With a ping-pong sound, the blade hit directly, knocking him out, staggering and staggering.
He quickly stood firm, and then he stood firm on his footsteps, and he would not be defeated and die because of this.
Barely blocking Ying Changge’s attack, every sword of Ying Changge was extraordinarily sharp.
Such a sword was so powerful and domineering that Ying Changge not only didn’t stop, but continued to attack and approached.
The sword in his hand swung vigorously, with afterimages flickering, he approached Zhang Zhaonan one after another.
Watching the sword’s edge strike, Zhang Zhaonan showed a stern look, and he shot with resentment.
With the blades staggered and struck, each of his swords has unimaginable power and spirit.
The sword edge was rampant, each sword was extra forceful, Zhang Zhaonan’s counterattack was barely enough.
With such an attack and swift wandering, under the edge of the sword, there are only figures of Ying Changge and Zhang Zhaonan.
They staggered to attack, their arms kept shooting, and the entanglement of their swords was unexpectedly powerful.
The more he attacked, the more he couldn’t guarantee that he would survive, because Zhang Zhaonan was no match for Ying Changge.
Although holding the sword and fighting back in a hurry, such an offensive is really useless.
The back-and-forth attack was really embarrassing and hasty, Zhang Zhaonan was out of breath after fighting.
The sweaty Zhang Zhaonan leaned on the table, his legs were weak, so he made do with it and sat down.
But Ying Changge was full of energy, his face was flushed, and he was still standing in front of Zhang Zhaonan with a sword in his hand.
“Where did you imprison General Meng Tian?” Ying Changge asked, wanting his own answer.
However, Zhang Zhaonan shook his head indifferently, “Why do you say I imprisoned Meng Tian?”
Grinning his teeth, Zhang Zhaonan tilted his head and asked, “Don’t you think that I killed Meng Tian!”
“You don’t have the guts! Otherwise, you wouldn’t have come to kill me recklessly!”
Ying Changge was very calm, everything was within his expectations, “Once born, second time familiar.”
“If you killed Meng Tian and then came to kill me, then there wouldn’t be such a flustered arrangement.”
Hearing Ying Changge’s words, Zhang Zhaonan didn’t refute, just sullen and aggressive.
“If you don’t come to my city, then you and I will be safe!” Zhang Zhaonan scolded.
“Now, your people have investigated 037 on my head, so I naturally want to be wise and protect myself, right!”
Facing Zhang Zhaonan, Ying Changge remained calmShaking his head, “No! You are going astray!”
“Even putting this, damn it!” Ying Changge raised his sword.
“If you can survive, you should abandon your weapons and surrender. In this way, it will be a good ending.”
Full of confidence, Ying Changge was still persuading Zhang Zhaonan, “Otherwise, you will surely die without a place to bury you.”
Shaking his head resolutely, it is impossible for Zhang Zhaonan to change his mind, “Impossible!”
“I was already wrong, and now the death penalty is inevitable, so why not kill a bloody road!”
“You and Meng Tian are the only insiders. If I kill you, will anyone still doubt me?”
The scheme is so insidious and cunning, such a battle means that Zhang Zhaonan is going to fight with his back.
So, he charged quickly, holding his sword, chattering forward, and continued to fight back against Ying Changge.
Chapter 904 Stop Doing Useless Work!
Sprinting quickly with his own sword, Ying Changge’s every step is extraordinarily careful and careful.
He already knew how Zhang Zhaonan’s sword skills were, so Ying Changge took precautions in advance.
Fighting with his own sword, the blades staggered and crackled, and the blades were particularly crisp and sound.
Under this kind of impact, Zhang Zhaonan vented his strength, always slashing down continuously.
Ying Changge’s sword is dexterous, unpredictable, and then very masculine.
If he is not careful, Zhang Zhaonan will not be able to block his own blow and will be easily repelled.
Shaking his head helplessly, Zhang Zhaonan held the sword in his hand and restrained his trembling strength.
Because every time the sword strikes, Zhang Zhaonan’s wrist is subjected to strong force.
Under such a back-and-forth confrontation, Zhang Zhaonan was extremely restricted and unable to fight back.
His arm was sore and he couldn’t hold the sword smoothly, but Zhang Zhaonan refused to let it go, and was still patiently enduring it.
Anyway, there are all his own people outside, and outside the restaurant, the sky is dark and the sky is dark, which shows that there is still a chance.
As long as Zhang Zhaonan persisted, it was enough. He had to wait for his troops to come to support him.
With so many people attacking in one go, it will be easy to surround Ying Changge and kill them.
The most important thing now is to allow Zhang Zhaonan to support his men and horses to rush in.
He turned his head and glanced out the window. A large crowd of people were attacking with all their might, swords and swords.
