Within a radius of 300 meters, any slightest disturbance would be difficult to escape his terrifying insight!
How many little mice want to escape?
This is easier said than done!
It’s nonsense!
And accompanied by Ying Changge’s voice fell again.
The six assassins who were born in the trap were shocked again.
“How the hell did he happen to know that we were going to withdraw?!”
“This Seventh Young Master is not an ordinary evil sect!” Fan
Chapter 52 Empty hand to catch a sword! The snap of the fingers is top-notch! 【2/15 seeking first order】
A murderous spirit arose spontaneously.
The eyes of the six snare assassins who had reached the realm of first-class warriors were full of fear and vigilance, and they were staring at the elegant figure in white robes directly in front of them.
Although they didn’t feel the fluctuation of internal force emanating from Ying Changge.
But Ying Changge still brought them an unprecedented sense of terror and oppression!
“Not so good!”
“This seventh son is a little unfathomable!”
“The task Master Zhao Gao gave us is to test the background and depth of the Seventh Young Master. But now it seems that we may not be able to complete this task.”
A famous assassin thought to himself.
The mission Zhao Gao gave them was naturally impossible for them to be bold enough to assassinate Changge, the Seventh Young Master, as their main goal.
Their task is mainly to test the depth of Ying Changge.
They didn’t expect it.
This Seventh Young Master is even more terrifying than imagined!
For a while, the situation was deadlocked.
The six assassins, all of whom had reached first-class warriors, were easily overwhelmed by Ying Changge’s own power without showing any signs of dew.
Inside the carriage, Fusu stared at Ying Changge’s back with a face full of surprise.
Appearing in his eyes, this figure suddenly looked extraordinarily tall and stalwart!
The cowardly seventh brother in my impression is gone forever!
Now the seventh brother…
Full of overbearing!
Just like his father Yingzheng, he carried a terrifying aura of coercion all over his body.
“Who would believe that the seventh younger brother who used to be inferior and cowardly…”
“It turned out to be a powerful and domineering existence like the father!”
“Seventh brother, how strong is it?”
“Can you really deal with these six assassins?”
Fusu thought a lot in his heart.
He clenched his fists slightly, still worried in his heart.
Dozens of bodyguards responsible for protecting the eldest son Fusu had already set up an army formation to deal with the enemy, armed with sophisticated weapons and equipment, with piercing eyes and fierce murderous intent on their faces.
“Protect Young Master Fusu!”
“One Thirty” At the same time.
When they were in charge of protecting Fusu, they couldn’t help but fix their eyes on the front.
That figure who alone frightened the six assassins by himself.
“Seventh Young Master, it’s really changed!”
“Even the assassins that I couldn’t see through were detected by the Seventh Young Master in advance. What kind of astonishingly keen insight is this?”
“Is this amazing insight really something a blind person can possess?”
Ying Changge’s perfect level of domineering and knowledgeable, except for being able to perceive every move of all living beings in the world within a radius of 300 meters.
In addition, the thoughts of all living beings in this area will unreservedly emerge in his mind.
Including the six assassins who were born in the net!
Even the six assassins did not disclose any information from the beginning to the end.
But Ying Changge, relying on his perfect level of domineering knowledge, has already seen through the motives of these assassins and the instigators behind the scenes.
“Zhao Gao sent someone to test me?”
Ying Changge was thoughtful.
The first thing that comes to mind is that stupid stupid brother Hu Hai.
If nothing else, it must be HuHai transferred his own news to Zhao Gao as it was.
This aroused Zhao Gao’s curiosity, and he did not hesitate to send a snare assassin to test the depth.
“So cautious?”
“The ruthless person who dares to tamper with the imperial decree privately in the future!”
“Zhao Gao! How courageous!”
In general, Ying Changge already knew the ins and outs of the matter.
Next, it’s time to get rid of these little mice in front of you.
Now that he has fulfilled his wish, he knows what happened. Then it would be completely meaningless to keep these few snare assassins.
Ying Changge stared at the six assassins in front of him with gray and white pupils.
An invisible air wave quickly wrapped around the bodies of the six assassins.
The domineering aura of perfection level shrouds these six people emphatically, always observing the slightest bit of behavior of their bodies.
Everything will be impossible to hide under the color of Ying Changge’s knowledge.
Every movement of their bodies will be infinitely magnified and slowed down thousands of times, clearly appearing in Ying Changge’s mind.
“let’s start!”
“I can just use you guys to experience the second new ability I just unlocked!”
A smile of anticipation appeared on Ying Changge’s face.
Immediately afterwards.
He steps forward.
Taking a step forward, he kept approaching the position where the six assassins were standing.
at the same time.
When he noticed Ying Changge’s actions, the head of the six assassins named Yu Xiu immediately gave the order decisively without hesitation.
Since you can’t evacuate, then take the initiative to fight!
They don’t believe it.
The six first-class martial artists are still unable to win Ying Changge in front of them.
One order.
The six assassins were dispatched together.
Swish Swish Swish!
They are urging the restrained martial arts, and running extremely flexible and changeable body skills, stepping lightly on their feet, and holding sharp daggers to sneak in the dark night.
blink of an eye.

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