"You said Long Jin, he is a new disciple of Master Long, and his qualification is a super-grade fire spirit root, but his spirit root was grafted by Master Long from his own spirit root. "

Grafting the spiritual root? can it still be like this?"

It was the first time he heard such a strange thing, and Ye Ling was shocked in his heart.

"But Ye, Senior Brother Ye, grafting the spiritual root is extremely depleting of cultivation, really no, few people are willing to do that, in the entire history of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect, there are no more than one slap in the grafting of the spiritual root!" Gao

Hong stretched out his fat palm and shook it at Ye Ling with care, Ye Ling coughed lightly and said in a low voice.

"Senior Brother Gao, in this way, Uncle Long and this Long Jin must have an unusual relationship. "

Hehe, that's not it, it is said that this Longjin was the ...... of Uncle Long

when he was out there" "Ah, don't talk about it, it's up to now."

Gao Hong smiled and winked at Ye Ling.

As if to say, junior brother, you know about this!

Ye Ling finally smiled.

It's still Senior Brother Gao's joke that has a taste ......

"I don't know what the qualifications of this junior brother are

?" "Qualifications, as the saying goes, the tiger father has no dogs, and the dragon master is also a generation of Tianjiao, where can his son be worse?"

As he spoke, Gao Hong looked up at the outside of the cave, his eyes full of admiration.

Suddenly, as if he remembered something again, he said mysteriously again......

"By the way, Senior Brother Ye, this time the head may make you the person in charge, and you will be fully responsible for this operation.

"At that time, if the qualifications of Senior Brother Longjin are not good enough, you can provide additional counseling and counseling for him. As he

spoke, Gao Hong winked at Ye Ling again, and Ye Ling immediately became excited.

"Senior Brother Gao, I understand, thank you for revealing such important information to me, thank you!" As

the saying goes, the father pays the debt of the son, according to this reasoning, what Long Dingtian treats me, I will do to his son, this is fine, right?

The more Ye Ling thought about it, the more reasonable he became, his enthusiasm for Senior Brother Gao instantly exploded, and he immediately shook his chubby hand ...... cordially

"Senior Brother Gao, Senior Brother has nothing to entertain, how about we just have a

barbecue?" "I'll go, barbecue, can I do it?"

As soon as he heard about eating, Gao Hong's eyes immediately lit up excitedly.


"My stupid junior brother, why didn't you say it earlier

?" Gao Hong said, subconsciously touching Ye Ling with his elbow, and said in a low voice: "Senior brother, how do you want to operate now?"

"It's easy to operate, the problem is that I'm a little nervous about Lingshi now.

Ye Ling blinked, stretched out two fingers of his right hand, and made a gesture to count the money, Gao Hong immediately understood.

"Senior brother wants spirit stones, it's good to say that senior brother still has a little ...... here,"

he said, taking out a hundred treasure bags from his arms and throwing them to Ye Ling.

After Ye Ling took it, he felt that it was bulging, and the weight was not light, so he subconsciously opened it and took a look, almost bursting his eyeballs

! "One hundred thousand spirit stones?!Senior Brother Gao, you are rich......"

Before Ye Ling's words were finished, he was directly covered by Gao Hong's mouth.

Then he stretched out his index finger and gave a boo, nervously ran out of the cave and looked around, and found that there was no one, so he ran back and said.

"Senior Brother Ye, let me tell you a secret, don't talk nonsense. "

What's the secret?"

Ye Ling frowned, staring at the chubby face, he now felt that he couldn't see through Gao Hong more and more......

Gao Hong coughed lightly, approached him and whispered in his ear: "Senior brother, these spirit stones were secretly dug by me from the spirit rock mine, and no one else knows. "

You say it's a stray mine?"

"Yes. "

Didn't you say that the spirit stones produced can't

be used?" "I dug from the mountainside, digging three feet into the ground, not only can be used, but also very useful.

"Is there such a thing?"

"Senior brother, how could I lie to you? Remember this matter, don't tell anyone, if you need to tell Senior Brother Gao directly in the future, I can take care of it!" "

After knowing the ......",

Ye Ling never mentioned the matter of the spirit stone, in order to let Gao Hong have a good dining experience and tie the fat man's stomach, this time Ye Ling took the initiative to add a special seasoning to the marinade-extremely fresh.

After some simple tidying, the fat mountain spirit chicken was quickly put on the shelves and smoked.

While Ye Ling was operating, he was muttering in his heart.

"I have long thought that the Lingyan Mine may have been suppressed by the Purple Light Stone to cause the degeneration of the Spirit Stone, but now it seems that there is still some reason.

Thinking, thinking, Ye Ling's mind came up with the appearance of the Purple Light Stone.

You have to hurry up and improve your cultivation to refine it, so as not to have too many dreams at night.

Fortunately, that thing was taken to an extremely secret place by him and his senior sister, and it was very safe.

At this time, the mountain spirit chicken was roasted by the spiritual flame, and it didn't take long for it to make a sizzling sound.

The color has also changed from the initial light red to an attractive deep red, light brown.

Gao Hong watched from the sidelines, salivating, and kept rubbing his hands ......

"Senior brother, how long is it left?"

"It's coming soon, senior brother, don't be impatient, you have to roast it."

"Okay. About

a quarter of an hour later, Ye Ling handed over a mature mountain spirit chicken to Gao Hong.

"Senior Brother Gao, okay, you use the ...... slowly"

he said, and he operated the second and third again...... It was not until the fiftieth that Gao Hong waved his hand to stop Ye Ling's ......

"Ye, Senior Brother Ye, don't bake it anymore, I, I'm full.

"Okay. Ye Ling agreed, roasted the remaining ones, and put them aside.

Gao Hong rested for a while, and before leaving, he repeatedly explained to Ye Ling that the package must not be opened until midnight, and if it is to be opened, it will also need to wait for him to leave the Ten Thousand Swords Sect.

It wasn't until Ye Ling repeatedly assured that he hummed a minor tune and left.

After he left, Ye Ling sent a message to his senior sister: "Senior sister, I made a roast mountain spirit chicken, you can send Ah Huang to fetch it." After

more than a dozen breaths, Ah Huang and Senior Sister's Douyin tricks arrived almost at ......the same time

"Thank you, junior brother.

Ye Ling smiled, wrapped the mountain spirit chicken in a large lotus leaf, and handed it to Ah Huang, then stroked its head and smiled.

"Ah Huang, you must help me bring it to my senior sister, don't steal it yourself.

"Whoa, whoa.

Ah Huang shouted twice and circled around Ye Ling, as if to guarantee the completion of the task.

After that, he left quickly.

Ye Ling had nothing to do, he simply ate a little mountain spirit chicken, cleaned up the music left by Gao Hong, and went back to the cave to cultivate.

But as soon as he thought of Gao Hong's description of the Lingyan mine, it was difficult for him to calm down.

It's not because he covets those spirit stones, but he wants to verify whether the Purple Light Stone really has a suppressive effect on the spirit rock mine.

"If it is really as Gao Hong said, I will be sent out to do the task experience, then this matter cannot be delayed any longer......".

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