In such a chilling place, I am afraid that today’s situation will not be able to end so easily.
Still counterattacking quickly, holding the sword and coming with all his strength, Zhang Zhaonan always took the initiative to attack.
Zhang Zhaonan’s teeth and claws were fierce, and every sword of Zhang Zhaonan hit him hard.
Such a sword is really rare, Zhang Zhaonan actually switched to the sword technique and used a sword weapon.
The sword technique cut horizontally and vertically, and when Zhang Zhaonan stabbed with his sword, Ying Changge was more or less unprepared.
Hastily raised his sword to fight back, at this moment, Zhang Zhaonan’s sword edge slashed towards him.
With a ping-pong sound, it hit the edge of the sword, and Ying Changge felt an unstoppable force.
But fortunately, he is not an ordinary person, he always walks with his sword in hand, stabbing with all his might.
The edge of the sword is so powerful, the sword goes straight, Ying Changge starts to fight back, his attack is mighty.
A swordsmanship is natural, invincible.
The afterimage of Jianfeng flickered and dazzled Zhang Zhaonan for a moment.
Ying Changge’s sword is really fast, there are afterimages flickering, and there are also rays of light approaching, such a sword is very powerful.
This kind of sword edge is always chattering and stabbing, under the offensive of you coming and going, it is really impossible to guard against.
boom! The sword edge struck, and Ying Changge’s swords emerged one after another, making Zhang Zhaonan retreat in a hurry.
Stabbing on Zhang Zhaonan’s body, Ying Changge’s sword was so fast that it was overwhelming.
Feeling the pain of the wound, Zhang Zhaonan grinned, and quickly backed away to avoid Ying Changge’s sharp edge.
This kind of sword is really unexpectedly strong, if he can’t fight back, he will definitely be injured because of it.
Holding his own sword, Zhang Zhaonan covered his wound, feeling very embarrassed.
In the restaurant, there were tables everywhere, so Zhang Zhaonan immediately hid behind.
Hiding behind the desk table and avoiding Ying Changge, Zhang Zhaonan hurriedly bandaged his wound.
Hearing this news, Ying Changge laughed, “Don’t do useless work〃`!”
“You may continue to be injured, and at that time, you will naturally have endless bandages!” Ying Changge persuaded.
Well-founded and convincing, he has the chance to win, but it will only make Zhang Zhaonan more scarred.
The fight with Ying Changge was full of dangers, and every attack would make it difficult for him to calm down.
Zhang Zhaonan knew that his skills were one step behind, but he still had a murderous look and a menacing appearance.
Ignoring Ying Changge’s words, Zhang Zhaonan tore off his shirt, and immediately bandaged his wound.
To prevent the wound from continuing to bleed, Zhang Zhaonan quietly waited for a rest to avoid Ying Changge.
It is temporarily impossible to fight Ying Changge, his strength is very weak and he needs to rest.
I thought killing Ying Changge was a very simple matter, but now it seems that it is really difficult to calm down.
A lot of people (of Li Hao) were planted to kill Ying Changge, but Zhang Zhaonan’s people were outside the restaurant and could not enter.
Individuals were always fighting hard, but Ying Changge’s men stood in a row of people.
He never expected that Ying Changge’s people were really brave, so Zhang Zhaonan’s people couldn’t stop him.
The fighting outside the restaurant is still going on, and the situation is in dire straits, and it is difficult to stop.
But such blows must continue, especially Zhang Zhaonan, who is bound to win against Ying Changge.
for myselfIn order to survive, he had to make a move, and he had to be vicious.
Otherwise, when Ying Changge survives, there will be no room for him to survive. Is it really helpless?
Chapter 905 Life is the most important thing!
Forced to a dead end, Zhang Zhaonan used all means to attack recklessly, showing his murderous intent.
Each of his blows was extraordinarily fierce, he jumped out from behind the table and slashed at Ying Changge.
His attack was swift and swift, and his sword was so fierce that it was unexpected.
Especially Ying Changge, thought that Zhang Zhaonan’s death was imminent, but now he continued to fight back.
The sword in his hand is particularly fierce, and he can’t wait to slash at Ying Changge’s body.
Smiling contemptuously and brandishing his sword, Ying Changge resisted every move.
While Zhang Zhaonan was dying to struggle, Ying Changge sat firmly in the situation, not panicking at all, but slashing across with his sword.
Jianfeng is always sprinting quickly, and every blow is unexpectedly powerful.
The mighty sword edge seemed to be in danger of death, but in Zhang Zhaonan’s eyes, it was already even more dangerous.
hum! The sword edge in Ying Chang’s singer came straight, stabbing steadily, directly breaking through Zhang Zhaonan’s defense.

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