
Sullivan, the commander of the first regiment of the 081 Division, led more than 3,500 people in the regiment and

braved fierce artillery fire to the eastern position.

Xia Guo’s artillery bombardment continued without any intention of stopping.



The entire position was in a mess, and explosions occurred one after another……

There are fires and wailing soldiers everywhere, and huge craters can be seen everywhere!

Many bunkers and fortifications have been turned into ruins, and

the outermost defense line has almost become a decoration.


the good news is that

the various troops on the position only suffered relatively heavy losses and have not completely lost their combat effectiveness.

Sullivan came to command immediately camp

and took over the command here.

When he saw the leader of the Syrian rebels, Bakr, he was filled with anger and cursed:

“What a bunch of idiots! You deserve to be forced to fight guerrillas! Are the Eagle-type equipment issued to you just for decoration?”

“The enemy has destroyed the outer defense line, why don’t you fire back? ”

The stupidity and panic of the Syrian rebels made Sullivan angry.

They were just passively beaten like this, with no idea of fighting back!

From the moment the Xia State artillery fired, it meant that the Xia State artillery position had been exposed, and

they had The Syrian rebels equipped with Eagle type equipment can use radar to lock the enemy’s position,

and then launch artillery counterattacks to suppress Xia’s artillery positions.

Even a fool understands this. The rebel leader Bakr actually hid in command like a bitch. The room was trembling.

How could Sullivan not be angry?

But Bucker was extremely aggrieved.

It was not that he had not thought about fighting back, but that he was completely powerless:

“Report sir, before you came, I issued the order to counterattack.”

“But……But the M-100 crawler artillery you distributed cannot hit Xia’s artillery positions at all, and the range is not enough! Sullivan

was stunned and didn’t react for a while:

“M-The range of the 100-foot artillery is not enough to hit Xia’s artillery positions?”

“You are talking nonsense! The M-100 crawler artillery has a range of up to 35 kilometers and is the second most advanced artillery in the world!”

“Is it possible that Xia’s artillery positions can fire at us from 35 kilometers away? Can it still hit us accurately?”

“The people of Xia are all gods. Their artillery is more advanced than our Yingjiang?”

“That’s ridiculous! You should make up a reliable reason to cover up your cowardice! ”

Sullivan pointed at Bakker’s nose and roared,

Xia Guo’s artillery is more advanced than the M-100 crawler artillery? Has

a range of more than 35 kilometers?

Is this possible?

This is obviously impossible!

Sullivan will not believe Bakker’s lies at all. ,

in his opinion, Bucker was just looking for reasons to cover up his responsibility for the defeat!

“Sir, I didn’t lie to you, everything I said is true. If you don’t believe me, go to the control room and see for yourself! ”

Baker’s face was very serious, and he didn’t look like he was lying at all.

Sullivan came to the control room with hesitation.

After seeing the position displayed on the radar panel,

Sullivan was stunned!

The artillery position of Xia State is actually 45 kilometers away?

It’s really true. That’s so far!

In other words, Xia Guo’s artillery can hit 45 kilometers?

This is unrealistic!

Sullivan rubbed his eyes and looked at the data on the panel carefully. It is indeed 45 kilometers!

Oh my god?

Xia Guo’s artillery can Shooting so far?

10 kilometers longer than the range of the M-100 crawler artillery?

You know,

in the classification of the active equipment sequence of Yingjiang,

M-The 100-foot artillery belongs to the second level of artillery and is the equipment currently in service of the Yingjiang regular army!

Although it is not the most advanced,

looking at the entire world, the only two countries that can equip regular troops with this level of artillery are Yingjiang and Longguo!

As for the most advanced M-200 crawler artillery,

only special operations forces, SEALs, Marines and other elite units are rationed!

In terms of range an

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Xia Guo’s artillery parameters are only slightly worse than Yingjiang’s most powerful M-200 crawler artillery?

This is so unreal!

Why did Xia Guo’s artillery technology suddenly become so powerful?

The most important thing is,

looking at the firing frequency of Xia State’s artillery shells, the number of artillery pieces of this level is no less than a thousand!

The Sullivans are stupid!

Doesn’t it mean that the Xia Army is still stuck in the last century?

Didn’t it mean that the Xia Kingdom did not have modern army equipment?

That….Where did this artillery with a range of 45 kilometers come from?

While Sullivan was confused, Buckle added:

“Sir, did I lie to you? Not only does Xia’s artillery have a farther range than ours, but its accuracy is also better than ours!”

“We are no match for them in terms of artillery fire.”

“Didn’t you say that the Eagle equipment could crush Xia State at the beginning? It seems that it is not so strong now. If I had known better, I would not have attacked the Kanu Oilfield……..”

Although Bakeer is a puppet supported by Yingjiang, he also has his own little thoughts.

You must know that Xia Guo’s weapons and equipment are so advanced, even if he is killed, he will not die in vain!

It’s good now. Before we even see where the Xia people are, our troops have already lost thousands of people!

“enough! Sullivan

roared angrily.

At this time, his mind was already very confused:

“Order all soldiers to hide in bunkers and tunnels, not to take a step back, and to hold the position for me first!”

“I don’t believe that the Xia Kingdom can still attack us all day and night. While they are resting, we are waiting for an opportunity to counterattack!”

“Isn’t it just that artillery is more powerful? We have drones, tanks, infantry vehicles, helicopters and other combat methods! Are you really afraid that he will not succeed in the Xia Kingdom?”

“yes! Sir. ”

Baker didn’t have much to say, so he could only follow the instructions.

As long as he can hold his position, Sullivan still has a chance to counterattack!

Fortunately, Xia’s artillery only has a long range.

As long as the soldiers find bunkers and hide in the tunnels, then the artillery’s The lethality will be greatly reduced!

However, the reality is often very cruel.

Just a few minutes later,

the communications soldier came over again with a frustrated face to report the situation on the front line:

“Report to the regiment leader that all the soldiers hiding in fortresses, bunkers, and tunnels were killed! No one survives。”

“Even moving military vehicles and infantry vehicles were hit by Xia Guo’s artillery!”

“Their cannonballs seem to have eyes, and we can’t hold them at all! Please think of a solution quickly, leader!”

“What? ”

Sullivan suddenly stood up from his seat, frowned, and was extremely surprised! Is

Xia Guo cheating?

Even if the range is so far, how accurate is it? Not only

the people hiding in the tunnel were killed Even

the moving infantry vehicles were bombarded?

Could it be that their artillery has a guidance function?

Sullivan immediately called a few radar soldiers and asked them to conduct data analysis on Xia Guo’s artillery.

The radar soldiers did not dare to delay, and

immediately Various data were collected and comprehensively analyzed from several aspects such as ballistics, rate of fire, power, accuracy, etc.

As a result, the radar soldier was stunned for a few seconds, and then reported to Sullivan in a trembling voice:

“newspaper……Report to the leader, Xia Guo’s artillery shells seem to have a guidance function, and can even fine-tune their trajectory in the air, and can even hit moving targets!”

“Unless our most advanced M-200 artillery is brought here, we will not be able to defend ourselves at all!”

“oh! FK!”

“Xia’s artillery actually has a guidance function? ”

Sullivan couldn’t believe his ears. He

felt that his knowledge was shattered!

He was completely confused!

His mood was extremely low and his face turned red.

It was unimaginable that Xia Guo actually crushed him with weapons and equipment?

Was he beaten ? I have no power to fight back!

I shouldn’t!

Is it really the Xia Kingdom on the other side?


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