[Successfully bind the host! 】
[Automatic activation…]
[System activation successful! 】
[The first character attribute template is merging with the host…]
[Fusion template character: Fujitora smiles! 】.
Chapter 2 Innate Early Stage! Perfect level ability!
“Fusion character attribute template?”
“Fujitora smile?”
Ying Changge was stunned.
His head was still buzzing with the mechanized sound of the system.
quite a while.
It wasn’t until Ying Changge realized that his mood became particularly excited and excited.
My golden finger is finally here!
As a qualified traveler, how can the system be missing?
After reacting, Ying Changge excitedly began to observe his golden finger.
Ability to integrate character attribute templates?
Does it mean…
Will I have the ability of this character attribute template?
And this character template that is about to be merged is still the attribute template of that blind general with a gambling personality!
This is a fierce man who uses the sword in his hand to pull the meteorite down from the sky at every turn!
Thinking of this, Ying Changge was in ecstasy.
For this blind general with a gambler personality, of course he deeplyunderstand.
The attribute template of this blind swordsman is very strong!
The outrageously strong kind!
The movement pulls the meteorite down from the sky…
Who can stand this?
Before Ying Changge could suppress his excitement.
Immediately afterwards.
A warm current began to wash over Ying Changge’s body quickly, rushing to the limbs, viscera, meridians, bones…
This warm current is constantly transforming his body.
Ying Changge, whose body was transformed by this warm current, felt as if his body was bathed in a warm ocean.
The vitality and strength of the body are rising steadily!
The body is also gradually growing!
This process lasted about half an hour.
After half a quarter of an hour.
After the body changes came to an abrupt end, the system’s notification sound appeared in Ying Changge’s ear again.
【Host: Ying Changge】
[Boundary: Innate Early Stage]
[Template fusion degree: 5.1%]
[Unlocked Ability: Knowledge-colored Domineering (Perfect Level)]
[Reminder: For every 5% increase in template fusion, the next ability can be unlocked]
“I have become a strong man in the innate realm?”
“This this!”
Ying Changge was shocked.
Obviously, he never expected it.
His own strength, unexpectedly, ushered in such an earth-shaking change in less than half a quarter of an hour.
well known.
In this world, there are many people who practice martial arts.
It is actually not uncommon for people who practice martial arts to be able to defeat one hundred.
The weakest martial arts practitioners are third-rate warriors, and second-rate warriors and first-rate warriors.
Each state is further divided into four small stages: early stage, middle stage, late stage, and consummation.
Whether it is a first-rate warrior or a third-rate warrior, they are collectively referred to as acquired warriors.
Only by breaking through the realm of first-class warriors and crossing the threshold of acquired warriors can one reach a higher innate realm!
On top of the innate realm, there is also the master realm!
In general.
No matter how talented a martial arts practitioner is, it takes more than ten years of training and precipitation before he can barely touch the threshold of the innate realm.
Finally break through the acquired and step into the innate!
Ying Changge reached the sky in one step!
Originally, he wasn’t even a third-rate warrior. All of a sudden, because of the fusion of the attribute template of the blind swordsman, he directly crossed to the realm of the innate early stage!
This can be described as shocking!
There have never been similar examples and phenomena!
From a weak person with no power to restrain a chicken, he has crossed three full realms, and the total is twelve small realms, and he has instantly entered the innate!
If this news gets out, it will definitely be enough to cause huge turmoil in the world!
“Just merging about 5% of the character attribute templates allowed me to directly break into the realm of the innate early stage.”
“What if the fusion degree reaches 100%?”
“Can I fully inherit all the abilities and strengths of that blind general?”
“You can drag meteorites down from the sky at will?”
Just imagining it makes Ying Changge’s blood boil.
He is so excited.
did not expect……
As soon as it came, it integrated the attribute template of a peerless fierce man!
He didn’t even think of it.
Just merging 5% of the attribute templates is enough for him to easily break into the innate realm, reaching the realm that millions of martial arts practitioners in the rivers and lakes can’t reach in their lifetime.
Innate realm, this is the pursuit of countless martial arts practitioners in the world.
But among the millions of martial arts practitioners in the vast rivers and lakes, how many of them can reach this level?
Very few!
Very few!
But it was the ultimate goal that this group of martial arts practitioners pursued all their lives, but it was easy for Ying Changge to achieve it in less than half a quarter of an hour.
What kind of monster behavior is this? !
Others have worked hard for decades, but they can’t reach the realm…
Arrived at Ying Chang Singer.
Simply within your reach!
“For every 5% increase in fusion progress, can a new ability of the blind swordsman be unlocked?”
“System, how can I improve the fusion progress?”
Seeing the warm reminder marked by the system, Ying Changge silently raised questions in his heart.
The system responds accordingly.
[The improvement of template fusion is closely related to the original trajectory of the host’s influence on the world…]
[Every time the host does something, if the impact on the original trajectory of the world is deeper, it will be able to respond accordingly and get a higher degree of integration! 】
After listening to the introduction of the system.
In general, Ying Changge has understood how to improve the integration of character templates.
simply put.
As long as Ying Changge’s impact on the world is greater, and the world deviates from the original development track, the degree of integration he can get will be higher and higher!
for example.

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