Now the water is cut off and the vitality is burned to try to escape, but it is just the last dying struggle.
Pointless behavior!
“Young master, do you want to chase?”
Mengying quickly came to Ying Changge’s side and couldn’t help asking.
“No need, let him escape.”
“I don’t need to be so troublesome in the future, I will personally send this agreement to Zhao Gao’s residence.”
“Where can Duan Shui escape? Presumably, he should escape back to Zhao Gao’s residence. In this way, my goal will be achieved.”
Ying Changge smiled meaningfully.
The water cut off has been abolished by him.
In this way, the goal is achieved!
It doesn’t matter if you save the other party’s life.
Letting Duan Shui escape back to Zhao Gao’s house in a disgruntled manner would also allow Ying Changge to spare some strength to personally give the gift of Duan Shui to Zhao Gao.
“We just need to wait quietly for Zhao Gao’s reaction.”
“I hope Zhao Gao can be satisfied with this great gift.”
“For this reasoning, I have worked so hard!”
Ying Changge continued.
Hearing this, Meng Ying stopped thinking about chasing the water cut off.
He walked all the way to a certain place on the edge of the corner, bent down and picked up the previous piece of scrap copper and iron that was crushed by Ying Changge and discarded at the side.
This round piece of scrap copper and rotten iron was naturally formed from the Duan Shui sword that Ying Changge crushed.
“My lord, this is the top material for making swords.”
“One of the Eight Swords of the Yue King, the Duan Shui Sword, was forged from the red gold of Kunwu Mountain. Now you have directly destroyed it, but you can still order people to use these materials to forge a magic weapon.”
Meng Ying excitedly brought this piece of scrap metal to Ying Changge.
“No, if you need it, you can use it yourself.”
“It doesn’t work for me!”
“On the contrary, it is very likely to become a huge burden and burden for me.”
Ying Changge waved his hand.
The words fell.
Meng Ying couldn’t help being stunned for a moment.
He couldn’t help but think back.
Just now, the scene where my young master crushed the Duan Shui sword with one hand.
Meng Ying trembled all over, shuddering.
My son, I don’t need any weapons at all!
the so-calledThe magic weapon?
In the hands of my son, it will almost be reduced to a fate of being crushed into scrap copper and iron.
For example.
The Duan Shui Sword, one of the Eight Swords of the Yue King, held by Duan Shui just now, isn’t it also a well-known peerless magic weapon?
This famous sword was still made by Ou Yezi, the most famous swordsmith in history.
But what happened?
No, there are still no exceptions, and in the end they were crushed into scraps of copper and iron by their son.
Holding this clump of discarded copper and iron in his hand, Meng Ying’s mood was particularly complicated for a while.
With only a mortal body, it can be compared to a magic weapon…
The young master is indeed a monster! .
Chapter 61 Crash! Crash! Zhao Gao’s mentality collapsed! 【11/15 first order】
Coughing violently, Duan Shui’s face was pale and bloodless, and all internal organs of his body were throbbing crazily.
Qi and blood surged to my heart and rolled from my throat.
He opened his mouth, and once again spit out a mouthful of blood~.
The qi in his body became more chaotic and sluggish.
Unprecedented weakness!
This is the most debilitating experience I have experienced in the past few years without water.
Even before he joined the Six Swords Slave in his early years, Duan Shui had never experienced such a serious injury.
“I’m probably powerless.”
“The injury is too serious!”
“Just now, I didn’t hesitate to lose my source, forcefully activated the secret technique, and the secret technique at the cost of burning my life force made me hurt even more.”
“I didn’t expect that.”
“I am a dignified slave of six swords, a top-notch killer and assassin of the Luowangtian brand. In the end, I will be enraged in the hands of a young man who is weak.”
“Too embarrassing!”
Breathing without water has no sense of rhythm.
Fleeing all the way from Qingxia Palace for a full 5,000 meters, Sushui slowed down a little.
Noticing that there were no chasing soldiers coming from behind, he was able to relax, and immediately stopped the secret technique that was cast at the cost of burning vitality.
If you continue to use this secret technique, Duoshui thinks.
He may not have much life left.
It may not be possible to insist on returning to Zhao Gao’s mansion.
“This matter must be reported immediately to Mr. Zhao Gao.”
“Seventh son Ying Changge, he is too scary!”
“This is a very terrifying monster!”
“Master Zhao Gao must be reminded.”
“He provoked an extremely terrifying existence! That is a real monster!”
Broshui thought with lingering fear.
It was precisely because of this loyal thought that he decisively used the secret method of burning his life and forcibly escaped from the Qingxia Palace.
In fact.
He doesn’t know.
That’s because Ying Changge didn’t want to mobilize the crowd too much.
Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to escape from Qingxia Palace at all.
after all.
In fact, Ying Changge has already fully understood his every move.
Therefore, Ying Changge had seen his intentions long before he fled.
The reason why he didn’t take him down in advance was simply that he didn’t think it was necessary.
In Ying Changge’s mind.
Let Duan Shui escape back to Zhao Gao’s mansion alone, which can save a lot of energy.
So, why not do it?
Anyway, the water was cut off and there was no way to recover.
His injuries were too severe.
Even if the gods came, they would not be able to save the injury of the broken water.
Without water, you will die!
Even if he doesn’t die, he can only be reduced to a mediocre useless person from now on.

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