the river bank.
As long as there is such protection, Ying Changge will be able to attack Changbai River in one go.
After careful planning, Ying Changge felt that bullying Goguryeo was all about sitting back and enjoying its success.
Otherwise, there is not much room for attacking the Goryeo army now.
He knew these things very well, and after he also knew the battle report, he planned to stop Meng Tian.
Immediately dispatching his own soldiers, Ying Changge hoped to let Meng Tian’s army retreat first.
While the Korean army is still aggressively attacking, let them temporarily relax.
Ying Changge didn’t need to attack at this moment, he just wanted to put his people behind him.
Standing on the sidelines, sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight, those who win Changge must wait patiently for the project of the Goryeo army.
After Jin Taiying built all the fortresses on the side of the river, it was not too late for him to fight again.
Ever since, he and his own people were patiently confronting the enemy, so Ying Changge didn’t send troops directly!
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
Knowing that Meng Tian’s army was coming to attack majesticly and mightily, Ying Changge stopped it.
Sending his own messenger there, Ying Changge hoped to bring them a word, that is, stop the attack.
As long as he avoids the army and Meng Tian’s offensive, Jin Taiying can concentrate on the construction.
. . . . . . . .
Speeding up the horse, the messenger sprinted quickly, riding on the horse, constantly approaching Meng Tian’s army.
On the edge of the river bank, they were always fighting as usual, full of powerful offensives.
Charging with all their strength, they are still eager to fight, trying to break through Jin Taiying’s soldiers.
Jin Taiying’s troops are all alive and well, even if they are lost, they will spare no effort and use any means.
When Meng Tian was about to attack Jin Taiying’s camp in one go, he heard the news.
That is the messenger sent by Ying Changge, it seems that he has some message to send to himself!
Puzzled, but Meng Tian slowed down his offensive for a while, and then received Ying Changge’s messenger.
Coming on horseback, the messenger delivered his message and
1067 Hasty retreat!
Ying Changge’s soldiers and horses were still staying at the edge of the river bank, only Meng Tian’s army was victorious.
they want toUnscrupulous fighting can easily completely defeat the Goryeo army.
As long as it is buried here, at that time, Goguryeo’s last line of defense will be defeated.
They were very flustered, and even the soldiers of the army looked terrified.
When Meng Tian heard Ying Changge’s message, “193” of course he had a look of astonishment.
He never expected that Ying Changge’s order was to let him leave here and stop attacking.
It is obvious that he already has the advantage, but Ying Changge’s military order is like a mountain, and it is impossible to disobey it.
For Ying Changge, Meng Tian naturally has a lot of respect and nobility, and he will not resist.
After hearing Ying Changge’s message, Meng Tian did not hesitate, and of course he began to obey.
Ever since, he and his own army withdrew immediately, and Meng Tian’s soldiers and horses retreated in a hurry.
If you leave here, you can live, but the army of Goguryeo will be safe and sound!
There was no sign of hesitation, the only thing he had to do was to obey Ying Changge’s instructions.
Ever since, Meng Tian and his troops retreated quickly, leaving the side of the river directly.
When they saw Meng Tian’s army retreating, the Goguryeo army was very surprised.
They all showed surprise expressions, especially General Kim Tae-young, who had an unbelievable expression on his face.
It is obvious that Meng Tian’s army is about to gain the upper hand, but they actually backed down and avoided it!
What is the reason for this? The reason seems to be very simple, that is the military order.
If there is a task, there will be an order. It is impossible for Meng Tian to disobey Ying Changge’s order like this.
The moment the message arrived, Meng Tian avoided and left here, never to be seen again.
Watching Ying Changge’s army retreat and leave, Jin Taiying is very satisfied, it’s really timely!
He and his soldiers are patiently staying here, and they will not have any oversteps.

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