In addition to how much he was unhappy with his master's attitude, Ye Ling had an urge to try.

Besides, after cultivating for so long, it's time for him to do something meaningful......

"Senior brother, fighting with the Black Lotus Sect must be extremely dangerous, forget it, I still go to ask the master and the uncle in charge to let them take back their lives. In his

ears, Tang Wanzhi's anxious voice came, and Ye Ling was slightly stunned: "Senior sister, it's useless, I know you care about me, but there are some things you won't understand......"

While Ye Ling spoke, his mind always echoed with the harsh words of the master.

Several disputes were unsuccessful......

"This, okay......

" Tang Wanzhi sighed helplessly, and said again: "Senior brother, you must protect yourself at all times, remember that Yun Yufeng still has a senior sister waiting for you......"

The words came from the bottom of his heart, and Ye Ling was worried for a while, and he took his senior sister's hand unwillingly.

"Senior sister, don't worry, I heard Senior Brother Gao say, I just went to carry out an investigation mission, and it is not as dangerous as you think.

"I hope so, hey, junior brother, I intercepted two Earth Spirit Transmission Techniques a few days ago, and I came here from the back mountain. "

I tried a few times but it didn't open, you have five kinds of spiritual roots, you can try ......"

As he spoke, Tang Wan flicked his sleeves, and two yellow-brown air masses were thrown out.

Ye Ling separated a trace of earth-attribute spiritual power from the dantian and tried to probe into the air mass, and couldn't help but be shocked.

"Why is it all about me!?"


the clean room.

After finishing his cultivation, Yun Tian walked out of the room and sensed that Ye Ling was still in Tang Wanzhi's room, and couldn't help but feel angry.

"It's been half an hour, why hasn't this miscellaneous spirit root come out yet?"

A sense of foreboding suddenly rose in his heart......

"No, I'll have to take a look. "

If this kid has any bad intentions, won't he be in trouble later?"

Yun Tian hurriedly walked straight to his beloved apprentice's bedroom.

Suddenly, she paused and ......

"Yes, I almost forgot that kid fell for my palm, even if he has great ability at this time, I'm afraid he won't be able to make any waves.

"Wait another quarter of an hour, and if you don't come out, you'll drive this kid away......"

Yun Tian muttered to himself, brushing his sleeves and walking towards the Chengyu Palace.

In the distance, I suddenly saw two light brown figures coming from Edgeworth, and in an instant, they were close to her.

As soon as he saw the visitor, Yun Tian immediately smiled and ......

"Who should I be, it turned out to be Senior Sister Ge and Senior Nephew Yinyun.

"What, aren't you welcome?" Ge

Wenyu took the long sword and looked at Yun Tian, smiling rather than smiling.

Next to him, Mu Yanyun stepped forward and saluted: "I've seen Uncle Yun." "

Master Yinyun's nephew is exempt. Come on, Senior Sister Ge, the distinguished guest is here, hurry up and come into the house for a cup of tea.

Yun Tian politely let the two of them into the house, but heard Ge Wenyu snort coldly.

"Senior Sister Yun is so Yaxing, I'm not in the mood to drink tea.

Yun Tian's body trembled slightly, he paused, and under the veil, a cold word slowly floated out of ......

"Senior Sister Ge, you'd better speak clearly, so as not to hurt the harmony.

"Okay, then let me tell you, do you care about my beloved disciple Xue being defiled by Ye Ling?"

As soon as Ge Wenyu's words came out, Yun Tian exploded at that time.

"What, Senior Sister Ge, you make it clear, what's going on?"

"Okay, then I'll let you know

, Yanyun ......" Ge Wenyu Nunu mouthed, Mu Yanyun understood, and stepped forward to explain the matter of Mu Yanxue and Ye Ling staying in the cave behind Yunyu Peak for a night, adding oil and vinegar to ......

"Uncle Yun, my sister Yan Xue was just going out to pass by the cave, and saw that there was no one resting inside, but I didn't expect that stinky boy to come back and do something to my sister. "

Yan Xue was bound by the demons in her heart, and she couldn't give full play to her cultivation, so she let that rabbit boy get cheap, Uncle Yun, you have to be the master of my sister......"

said, Mu Yanyun's tears rolled down the edge of the clip like no money, and the pear blossom with rain looked, I felt pity.

"This brute ......

" Yun Tian stomped his foot hatefully, and the stone under his feet immediately cracked into several pieces!

"Master and nephew Yinyun, don't cry, this stinky boy is in the evening room now, I'll call him out and ask for an understanding."

Without waiting for Mu Yanyun to reply, Yun Tian was about to go to his beloved apprentice's boudoir ......

"Master, where do you say this is going?" The

moment she turned around, she saw her beloved disciple Tang Wanzhi and that miscellaneous spirit root walking side by side.

"I've seen Shizun.

Ye Ling stepped forward respectfully to greet him, but heard Yun Tian snort coldly.

"Don't call me Master in the future, I don't have an apprentice like you.

"Shameless beasts, men really don't have a good thing.

"Come over later, don't be with him in the future......"

Saying that, Yun Tian pulled Tang Wanzhi behind him, always through the veil, Ye Ling still felt the indifference of the master who rejected people thousands of miles away.

"Master, has something happened?" Ye

Ling looked innocent, obviously Shizun was fine just now, so he made an exception to let him meet with his senior sister.

Why is it a blink of an eye, but it rejects people thousands of miles away.

The huge contrast between the front and back made Ye Ling puzzled, and as his gaze extended, he saw Mu Yanyun and Ge Wenquanyu master and apprentice outside the Chengyu Palace.

He immediately understood that this matter had absolutely nothing to do with them.

"Yes, Master, hasn't my junior brother been cultivating in the cave for the past two days?

Tang Wanzhi couldn't hold back and began to take the initiative to defend Ye Ling.

"Shut up.

Yun Tian directly pressed the pause button for Tang Wanzhi, and after that, she turned sideways slightly, faced Ge Wenyu, and hugged her fists.

"Senior Sister Ge, Senior Nephew Yinyun, people are here, you see how to deal with it, come up with an opinion and let me listen.

Ge Wenyu and Mu Yanyun glanced at each other, and Mu Yanyun slowly took a step forward, and a meaningful smile appeared on his fair face......

"Since Uncle Yun is so refreshing, then I will go straight to it. "


"What does my sister Yan Xue mean, since she and Senior Brother Ye have had a one-night experience, I'm afraid I can't commit to others anymore......"

While speaking, Mu Yanyun also subconsciously glanced at Ye Ling not far away, and there was a hint of imperceptible pride in his eyes.

As if to say, Senior Brother Ye, if you move my sister, you are responsible for dripping.

Ye Ling was angry and was about to go back, but Yun Tian's sneering ...... came from his ears

"Later, I said a long time ago, men don't have a good thing, do you know now?"

"Master, I know that my junior brother is not that kind of person, there must be some misunderstanding in this?"

Tang Wanzhi's voice was hoarse, and Ye Ling's heart was sad when he heard it.

Imagine how a woman has a crush on a man and suddenly hears that the man is related to another woman

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