Especially before the Goryeo army was always chattering to attack the city and robbed a lot of territory.
With so many territories, it was impossible to conquer them one by one, but Ying Changge managed to do so.
Leading the brave and fearless Qin army, Ying Changge attacked the city with a lot of troops.
It was precisely because of the disastrous defeat of the Goryeo army that Meng Tian knew that their morale was very low.
Taking advantage of the mediocre morale of the enemy army, Meng Tian wanted to wipe them all out.
After crossing the river, Meng Tian soon saw Jin Taiying’s barracks.
These camps of theirs are all stationed here, and each and every soldier is on guard.
Kim Tae-young’s soldiers were patrolling and stationed back and forth, just to avoid any crisis.
You know this is a rare battle! Meng Tian’s army is already full of advantages.
Crossing the river, quickly assassinating, Meng Tian and his own army continued to assassinate fiercely.
This kind of offensive is different from ordinary people, and it is impossible for ordinary people to block such gestures.
Especially Jin Taiying, who was only paying attention to Ying Changge wholeheartedly, but didn’t know Meng Tian’s position.
When Meng Tian’s men and horses came aggressively, what was left was nothing but shaming.
Seeing so many armies attacking, the only thing he has to do is to wipe them all out.
(De Zhao Zhao) Jin Taiying knew how terrible they were, and never expected that such an army would invade him.
He raised the big sword in his hand, Meng Tian’s men and horses rushed over and started fighting.
The two armies began to fight in the middle of the night, and the soldiers came to fight Meng Tian’s army aggressively.
Meng Tian remained motionless, he already knew that this battle would be very difficult.
“` 〃Come on! Kill all the Goryeo army, not one left!”.
1055 Ying Changge stands still!
Ying Changge stood still and waited patiently on the other side of the river bank without any movement.
But unlike Ying Changge, Meng Tian’s army attacked Jin Taiying directly in the middle of the night.
As long as Jin Taiying’s army is killed together, they will not be able to continue guarding the river bank.
This is an extremely difficult battle, but Meng Tian believes that his army will be able to survive.
They will help Ying Changge successfully kill all the Goryeo army, leaving none of them behind.
This was a chaotic battle, and the appearance of Meng Tian caused Jin Taiying’s army to panic.
Many of them were guarding the camp and patrolling non-stop, but they couldn’t stop Meng Tian.
Meng Tian’s soldiers were from far to near, and their troops crossed the river one after another.
The water was surging, splashing everywhere, and immediately, many people came to attack aggressively.
Holding the weapons in their hands, they always fought as usual, killing the enemy.
If it is possible to kill them, then there is no other doubt.
This is not an easy war. Everyone is afraid of dying in this chaos and being eradicated together.
Fortunately, the edge of the sword in his hand was extraordinarily stern, wherever Meng Tian went, it was full of turmoil, and the situation was tense.
Many soldiers have experienced this battle. They started a desperate fight on the river bank.
Swords and swords, soldiers charging, they all have a vigorous posture under the fighting.
A few soldiers could not withstand the charge of Meng Tian’s army at all, they were full of vigor.
The soldiers under Jin Taiying are all doing their best to stop Meng Tian’s invasion in groups.
Such a battle is full of dangers, Meng Tian’s army is always surrounding them in one go.
This kind of attack is quick, the victory and defeat are easily determined in a blink of an eye, and it is difficult to defeat Meng Tian’s army.
Meng Tian is a brave general, the troops in his hands are powerful, and all of them are strong and strong.
On the edge of the river bank, Meng Tian’s army quickly rushed into Jin Taiying’s camp and began to fight.
Taking control of the advantage and gaining the advantage, Jin Taiying’s army was completely defeated by Meng Tian’s attack.
The fighting in the camp and the collision of soldiers gave Meng Tian’s army a majestic posture.
They formed a human wall in the camp, and a series of people blocked Meng Tian aggressively.
Intercepting Meng Tian’s army here and fighting with the Qin army is naturally full of danger.
They are still attacking quickly, the swords in their hands are swinging vigorously, full of murderous intentand flaws.
