Not to mention…
Like today, I personally take the initiative to visit the door.
“Today, I came here specially to see General Meng Tian and Lord Meng Yi, who are both proud of the Meng family.”
Ying Changge smiled.
Hearing the words, Meng Tian and Meng Yi looked at each other, obviously not believing.
They looked at Meng Ying who had been following Ying Changge.
they think.
Mengying must know the truth!
“General Meng Tian, ​​please don’t embarrass Meng Ying. I am here today to discuss the affairs of the court. Furthermore, in my capacity, I am not qualified to speak about the affairs of the court.”
Within the envelope of the perfect domineering aura, Ying Changge naturally felt clearly the movements of Meng Tian and Meng Yi looking at Meng Ying.
He continued to speak: “Rushing to the Meng Mansion is really my intention, and I don’t get involved in any external affairs. General Meng Tian, ​​you don’t need to worry too much.”
Meng Tian and Meng Yi’s expressions eased a little, and their tense spirits also eased a little bit.
Both of them had a strange feeling in their hearts.
Seventh son……
How did you know that I wanted to ask Meng Ying?
Isn’t the seventh son suffering from congenital blindness?
Why can I still notice some small movements of me?
This confusion lingered in the hearts of Meng Tian and Meng Yi.
Let them think about it and be puzzled.
They walked into the living room one after another and talked for a while.
On a whim, Ying Changge proposed, “I’ve heard about General Meng Tian’s high martial arts skills. I wonder if I can see one or two today? Please also ask General Meng Tian to make my wish come true.”
Meng Tian was taken aback.
what’s the situation?
It is true that I have high martial arts skills.
Otherwise, he would not be able to serve as a general guarding the frontier and resisting the Huns!
But the problem is…
Seventh son, aren’t you blind?
No matter how strong your own martial arts are, can you really see the seventh son?
“Brother, since the seventh son is so elegant, we naturally can’t disappoint the seventh son.”
“I have gained some experience in martial arts recently, and I want to exchange ideas with you. Later, don’t let me defeat you. Otherwise, you won’t lose face.”
Meng Yi laughed out loud.
Although he is an important minister in the court, he also has impressive strength.
As a member of the family of generals of the Meng family, how could Meng Yi be a feeble Confucian scholar with no strength to restrain a chicken?
As a civil servant, he would make people subconsciously ignore his high-strength martial arts.
Meng Yi’s strength is definitely not weak, although he is not as good as Meng Tian.
But it is by no means an ordinary martial arts practitioner, who can be compared.
Faced with Meng Yi’s suggestion, Meng Tian is preparing to respond.
At this time.
Ying Changge suddenly intervened in the topic: “Master Meng Yi may have misunderstood. What I mean is, General Meng Tian, ​​can you learn from me for a while? Let me personally experience General Meng Tian’s high-strength martial arts.”
The words fell.
The atmosphere became extraordinarily weird!
There was no sound!
Meng Tian was stunned again.
Meng Yi also froze for a moment.
what’s the situation? !
Seventh son, are you kidding me?
Are you congenitally blind?
Even Seventh Young Master, your eyes are intact.
But you, isn’t it rumored that you have no power to restrain a chicken?
The strength to kill a chicken is very strenuous, but where did he have the courage to dare to compete with the great general of the empire?
For a while, the two brothers couldn’t understand Ying Changge’s operation.
“Cough cough.”
Mengying coughed dryly, interrupting the weird and silent atmosphere.
He lowered his voice and told his father and uncle truthfully: “Father, Uncle Meng Yi. In fact, my son is innate!”
In one word…
The atmosphere has become even weirder!
The audience is silent! .
Chapter 34 The Montessori twins doubted life on the spot! [One more request for flowers and tickets]
The atmosphere is weird!
Meng Tian and Meng Yi’s pupils were wide open, and they looked at Meng Ying with a shocked face, and the words that Meng Ying just said were still lingering in their ears, buzzing.
One sentence instantly ignited the shock in the hearts of the two of them.
Meng Tian was stunned.
Meng Yi was a little skeptical, did he have auditory hallucinations just now? !
What did they hear? !
What did Meng Ying say just now?
“Innate Realm?!”
Meng Tian reacted first, forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart, and couldn’t help but blurt out subconsciously, his tone full of horror and disbelief.
He stared blankly at Mengying, and then at the calm Ying Changge.
Seventh son…
Is he actually the top powerhouse in the innate realm? !
how can that be!
Didn’t the seventh son say that he has no power to restrain a chicken?
In the blink of an eye, he became an innate strongman?
This is completely against common sense!
Including Meng Yi, the two of them have never heard of it.
The seventh son, who is congenitally blind, has never been exposed to any news about martial arts and cultivation.
So here comes the problem.
How did the Seventh Young Master, who had never been in contact with martial arts and cultivation, manage to improve his cultivation to the innate level?
This is too outrageous!
It’s like a dream!
“Mengying, are you kidding me?”
Meng Tian took a deep breath and asked solemnly.
“How dare you joke in front of your father.”
“As early as yesterday, the seventh son had already achieved the innate realm.”
Meng Ying shook her head, telling the truth truthfully.
“This this!”

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