Only Zhao Gao is left here.
The atmosphere is still very depressing!
There was a faint smell of blood in the air.
It was this bloody smell that reminded Zhao Gao all the time.
Everything that happened here just now was definitely not his own hallucination.
“Come on!”
“Call me Zhengang, the slave of Six Swords!”.
Chapter 63 Seventh Young Master, I beg you to accept your supernatural powers! 【13/15 first order】
the next day.
The sun is shining.
A round of scorching sun hangs in the sky, exuding a golden halo.
early morning.
The little moisture left in the air was evaporated by the sun, and the warmth flowed slowly.
Xianyang City.
a mansion.
A member of the Shadow Guard walked into the mansion, walked all the way to the living room, lowered his head, cupped his hands, and respectfully greeted the thin middle-aged man standing in the living room.
“General Zhang Han.”
The words just fell.
Zhang Han, who was wearing black leather armor, turned his head slowly, glanced at the subordinate of the Shadow Secret Guard, and asked with a slightly surprised expression: “What’s wrong?”
Under the Shadow GuardThe subordinate took a deep breath, and said in a solemn and serious tone, “Big news!”
Zhang Han was a little curious, and slightly restrained the lazy expression on his face.
The topic changed.
He asked with some anticipation: “Is there any news about Ge Nie’s whereabouts?”
The subordinate of the Shadow Secret Guard shook his head: “The general guessed wrong. This matter has nothing to do with Gai Nie, but with Mr. Zhao Gao, and it is closely related to Mr. Zhao Gao’s trap.”
Hearing this, Zhang Han became even more excited.
Is it related to Zhao Gao’s trap?
what happened?
For a while, Zhang Han asked enthusiastically, “What is it?”
The subordinate of Shadow Secret Guard’s tone was full of shock, and he blurted out the truth: “Lord Zhao Gao’s Luo Wang Tian Zihao’s first-class killer, one of the six sword slaves, Duan Shui, died yesterday!”
The atmosphere here is getting a little weird!
quite a while.
Zhang Han continued to ask with some doubts: “Are you sure the news is true? As far as I know, Duan Shui, one of the six sword slaves, is a top powerhouse who has reached the realm of innate perfection! He is also a top-level assassin who is proficient in the way of assassination.” assassin!”
“How did he die?”
“Six Swordsmen’s six-in-one killing method is also well-known in the Jianghu.”
“When all six of them are dispatched together, even if they face the world’s number one Sword Saint Gai Nie, they are still fully confident that they can kill the Sword Saint Gai Nie.”
“In this case, how could Guanshui, one of the six sword slaves, die?”
“Who else can kill him? I’m very curious.”
In this regard, Zhang Han expressed strong expectations and gloating.
He has always been at odds with Zhao Gao!
Luo Wang and Shadow Secret Guard are more like tit-for-tat factions.
Whether it is in the court, or in the territory of the empire.
Many times, the Shadow Secret Guards would conflict with Luo Wang’s missions, resulting in a big fight.
For Zhao Gao and Luo Wang, Zhang Han has never had any good feelings!
on the contrary.
He had premonitions all the time.
Whether it is Zhao Gaoyi or Luo Wang, it seems that they are planning a shocking layout. Wanting to make a layout is not good for the entire empire, and it will plunge the empire into dire straits.
It’s just that one suffers from no evidence of any of this.
But for Zhao Gao and Luo Wang, Zhang Han has never relaxed, and has been watching Zhao Gao and Luo Wang’s every move closely.
If he could see that Zhao Gao and Luo Wang suffered a great loss, Zhang Han would naturally feel happy from the bottom of his heart.
“Report to the general.”
“Killing the person without water, you must have never thought of it.”
The shadow secret guard’s subordinate took a deep breath, the shock on his face could not be cooled down for a long time.
The moment I heard the news.
He is also confused.
Until now, he couldn’t calm down the shocking mood.
“Oh? Who is it?”
Zhang Han, whose curiosity was ignited, hurriedly asked the result directly.
“It’s the Seventh Young Master!”
The subordinates of Shadow Secret Guard did not continue to play tricks, but truthfully told the truth.
for a moment.
Falling with his voice.
The atmosphere here instantly became extraordinarily quiet!
The whole audience was silent!
Zhang Han was stunned.
His eyes were wide and round, and he stared at the subordinates of the Shadow Secret Guard with a face full of shock, his eyes full of horror.
He couldn’t help blurting out: “Are you kidding me?”
Duan Shui, one of the Six Sword Slaves, died at the hands of the Seventh Young Master?
What a joke!
He admits.
The strength of the seventh son, Ying Changge, is very terrifying. Even if he goes all out, he probably won’t be able to gain much advantage.
But the problem is…
Zhang Han is confident.
If he tried his best, it would be as difficult for Seventh Young Master to kill him!
Basically impossible!
As for Duan Shui, one of the Six Sword Slaves, this is a terrifying existence stronger than him!
How could the other party die in the hands of the Seventh Young Master?
This is absolutely impossible!
Something must have gone wrong.
“How did Duan Shui anger the Seventh Young Master? Was he ordered to be besieged and killed by the Seventh Young Master?”
Zhang Han continued to ask.
The only possibility he could think of was that Duan Shui was ordered to be besieged and killed by the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge, so that he was eventually outnumbered and died at the hands of the Seventh Young Master.
This is the only thing Zhang Han can think of.
Other than that, he couldn’t think of a second possibility.
“General, you guessed wrong.”
The shadow guard’s subordinate shook his head.
After a pause, he solemnly informed: “The Seventh Young Master was alone, and he was fighting with Duan Shui, one of the Six Sword Slaves. With his own strength, he abruptly killed and severely injured Duan Shui.”
“As a result, the water was cut off and he was seriously injured and died.”
“simply put.”
“Duan Shui really died at the hands of Seventh Young Master!”
“No one intervened in the whole process. It was the Seventh Young Master who relied on his own strength to forcibly kill Duan Shui, one of the Six Sword Slaves.”

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