The sword in his hand was swaying fiercely, and Jin Shuncai wanted to take Ying Changge’s head.
Lifting the sword to block, striking with the blade, Ying Changge easily defuses Jin Shuncai’s series of attacks.
After all, both of their armies are unyielding enemies of life and death, and the winner must be determined.
Even if he saw the many soldiers behind Ying Changge, Jin Shuncai was helpless.
He could only quickly raise his sword and kill Ying Changge first, then he would be able to seize the opportunity to act.
Otherwise, let Ying Changge’s army rob him of his food and grass, and Jin Shuncai’s reputation will be ruined.
The figures of the two were closely entangled together, showing such an offensive by any means.
The flurry of big swords came forward as usual, breaking through the incompleteness of the armor.
It wasn’t Ying Changge who was injured, but Jin Shuncai, who had new scars on his body.
The armor on his body was already covered with bloodstains, and even under Jin Shunjae’s sword, he was in such a state of embarrassment.
When Jin Shuncai knew that he was defeated by Ying Changge, he was ready to die.
Therefore, Jin Shuncai was full of murderous intent by thrusting out the sword edge in his hand.
Turning their heads and looking at each other, their figures turned around, Jin Shunjae’s sword edge finally began to pay attention to a little bit of swordsmanship.
With such profound swordsmanship against the enemy, he was able to delay Ying Changge’s time slowly.
Otherwise, if he was allowed to continue fighting, Jin Shuncai might die under Ying Changge’s sword.
The swords flanked each other, and each sword was a powerful attack, hitting around Ying Changge.
Even so, the sword in Ying Chang Singer was still motionless, even unharmed.
After blocking Jin Shuncai’s attacks again and again, Ying Changge remained unscathed.
On the contrary, the proud Jin Shunjae seemed to realize that he had a chance to turn defeat into victory.
Chapter 1026: You can’t keep it as a minion for a tiger!
Jin Shuncai couldn’t wait to come here with his sword in hand, and he was very happy when he saw Ying Changge’s retreating steps.
Killing the enemy with one blow, the sword edge was rampant, and there were afterimages of sword light appearing beside Jin Shuncai.
In order to be able to kill this guy, Kim Soonjae’s sword had the desire to survive.
Since he thought that his sword skills were surprisingly strong, Jin Shuncai would not stop his pace.
Step by step, each step is extra careful, Jin Shunjae’s sword never stops waving.
It was precisely because of knowing Jin Shuncai’s desire to survive that Ying Changge finally became serious.
With a look of contempt, he raised the blade and hit it hard.
The blades staggered, and the weapon in Jin Shuncai’s hand finally lost any hostile posture.
With a click, Jin Shunjae’s sword broke after dozens of rounds of protracted fighting~.
Looking at his sword that was split in two, Jin Shuncai was dumbfounded, showing a look of surprise.
Completely unable to defeat Ying Changge! At this moment, Jin Soonjae-is disheartened.
Could it be that Ying Changge’s army is going to rob him of all his food and grass!
Unbelievably holding his own sword, Jin Shunjae only had a broken sword in his hand.
How could a broken sword kill Ying Changge? Jin Shuncai had no chance of winning, and was devastated.
Gritting his teeth and refusing to give in, Jin Shuncai swung the sword in his hand vigorously.
Even if there is only one broken sword left, he can’t stop, Jinshun will fight to the end.
He rushed up clumsily, and the blade in his hand slashed hard at Ying Changge’s neck.
If the sword edge is broken, the size of the broken sword is very short, and it needs to be attacked close at hand.
However, when Jin Shuncai approached, wasn’t Ying Changge also on guard! Even concentrating.
Blocked Jin Shuncai’s sword with the sword edge in his hand, defusing the attack of his sword.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ying Changge stepped forward quickly, brandished his weapon, and smashed down hard.
With a clanging sound, the broken sword in Jin Shuncai’s hand became very short again, only the hilt remained.
It is almost impossible to kill Ying Changge with the sword of fiasco, and he will die.
Resignedly backing down, looking down at his hand, Jin Shun realized that it was bleeding.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
It’s just that there are so many bloodstains, it is impossible to soothe Jin Shuncai’s humble mind, he is very panicked.
While Jin Shuncai was standing still, Ying Changge’s army was also attacking unremittingly.
