The information sent back from the water cutoff undoubtedly made Zhao Gao’s hair stand on end, and he was shocked.
He didn’t expect it.
The probing and investigation of the seventh son Ying Changge finally obtained so much information that subverted cognition.
This investigation completely overturned Zhao Gao’s expectations.
The frightening degree of the seventh son Ying Changge…
Let Zhao Gao feel lingering fear.
“Such a terrifying monster…”
“In the past, I was actually treated as an unknown disabled person?”
“This riding horse is called a disabled person?”
“It’s outrageous!”
Zhao Gao felt the hair on his back.
He rarely encounters something that is completely beyond his control.
He hit it off.
The seventh son, Ying Changge, is undoubtedly a terrifying existence completely beyond his control!
A character that made Zhao Gao feel deeply afraid, and he felt a sense of fear from the bottom of his heart.
Accompanied by these remarks about water cutoff today, Zhao Gao admitted.
In his heart, he felt a little timid towards Ying Changge.
Exhaling heavily, Zhao Gao forcibly suppressed the panic and shock in his heart.
Zhao Gao is going to continue to ask Duan Shui about the information about the seventh son Ying Changge.
But found out…
Cut off the water and died.
Already lifeless!
Broken water lying on the ground, there is no longer a trace of the whole bodyvital signs.
Life is dying!
like withered leaves…
As time passed, the temperature of the body without water plummeted.
Get icy cold!
Bitter cold!
Cut off the water, reduced to a cold corpse.
so far.
The six-person group of Six Sword Slaves was forcibly dismantled!
With the death of a member of Six Sword Slaves, the overall strength of Six Sword Slaves will be greatly weakened, at least dozens of times.
Zhao Gao looked at the body of Duan Shui with complicated eyes, his mood was indescribable.
Broken Water’s corpse was still soaked in countless blood, which made his corpse look extraordinarily embarrassing and hideous like a blood man.
After receiving such a serious injury, it is very rare to be able to forcefully maintain the water supply until returning to the mansion.
It was relying on a tenacious willpower that made him insist on returning to Zhao Gao’s mansion.
With the completion of the goal, this obsession will disappear without a trace.
If the water is cut off, I can’t sustain it naturally.
Duan lay horizontally on the ground, his body temperature dropped and he turned into a cold corpse. The blood all over his body still exuded a pungent bloody smell, which wafted in all directions in the huge attic.
“Was it instantly killed with a single palm?”
“If what Duan Shui said is true.”
“That thing is too terrifying!”
Zhao Gao took a deep breath, his frightened mood could not be cooled down.
He quietly looked at the dead body without water, his mind was racing wildly.
Cut off the water and died.
Slave of the Six Swords, it is time for some adjustments and changes.
Otherwise, without the six sword slaves who cut off the water, the killing system will all collapse.
Proper adjustments are a must.
The six-in-one killing method is no longer suitable for Six Sword Slaves.
Find another member to add to Six Sword Slaves.
However, it is not easy to find a strong man of this level who is willing to give up his name and join the Six Sword Slaves in the name of sword, and become a slave of sword.
The key is……
The Duan Shui Sword, one of the Eight Swords of the King of Yue, has been destroyed!
Not only did Duan Shui die, but even the Duan Shui sword he was holding was destroyed beyond recognition.
If you want to add another member to the Six Sword Slaves, you must take out another famous magic weapon!
We still need to find a swordsman who is as strong as Duan Shui!
In this way, it takes a lot of energy and time.
“Seventh son…”
“You hide really deep!”
“Unexpectedly, I am blind again.”
“You are so powerful that you can instantly kill Guanshui with a single slap.”
“This is something I never thought of before.”
“It’s even more unexpected.”
“You actually have two extremely terrifying abilities and supernatural powers! They can be called supernatural powers like fairy arts!”
Zhao Gao’s brows were filled with a bit of coldness and palpitations.
Let him be angry at the death of Duan Shui and the destruction of Duan Shui Sword, one of the Eight Swords of the King of Yue.
What makes him palpitate is that…
Ying Changge’s terrifying strength far exceeded Zhao Gao’s imagination.
this moment.
If Zhao Gao wanted to target Ying Changge again, he didn’t dare to be too blatant.
During this time, Zhao Gao must have never dared to act rashly again.
The death of Sushui sounded the alarm for him!
Make him deeply aware.
The seventh son, Ying Changge, is not a terrifying existence that he can easily provoke!
“One slap kills and severely injures Guanshui. In the end, he died suddenly…”
“With one hand, crush Yue Wang’s Eight Swords on the spot, such as the Duan Shui Sword!”
“What kind of amazing strength is this?”
“It’s absolutely terrifying!”
Zhao Gao’s eyes were flickering with fear.
At least.
He was not capable of such an astonishing feat.
Zhao Gao is not weak, it can be said to be very strong!
Has reached the realm of martial arts master!
A realm above the Six Sword Slaves!
To surpass the realm of congenital perfection is to be a master of martial arts!
And Zhao Gao is in this realm!
As Duan Shui said just now, even if Zhao Gao reached the level of a martial arts master, he would not be sure to imitate those terrifying and cognition-subverting grandmasters to become 0…
“Even if I explode with all my strength, it’s absolutely impossible to crush a divine weapon like the Duan Shui Sword with one hand!”
“Things that even I can’t do…”
“That Seventh Young Master did it with just his innate cultivation!”
“what does that mean?”
“and also……”

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