He and his own soldiers were moving food quickly, and Jin Shuncai was still supervising their transportation.
A lot of food and grass had already been transported, and they all gathered here, ready to march.
After transporting food and grass, and starting to hurry, Jin Shuncai and his soldiers all started to set off.
It’s going to be a long road too! Of course he has to prepare everything, whether it is water or food.
At this moment, Ying Changge felt that the time was ripe, and their people began to fight out.
“‘ 〃 Charge! Smash the enemy army and grab food!” Ying Changge’s battle was unexpected.
Even Jin Shuncai, in this place, has no defenses, and he has nothing to gain.
Jin Shunjae, who was riding solemnly on the horse, watching all directions and listening to all directions, noticed something unusual.
He saw a lot of people, these soldiers came in groups, and they couldn’t wait to come.
They were all charging quickly (well done), broke out halfway, and surrounded Jin Shunjae in a majestic manner.
How could there be an enemy attack here? Jin Shuncai really never expected it!
With a look of surprise in his eyes, he turned his head angrily. He rode on the horse and shouted loudly, “Come on!”
“Give it to me! They must be killed, and the entire enemy army will be wiped out, leaving no one behind!”
Facing the sudden attack of Ying Changge’s army, Jin Shuncai and his soldiers immediately started to fight back.
Chapter 1010 Bravely fight against the enemy!
With a terrifying look on his face, Jin Shun was trembling with fear, so he quickly raised his sword to fight back and attack bravely.
Every sword was extraordinarily powerful, and wherever the blade pierced, there were figures of Ying Changge’s soldiers.
Riding on horseback, charging into battle, Jin Soonjae’s soldiers quickly began to counterattack and go on guard.
But it’s a pity that there are so many people, each of them is a mighty existence, always fighting back quickly.
With flashes of swords and swords and shadows of people, Jin Soonjae was surrounded by many soldiers in a blink of an eye.
There are already quite a few people from Ying Changge lurking here, and they have been preparing for a long time.
If he could kill them, Jin Shuncai would spare no effort to fight back and let them be buried here.
It’s a pity that these are Ying Changge’s soldiers, 130 of them are elite, and it is impossible to be defeated.
Came here as usual, Ying Changge had someone who didn’t kill Sou, and directly grabbed Jin Shuncai.
When Jin Soonjae was struggling to charge, he saw so many soldiers keep coming.
Whose soldiers are these? Jin Shuncai had a vague guess in his heart, but he couldn’t believe it.
Especially where did the many soldiers come from? Kim Soonjae didn’t know either!
His expression was flustered, and he was even more panicked. He held his sword and continued to fight and kill him.
Every time the sword is swung, it is full of vigor, and Jin Shun has to fight the enemy bravely.
It’s just that these soldiers are chasing and killing them from both sides of the road, how brave they are.
It is impossible to catch them all in one go, because Jin Shuncai was defenseless and was suddenly attacked.
Ying Changge’s men continued to attack in one go, always surrounding them.
This is the grain road, the most important road for transporting grain and grass, and there must be no mistakes.
With a cold and stern face, Jin Shuncai acted in resentment, and continued to fight with his sword.
“Give it to me! Kill them one by one without leaving any openings.”
From far to near, Ying Changge’s soldiers and horses are still attacking quickly, always smashing them to their heart’s content.
If it wasn’t because of their obstruction, Jin Shun would have already sent (affa) all the food away.
If it was only because of these people, then it might not be possible to win Jin Shuncai, he is still a general after all.
Even though there were enemy troops surrounding him, Jin Shunjae still pushed forward, and charged quickly with his sword in hand.
hum! The blade of the sword flickered and radiated light. Under this cold and severe situation, Jin Shuncai fought his way out.
Continuing to charge and fight among the enemy troops, their men continued to charge fiercely.
more and moreMany people are advancing rapidly, and their people can be said to be extraordinarily powerful.
Under the siege, Jin Shuncai panicked and hurriedly dodged around, trying to avoid it.
Otherwise, if these large armies wiped out him, none of the food and grass would belong to Jin Shuncai.
With a cold and pale face, Jin Shuncai was riding on the horse, wanting to escape from this place quickly.