Under Ying Changge’s call, many soldiers have surrounded the grain and grass.
None of the Goryeo army guarding the food and grass could survive, they were all in such a state of embarrassment.
. . . . . . .
The two armies fought fiercely, and heThey kept wielding their swords and defeated the Goryeo army.
Watching his soldiers retreat steadily, Jin Shun knew that time was running out.
You must fight quickly and try your best to kill Ying Changge in order to protect your army.
With courage and perseverance, Jin Shuncai came here with bare hands without fear of life and death.
He no longer has a weapon in his hand, Jin Shuncai is unarmed, how can he fight Ying Changge to the death!
Once Ying Changge swung his sword with just a few moves, he could kill Jin Shuncai.
The Goryeo army deserves to die. They are all working for tigers, and they can’t keep them in time.
Chapter 1027 Can’t wait to attack!
The lawless Koryo army is always moving forward as always, and can’t wait to attack.
They have already planted a lot of bad results in the borderlands, which is too much.
Therefore, now that the situation is under control, Ying Changge will kill them all, not a single one will be left.
The army was still running rampant as before, and many soldiers died under the charge of the Qin army.
Since he knew that they were escorting the food “147” grass, of course Ying Changge wanted to snatch their food and grass together.
To catch them all and let them die under his own justice, Ying Changge is doing justice for the sky.
The Goryeo army was all retreating in fear, they were afraid that they would die like this, and there would be no place to bury them.
The Qin army’s troops came in mighty and impenetrable, enveloping Jin Shuncai’s army.
Killing the Goryeo army and letting them die like this, of course the food and grass will be left unattended.
Only then did Jin Shun know that his general momentum was gone, and his morale had been wiped out, and he could never recover.
With a look of panic in his eyes, Jin Shuncai accepted his fate and clenched his fists, but he still had this expression of sincerity and fear.
You must die! With a fierce look in his eyes, Jin Shuncai cursed secretly in his heart and scolded angrily.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jin Shuncai was able to hold his own sword and attack quickly, turning defeat into victory.
The overall situation is set, he can’t kill Ying Changge, but Jin Shuncai is not to be outdone, he is still attacking patiently.
In any case, it is a dead end, so he doesn’t need to let himself be wronged! He will stop at nothing.
Acting with resentment, the sword in his hand was slashing at Ying Changge’s body with open teeth and claws.
This kind of attack is brave, and extraordinarily powerful, always trying to get rid of Ying Changge quickly.
With his two hands, he fought angrily, trying to take the weapon away from Ying Changge.
This is really a whimsical thing! Ying Changge laughed out loud.
This mediocre Jin Shunjae really thought he could turn defeat into victory and beat himself down!
That’s all, Jin Shuncai’s fists are always fighting hard, killing him heartily.
On the battlefield, hitting Ying Changge with his fist was the first time he met Jin Shuncai!
Jin Shun, who doesn’t know how to live or die, is very stubborn, it seems that he is willing to risk his life to fight!
With such a mighty attack coming, it has already approached Ying Changge, and he opened his hands 0…
Really manic and irritable, Jin Shuncai actually stretched out his hand to snatch Ying Changge’s sword.
For a sword-wielding person, throwing away his sword is a very stupid thing, not to mention, his skills are not overwhelming.
Ying Changge, who is highly skilled in martial arts, is not only good at swordsmanship, but also good at hand-to-hand combat and boxing.
When Jin Shuncai clenched his fists to catch up, this time the attack was extremely deserted and he had no way to start.
The blow of the fist was dull and silent, but the sword in Ying Chang’s singer swung extremely quickly.
Whoosh, he was already in the distance, but the sword edge was an extension of the fist and foot, it could be called a swift blow.
With a sound of ping-pong, his sword edge easily broke through Jin Shunjae’s chest by 5.0, leaving him in the distance.
The injured Jin Shuncai was very terrified, his eyes were terrified, and he quickly backed away while clutching his chest.
Even if he knew that killing Ying Changge was impossible, Jin Shuncai didn’t know what else to do!
He was the general of the Goryeo army, and his purpose was to fight and kill the last general of the Qin army.
Chapter 1028: Countless damages are bound to happen!
You know, Ying Changge’s name is really famous, and everyone knows how powerful Ying Changge is.

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