The armies of the two are still attacking in an endless stream. They can’t wait, and they are always attacking to their heart’s content.
A group of people are fighting bloody battles, and they are unwilling to give up such a battle on this plain.
Violent and aggressive, Meng Tian’s army beheaded many of Cao Youde’s men and horses.
Chapter 848 Take advantage of this opportunity and win in one fell swoop!
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Meng Tian is also going forward bravely in one go, holding his sword and constantly chasing and killing him.
Cao Youde, who was in a hurry, responded immediately. He held his own knife and carefully guarded it in front of him.
Hastily raised his weapon, he stared at Meng Tian intently, Cao Youde had a gloomy expression on his face.
After such intense rounds, Cao Youde was unable to kill Meng Tian, ​​which made him very unwilling.
The narrow-minded Cao Youde is not easy to mess with, he can disregard human life and kill everyone.
No matter what kind of people he was facing, Cao Youde would be able to eradicate them, leaving no one behind.
Meng Tian’s soldiers were still charging again and again, they walked in a series, fighting with all their might.
The soldiers are brave and resourceful, and under Meng Tian’s command, they are still fighting forward as before.
But Cao Youde is different from 05, the people he leads are all bullying guys, mobs.
When the two armies were chattering about attacking, Cao Youde had already seized the opportunity to strike first.
He attacked quickly, Cao Youde’s knife went from far to near, and it stabbed him in the head in a blink of an eye.
Meng Tian couldn’t take his eyes off, he was not in a hurry, he hadn’t seen such a big storm before! He immediately perked up.
With a turn of the blade, Meng Tian’s sword was easily broken, and Cao Youde continued to attack.
Not to be outdone, he held his own knife and stabbed Meng Tian’s vital points with every move.
Throat, eyes, chest. Every knife of Cao Youde hit these dangerous places, and he was in danger.
There is no need to be patient, Meng Tian does not need to be afraid of a little-known kid like Cao Youde, he is fearless.
Holding up the weapon and hitting hard, soon, the figures of Cao Youde and Meng Tian rolled together.
In close combat, with a powerful punch, Meng Tian hit Cao Youde on the head, making his nose bruised and face swollen.
Spitting out blood, Cao Youde’s eyes were darkened, but he was not willing to show weakness, but still fought back vigorously.
Lifting up the blade, he slashed vigorously at Meng Tian’s chest, Cao Youde was very ferocious at this moment.
Angrily attacking, Cao Youde’s blades were wielding in a mess, chaotic and out of order.
Meng Tian’s army is bound to win, Cao Youde can’t wait to wipe out Meng Tian and snatch food, grass and horses.
However, with Meng Tian here, the group of them will not be in any danger, and the chances of winning are sure.
Even if Cao Youde and his own men were on the rampage, they couldn’t defeat Meng Tian’s army.
They were united as one, and the swarm of people continued to attack, forcing and killing Meng Tian’s soldiers.
This series of people looks menacing, but they may not be able to do anything to Meng Tian.
With plenty of manpower, they all marched in unity, and surrounded Cao Youde’s men in a blink of an eye.
He thought that the manpower he led would be sufficient, but Cao Youde miscalculated.
Because Cao Youde’s people are just gathering numbers, but they don’t have any ability to fight alone.
When Meng Tian and Cao Youde faced off against each other, the others were even more embarrassed, and it was difficult to take down each other.
The army was still charging forward courageously, Meng Tian killed seven in and seven out, no one could beat him on the battlefield.
Even Cao Youde couldn’t stop Meng Tian, ​​his blade was almost cut to pieces.
Difficult to fight against Meng Tian, ​​Cao Youde’s figure was wobbly, almost unable to stand still.
At this moment, Cao Youde slashed down, wishing to cut off Meng Tian’s arm.
However, Meng Tian’s skills are superb. He has been training by Ying Changge’s side for a long time, and his swordsmanship has made some progress.
Cao Youde just grew up from a ruffian, and all his abilities came from hard work.
But now that he is facing Meng Tian, ​​Cao Youde is well aware of his own shortcomings, and he really cannot kill him.
With aggressive and panting attacks, Cao Youde’s series of attacks were controlled by Meng Tian.
He wished to kill Meng Tian aggressively, but his blade was always unable to touch Meng Tian.
Coming from far and near, the sword edge was rampant, Cao Youde’s sword was really fast and pierced him.
His chest was injured because of this, blood was flowing, Cao Youde fell down in pain, and looked down at the wound.
Stealing chickens is not enough to lose rice, Cao Youde never thought that he would be defeated by Meng Tian today!