Because he was caught off guard by Meng Tian’s attack, Jin Taiying’s men were also in a panic.
A group of people who are sincere and fearful can’t stop this kind of fighting at all, and they can’t conquer Meng Tian.
Coming on horseback, they fought quickly, and in the blink of an eye, they were easily broken through a gap.
Even if Jin Taiying’s army is connected in series, they still cannot resist Meng Tian’s attack.
Meng Tian, ​​who took the lead, was colliding and fighting with his own people as usual.
Many soldiers were beheaded here, blood flowed like a river, and Meng Tian trampled on their corpses.
There is no need for any mobilization, no need for any battle, the only thing he has to do is to move forward.
He continued to fight unremittingly with his own army.
1056 A quick decision must be made!
Wherever Meng Tian went, there were flashes of swords and swords. The army is fighting mightily, very passionately.
The soldiers did not stop, they were very brave and prepared under the leadership of Meng Tian.
He clearly knew that Jin Taiying’s army was here, so he must kill Jin Taiying first.
Capture the thief first, capture the king, and kill Jin Taiying, and the Goryeo army will be destroyed without attack.
The two armies were fighting, life and death were unpredictable, Meng Tian’s soldiers had already moved in this barracks.
The camp is full of Kim Tae-young’s soldiers, but they are all unremittingly defending.
The Goryeo army marched patiently. They united here and started fighting and counterattacking.
If it weren’t for the sudden attack by Meng Tian’s army, Jin Taiying’s soldiers would not have suffered heavy losses.
They were very terrified, seeing Meng Tian’s soldiers surrounded, they were naturally very flustered~.
Even if it is to build a fortress, it cannot be built in a day.
They require a lot of labor and take a lot of time.
Now, facing Meng Tian’s army, Jin Taiying’s soldiers fled in panic.
They died here, their blood flowed like rivers, and they were surrounded by Meng Tian’s army, which was even more impenetrable.
The densely packed soldiers are always chasing quickly, and their army has a high-spirited posture.
Jin Taiying soon knew of the attack of Meng Tian’s army, and he was very panicked.
He never expected that under his care, the army still had an irresistible posture.
In the middle of the night, a lot of troops spread here, like ants, occupying the river embankment.
Being counterattacked by Jin Taiying’s men, Meng Tian didn’t have much resistance, and he went smoothly.
From far to near, they stepped on the river, and soon, Meng Tian’s army spread in Jin Taiying’s camp.
There are Korean troops inside and outside, and the camp that was originally safe and sound is already in a turmoil.
When he learned that Meng Tian’s men had come to attack his camp, Jin Taiying was very panicked.
Either fight or die! Kim Tae-young understood that of course he wanted to live.
Otherwise, in Meng Tian’s strangulation, Jin Taiying and his army will be defeated!
Inexplicably being attacked by Meng Tian’s army, Jin Taiying himself was very panicked.
Hearing the sound of fighting outside, Jin Taiying trembled in fear, sweating.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
“Quick! Get on me! They must be killed! No one will be left behind!” Jin Taiying scolded!
Jin Taiying, who became angry from embarrassment, would not allow his entire army to be submerged here.
The only thing he wants to do is to survive, and then go to guard the border of Goryeo.
. . . . . . .
This is a very important matter. It is impossible for Kim Tae Young to continue to retreat and continue to retreat.
Because Goguryeo is already behind, continuing to retreat will only lower the morale of the Goryeo army.
After experiencing all kinds of disasters, the only thing he has to do is to resist Meng Tian’s army.
Meng Tian was high-spirited, he called for troops, and he always blocked the Qin army’s attack as always.
The heroic Qin army is the strongest enemy Kim Taiying has ever seen.
This kind of manpower is always moving forward as always, and densely packed soldiers broke into the camp.
Kim Tae-young’s own camp was in turmoil, and there was no chance of survival in the chaos.
Death is destined to be extraordinary, whether it is Meng Tian or Jin Taiying, they must be resolved quickly.
1057 Attacking Your Own Camp!

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