Ying Changge slowly stood up from the stone chair, his gray eyes turned and gathered on Meng Ying’s body, his perfect domineering eyes could see every move of all beings within a radius of 100 meters at any time.
“Borrow a sword and use it.”
Then, Ying Changge said to Meng Ying.
“My lord, please.”
Meng Ying, who was in a shocking mood, only felt dazed, and the saber on his waist had already been presented to Ying Changge.
With the blade in hand, feeling the coldness of the hilt, Ying Changge faced Zhang Han again.
“General Zhang Han, please.”
“In fact, I just want to experience it myself.”
“Now, what level of strength has I reached?”
The realm of the innate early stage, coupled with the perfect domineering level of knowledge…
Ying Changge is looking forward to it.
Can relying on the perfect domineering level of knowledge and arrogance, only use the innate early stage to forcibly overwhelm Zhang Han?
To know.
Zhang Han is a strong person at the congenital perfection level!
Only one step away, you can successfully break into the realm of the master!
And the difference between Ying Changge and Zhang Han’s realm is a total of three realms!
In general.
The difference between the three realms will lead to an earth-shaking difference in the strength of the two sides.
But Ying Changge is different.
He has a perfect level of arrogance, which is enough to raise his overall combat power by several levels.
This confrontation with Zhang Han is also an opportunity for Ying Changge to test his own strength.
at the same time.
Zhang Han also slowly took out the sharp saber from his waist.
The saber he carried with him was a very famous sword, listed in the Fengbeard sword manual, quite impressive.
A sharp edge radiated from Zhang Han’s body.
Show your sharpness!
The sharp aura belonging to the swordsman swept across all directions.
Zhang Han holds a saber in his hand, with eagle-like eyes, piercingly looking at Ying Changge, with a solemn and serious tone: “Young Master Seven, please use all your strength and methods.”
“Aim to kill me!”
“Don’t be soft-hearted…”
“You don’t have to worry about Humble Job’s life being in danger. Even if you have mastered the mind of martial arts, Humble Job’s strength is far beyond your imagination.”
“This battle will involve, my lord, whether you can get the approval of the humble office. Therefore, you must not hold back, my lord. Otherwise, you may not be able to get the approval of the humble office.”
Zhang Han, who had reached the congenital consummation, faced Ying Changge, who had only reached the congenital initial stage, of course he had the confidence and confidence to say these words.
“Let me go all out?”
“General Zhang Han, then you must be ready!”
Ying Changge’s gray-white eyes showed no emotional ups and downs, and his tone was a little unfathomable.
Are you sure you want to give it your all?
Perfect level of knowledgeable domineering…
This is no joke!
Anyone who is within the range of knowledge released by Ying Changge.
Every move and style that Zhang Han thinks in his heart can hardly escape Ying Changge’s advance prediction and insight.
That is to say.
In this battle, Ying Changge may already be invincible.
“Young master, please rest assured, the strength of the humble position is very strong!”
Zhang Han smiled confidently.
“Then I would be more respectful than obedient.”
Ying Changge held in his right hand, the well-crafted bronze sword that Meng Ying carried with him.
Wisps of internal force fluctuated wildly from Ying Changge’s abdominal dantian, and rushed to the limbs of the body.
for a while.
Ying Changge could feel it.
A mass of berserk power is continuously pouring into my body and limbs!
The surging innate internal force became the source of Ying Changge’s explosive power!
at the same time.
Ying Changge’s thoughts moved…
The terrifying perfect-level knowledge-colored domineering, taking advantage of the trend, took his body as the center point, and swept across the area within a radius of 50 meters in diameter.
The reason why the color of knowledge and knowledge is kept within a range of 50 meters in diameter is purely to reduce the consumption of internal energy in the body, so that the color of knowledge and knowledge can last longer.
Under the domineering aura of perfect level knowledge.
Within a radius of 50 meters, all flowers, plants, trees, life, objects, etc., all things will be infinitely magnified and presented in Ying Changge’s mind one by one.
Including Zhang Han, as well as Meng Ying, who was not far away with a worried face, were also unavoidably clearly seen by Ying Changge’s knowledge.
Every move of all life…It seems to be slowed down thousands of times!
And let Ying Changge be able to capture it accurately.
Every tiny trace of these lives before they make an action!
Each picture is like a slow scene that forms one frame after another.
Even Zhang Han is just a small movement of breathing, but when presented under the cover of Ying Changge’s knowledge, it is infinitely magnified and slowed down countless times.
Ying Changge could clearly see frame by frame.
“General Zhang Han, are you ready?”
Ying Changge slowly raised the blade in his hand and pointed it at Zhang Han in front of him.
Under his knowledge…
All Zhang Han’s actions will be impossible to hide!
Including the moves that Zhang Han is about to make, they have been clearly penetrated by Ying Changge in advance!
This is the frightening aspect of perfect-level knowledgeable domineering!
Predict any moves the enemy is about to make in advance!
Allow Ying Changge to intercept in advance and take corresponding preventive and countermeasures.
in this case.
Ying Changge was really unexpected.
He himself has any possibility of defeat! .
Chapter 18 Show off your perfect level abilities! Unbelievable Zhang Han! [One more request for flowers tickets]
Do not know why.
Before the battle was about to start, Zhang Han only felt the creeps all over his body.
It’s just like……
The whole body, from top to bottom, has been completely seen through!
“what happened?!”
“An illusion?”
Zhang Han was slightly startled.
He fixed his eyes on Ying Changge in front of him, his eyes full of solemnity.
He always feels.
Being watched by Ying Changge’s gray eyes, it was as if all the hidden intentions in his heart had been fully seen through by the other party.
This feeling made Zhang Han feel like a thorn in his back, and seemed a little restless.
This is Zhang Han for so many years.
When facing an enemy for the first time, I felt creepy from the bottom of my heart.
The scariest thing is…
The opponent is still an innate early stage!

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