He and his own people are charging quickly, and their people have a united offensive.
Even if they are united to attack, the number of people in Jin Shunjae’s hands is really too small.
They were just sorting out food and grass, but they were attacked by Ying Changge’s soldiers.
Unprepared, Jin Soonjae’s men were in a panic, and of course they had no way to fight back.
Many soldiers were unprepared, and were killed here by Ying Changge’s army.
Chapter 1011: Everyone Died One by One!
On this remote and quiet grain road, there were no problems at first, not worth mentioning, and it was always safe.
There are Korean troops inside and out, there is no risk at all, they are just here to deliver food.
But now, they have started a war of defense, countless people died, and the sudden and violent attack.
Ying Changge’s soldiers are everywhere, because they are all ready to attack, and they are extraordinarily fierce~.
Facing Ying Changge’s army, their war will be extraordinarily ferocious, and it can be called invincible.
Under the confrontation with this army, Jin Shuncai did not have any timidity, and still fought hard.
“Whose subordinates are you!” Jin Shuncai rode his horse in and out seven times, beheading Ying Changge’s soldiers.
Only Ying Changge’s army continued to assassinate and surround Jin Shuncai in an orderly manner.
Without any response, Jin Shuncai could only continue to fight on the rampage with Ying Changge’s army.
No matter who dared to offend Jin Shunjae’s army, he must die.
The army waved forward, and the good strategy of ambushing the road was enveloped impatiently.
A large group of people approached, and under Ying Changge’s command, they directly blocked the grain road.
Now, there are no other people on the grain road, only the soldiers charging left.
Go forward bravely, fight as always, death will be very cruel, shrouded in these people.
Only then did Jin Shun understand that if he died, the Goryeo army would once again lack a general!
He had to use all his strength to attack aggressively in order to take down these people.
No matter who soldiers they are, but in front of him, Jin Shuncai must eradicate them.
Continuing to attack with strides, while riding on the horse, the sword in Jin Shuncai’s hand was already stained with blood.
As long as they are all eradicated together, the number of dead people will be kept to a minimum.
It is certain to win, and the unremitting Jin Soonjae, holding his sword, continued to charge in the enemy army.
Many soldiers died under Jin Shuncai’s sword, and Ying Changge didn’t want to delay.
Everything has to be done quickly. Ying Changge’s figure came out from the corner.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・ 0
His figure stood out from the crowd, walking quickly, and he was already fighting back with a sword in his hand.
With a quick charge, Ying Changge’s sword killed several people to pieces.
With blood sprayed and five horses dismembering his body, it was impossible for Jin Shuncai’s soldiers to stop Ying Changge.
When he continued to fight, there were only a few people left who dared to stand in front of Ying Changge.
. . . 0
Riding on a war horse and quickly chasing after him, Ying Changge wiped out all Jin Shuncai’s soldiers.
Not one was left, the soldiers eradicated them, and many soldiers fell under Ying Changge’s sword.
Their death is inevitable, but anyone who faces Ying Changge will be even more embarrassed, and none will be left behind.
When the soldiers died, none of them were Ying Changge’s opponents. They all fell on their backs and fell in embarrassment.
Falling in a pool of blood, Jin Shuncai’s soldiers were not Ying Changge’s opponents, and they all died in battle one by one.
Died under Ying Changge’s charge, the Goryeo army was destroyed all at once, ruined.
Death is only a temporary thing, the offensive of the army is the most important, and it must be taken down together.
Chapter 1012 A lot of flaws have been created!
Otherwise, there will be many loopholes if so many troops come in mighty force.
This is not a battlefield, but the grain road where Jin Shuncai escorted the grain and grass. It should have been safe and sound.
However, Jin Shunjae’s people fell into a weak position when they were suddenly slaughtered.
Jin Shuncai knew it when he watched his people die one by one by Ying Changge’s sword.
Such a domineering figure of “One Thirty” Zhang, and such a mighty offensive, besides Ying Changge, who else is there!
Thinking of Ying Changge beheading his elder brother, Jin Shuncai’s face became even more stern, “It’s you!”
“Could it be that you are Ying Changge!” Jin Shuncai, who was riding on a horse, yelled loudly at Ying Changge.

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