His abilities are all excellent, and he always rushes out aggressively, wishing to kill him.
ThisWhat good is a little force? Cao Youde saw his men and horses fall one by one.
They all died on the battlefield, and they died here before they took away the food and grass.
Showing a ferocious look, Cao Youde stared at Meng Tian intently, he became angry from embarrassment.
Moving quickly, a sword rushed out, and Meng Tian’s sword edge continued to circle with it.
After squandering a lot of strength, Cao Youde used extra force with every knife, showing great power.
But even so, Cao Youde still did not hurt Meng Tian, ​​and the duel between them was quite different.
Raising the edge of his sword, Meng Tian came slowly, approaching Cao Youde step by step.
“Aren’t you going to catch him without a fight?” Meng Tian questioned Cao Youde, “Rein in the precipice, turn around and be on the shore.”.
Chapter 849 Not to be outdone, keep going!
Showing a contemptuous smile, Cao Youde firmly shook his head, “Impossible!”
“I, Cao Youde, have never served anyone in my life, and so have you guys!”
“Stealing our food, grass and horses, this matter is not so simple!”
“If possible, I will kill you all! Take away your horses!”
Hearing Cao Youde’s ambition, Meng Tian laughed out loud, “You are really short-sighted.”
“You can’t even kill me, so how can you break through the army behind me!”
Meng Tian had the foresight earlier, he let his soldiers escort the food and horses away first.
At this time, Cao Youde was unable to plunder those supplies, because he had no other means.
He stared at Meng Tian intently, but Cao Youde was still extremely resentful, holding the knife tightly.
With the knife in hand, Cao Youde can cut off Meng Tian’s head, he is full of confidence in himself.
He ran away immediately, moving like a rabbit, Cao Youde felt that it is not appropriate to start a war today, and it is better to fight another day.
Cao Youde asked himself that he was not a good person, he had to catch Meng Tian all at once.
But Meng Tian had the upper hand, always suppressing Cao Youde’s previous step, making him unable to hold his head up.
Such an offensive cannot be resolved easily, Cao Youde knew that he was in a predicament.
Leading his own group of people came aggressively, Cao Youde wanted to stand out.
However, Cao Youde’s ambition was hindered by Meng Tian, ​​and everything about him was in vain.
If he couldn’t kill Meng Tian, ​​Cao Youde knew that he might die under Meng Tian’s retaliation.
Following the order of the slave owner, Cao Youde must do his best to complete his task.
Otherwise, Cao Youde and his group will all die in the hands of Meng Tian.
With an angry expression on his face, Cao Youde was forced to have no choice but to flee first and leave here.
Realizing the bravery of Meng Tian’s army, Cao Youde’s mob was unable to fight against Meng Tian’s army.
Cao Youde, who had the chance to win, looked calm. He was certain of his escape.
Even if Meng Tian behind him continued to chase and kill him, Cao Youde would be able to escape from this place first.
He would not continue to fight Meng Tian, ​​he turned around and fled, getting out of Meng Tian’s control as soon as possible.
Meng Tian escorted his grain and horses, and should have joined Ying Changge quickly.
But because of Cao Youde’s appearance, Meng Tian’s trip was delayed and stopped halfway.
This is going to take a lot of work! Meng Tian needs to make a quick decision and kill Cao Youde first.
Therefore, when watching Cao Youde run away, Meng Tian continued to chase after him on his horse.
Speeding up the horse, galloping the horse, Meng Tian’s four legs are faster than Cao Youde’s.
The sound of horse hooves approached, Meng Tian bravely chased after him.
Cao Youde just ran out for a few steps, but Meng Tian easily grabbed Cao Youde.
He rode on the horse and came behind Cao Youde, and then he swung his sword forcefully, and the blade swept across.
It hit Cao Youde’s back precisely, spraying blood, and he fell to the ground in pain.
“It’s unreasonable~‖!” With a loud shout, he quickly got up from the ground, and saw Meng Tian’s sword.
The sword’s edge came straight, so fast, it almost pierced Cao Youde’s chest, piercing his heart with a sword.
Fortunately, Cao Youde was still fighting back desperately, he raised his saber to protect him.
With a sound of ping-pong, Cao Youde retreated from the impact, and he was unable to block Meng Tian’s sword.
Such a downcast, under Meng Tian’s attack, he had no strength to fight back, so he was very flustered.
“‘ 〃 Retreat! The whole army retreats! No one stays!” Cao Youde called his brothers to leave immediately.
Otherwise, if he is really going to be completely defeated by Meng Tian’s attack, then he will have no chance.

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