These six first-class fighters can indeed be regarded as a few little mice at best.
“little mouse?”
“Is it an assassin?”
Fusu’s pupils shrank, and he immediately thought of the key point.
How dare you try to assassinate him, the eldest son, in Xianyang City?
What a guts!
What audacity!
Where exactly is it sacred? !
Who sent them here?
But at this moment.
Suddenly, Fusu changed his mind.
He looked at Ying Changge suspiciously, and couldn’t help but ask, “How did you find out? Seventh brother, you seem to be a little different today.”
A blind person in the carriage can see the whereabouts and traces of assassins from the outside world?
Of course Fusu couldn’t believe it.
after all.
In Fusu’s impression.
Ying Changge has always been a blind and frail young man.
Even the group of guards outside didn’t notice the assassin.
How did Ying Changge notice it?
Fusu was puzzled.
I can’t figure it out at all!
Are there really assassins?
To this.
Fusu Assassin was almost 99% skeptical in his heart.
at this time.
Facing Fusu’s question, Ying Changge smiled and didn’t explain too much. His words were simple and clear: “As for whether it is true or not, you will find out later, brother.”
“Let the carriage stop now.”
“Anyway, brother, you and I are not short of this time, aren’t we?”
heard the words.
Fusu calmed down a bit.
He frowned, with a bit of dignity: “If what you said is true, then you can’t stop. Since you are an assassin, let the guards deal with it.”
“Later, you stay by my side, and I will protect your safety.”
“Don’t do anything dangerous!”
“The guards outside will deal with those assassins.”
Regardless of whether this matter is true or not, Fusu doesn’t want to put himself in danger.
He didn’t even want to see Ying Changge being involved in such troublesome things.
“Brother, don’t worry, I will get rid of them.”
“As for what you said, let the guards outside solve it?”
“Then I have to tell you with regret. The dozen or so stinky fish and rotten shrimps following you really can’t do anything to those little mice.”
“If you let them deal with those little mice, it’s just to die.”
“In the end…”
“Let me do it myself!”
“If that’s the case, then why do so many futile actions? Just let me take action directly and solve everything.”
“In this way, a lot of time can be saved, once and for all.”
Ying Changge slowly stood up from the carriage.
He stared at Fusu with a pair of gray-white pupils without any emotion, and this pair of pupils seemed to penetrate Fusu’s soul.
Obviously this pair of eyes can’t see everything in the world…
However, when being watched by Ying Changge’s indifferent eyes, Fusu’s body trembled slightly, and he felt as if his whole body had been completely seen through.
all the secrets…
There is no way to hide from this pair of eyes!
at the same time.
An invisible terrifying aura of coercion slowly spread out from Ying Changge’s body, sweeping all directions.
This coercion shrouded Fusu’s body, making him shudder uncontrollably.
this moment.
Fusu no longer dared to treat Ying Changge as the cowardly seventh younger brother who had lost his eyesight.
He had a premonition somewhere.
The seventh brother who used to be timid and timid is gone forever!
The seventh brother in front of me…
It is an indescribably terrifying existence!
Unfathomable! .
Chapter 51 Incomparably overbearing! The shadow of the First Emperor! 【1/15 seeking first order】
No doubt!
Do not disobey!
This is the sense of sight that Ying Changge brings to Fusu at this moment~.
Fusu never dreamed of it.
The seventh younger brother Ying Changge, who has always been weak and cowardly, unexpectedly has such a strong and domineering side.
Fu Su was stunned for a short while on the spot.
Is this still the weak seventh brother in my impression?
So much has changed!
Fusu almost dare notBelieve.
He even caught the shadow of his father, the first emperor Ying Zheng, from Ying Changge.
Just as strong!
The same overbearing!
Is this the seventh brother’s original character?
It is exactly the same as the father!
Fusu’s eyes were lost for a while, and he stared blankly at Ying Changge in front of him.
so similar……
Seventh brother, what has he experienced in the past few days?
Why can a person undergo such earth-shaking changes in just a few days?
“Become more confident!”
“as if……”
“Confidence and calmness that everything in the world is under control!”
“All the cowardice and weakness in the past will disappear without a trace.”
“From the seventh brother, the only thing that can be seen is that arrogant domineering posture, as well as the calmness and stability of strategizing, as if everything is under control.”
“Is this still the seventh brother?”
Fusu was stunned as if he had lost his soul.
So confident!
Fusu had experienced this self-confidence many times from his father, the First Emperor Yingzheng.
He can never predict.
Such surging self-confidence would come from a disciple who was extremely cowardly in the past.
It’s incredible!

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