At this moment,

the people of Xia Kingdom fell into a kind of crazy excitement.

They were so happy!

Crazy comments were posted on the Internet to express their patriotic feelings.

Some [Muyang Dogs] and Westerners also questioned Xia Guo on the Internet, and mocked Xia Guo for being impossible to create mushroom bombs!

As a result, he was quickly slapped in the face.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Yingjiang publicly announced that it was angry at Xia Guo’s private mushroom bomb experiment, and condemned

Xia Guo for violating the “Non-Proliferation Treaty of the League of Nations on Mushroom Bombs”, polluting the environment, destroying peace, etc.

He also portrayed King Qin Tian of the Xia Kingdom as a devil, a demon, an enemy of mankind, and a breaker of rules.

In short, Ying Jiang did everything he could to slander Qin Tian, and used all kinds of vicious words on Qin Tian.

Finally, Yingjiang called on all countries in the world to unite to impose sanctions on Xia Guo and withdraw all investments in Xia Guo.

Yingjiang’s public condemnation confirmed to the world that Xia Guo indeed had mushroom bombs!

This news shocked netizens around the world:

“Damn it! ! No, does Xia State really have mushroom bombs? I thought Xia Guo officials were joking! ! How did they create mushroom bombs? It’s unbelievable….This is a disaster for us in the West。”———John Bull Nation Netizens。

“Unbelievable……The photos of mushroom clouds posted on the Internet are too scary. I really envy Xia Guo. It would be great if our country also had mushroom bombs.。”———ISIS netizens。

“I am very proud to be a member of the Huaren people, and I should kill Ying Jiang’s spirit! From today on, I am a die-hard fan of King Qin Tian of Xia Kingdom.。”———Dragon Kingdom Netizens。

“And me, count me in!”———Netizens from the Bear Country。


Because both Yingjiang and Xia Guo had a tacit understanding and

kept silent about the annihilation of the Indian Ocean Fleet,

this incident did not cause any additional disturbances. However,

the fact that Xia Guo possessed mushroom bombs was

widely discussed in high-level circles around the world. Inside, it caused a huge shock!

At the beginning, many countries were ready to take the initiative to win over Xia State and

make good relations with Xia State. However, because Yingjiang State publicly called for an economic blockade of Xia State,

they had no choice but to give up the idea of befriending Xia State.


fortunately, they still Some countries are world enemies with Yingjiang.

As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is a friend.

Several countries, such as the Dragon Kingdom, the Mao Xiong Kingdom, and the Islamic State, immediately announced to the outside world that they would raise the level of diplomacy towards the Xia Kingdom and

prepare to send envoys to visit the Xia Kingdom. countries and strengthen the friendship between the two countries.

For a time,

the Xia Kingdom, which was originally not well-known in the world,

suddenly became one of the most important countries in the world.

That afternoon,

at the League of Nations meeting of Blue Star,

Yingjiang’s foreign affairs representatives held an economic meeting. The righteous and awe-inspiring The economic sanctions resolution against Xia Kingdom was announced.

Forced by the deterrence of Eagle Sauce Country,

many countries reluctantly voted in favor.

In the end, the resolution was passed by a high vote, and the economic sanctions resolution against Xia Kingdom officially came into effect. .

On the day the resolution was passed,

Yingjiang’s younger brothers began to implement it.

At three o’clock in the afternoon, the Kangaroo Kingdom announced that it would terminate the purchase of oil and gas resources from the

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] Xia Kingdom and cut off its ore assistance to the Xia Kingdom.

At 3:15, Windmill State announced that it would withdraw relevant aid funds from Xia State and stop supplying oil and gas equipment and related core components to Xia State.

At 4:50, John Bull State announced that its major oil companies would cease cooperation with Xia State and withdraw all technical personnel.

At 6:18, Dongyang Kingdom announced that it would expel Xia’s foreign ambassador, lower its diplomatic level with Xia Kingdom, and cut off all trade cooperation.

Within one day,

hundreds of countries in Blue Star stopped economic and trade exchanges with Xia State. Many large-scale cooperation projects were forced to stop.

Xia State’s oil and gas industry suffered the most severe challenges,

which caused Xia State’s economy to fall into a serious In crisis,


In the capital of Xia Kingdom,

Weiyang City, the Royal Palace, and

the king’s office,

Prime Minister Qin Changfeng, Director of Finance Wang Houde and relevant ministers gathered here with sad faces.

After a simple salute and greeting,

they reported the current urgent situation. Gave it to Qin Tian and handed Qin Tian a detailed intelligence information:

“Your Majesty, it’s over this time, it’s really over!”

“The Yingjiang Kingdom united with the West to impose the most stringent economic sanctions on our Xia Kingdom. Our oil and gas industry, electronics industry, mining, agriculture, shipbuilding and other industries have all suffered severe blows.”

“According to statistics, our direct economic losses are as high as more than 350 billion U.S. dollars. It is estimated that 130,000 large and medium-sized enterprises will encounter financial crises and face bankruptcy because of no orders.。”

“On top of that, our fiscal surplus and foreign exchange reserves are insufficient, domestic capital is fleeing in panic, and stock and financial markets are plummeting.”

“Your Majesty, take a look! ”

Ye Tian frowned, took the report information, and began to look through it carefully,

while Prime Minister Qin Changfeng continued to report:

“Your Majesty, other industries have suffered heavy losses, but we can still adjust ourselves. After all, those industries are not very important to us.。”

“What is crucial for us right now is the oil and gas industry。”

“This time, Yingjiang directly took a step back. Not only did it stop supplying core components of mining equipment, but it also withdrew relevant technical personnel.。”

“As a result, our equipment cannot work properly due to lack of operators and core accessories.。”

“The three major oil companies at the core of Xia State have experienced large-scale work suspensions. There is oil but it cannot be extracted!”

“This oil and gas export is our financial backbone. Once something goes wrong, our Xia Kingdom will be doomed! ”

Qin Changfeng almost burst into tears.

Economic problems are no less powerful than mushroom bombs.

Once the economy collapses, prices will be out of control, supplies will be out of balance, and

people will take to the streets to rebel if they can’t afford to eat. At that time, Xia Guo The mushroom bomb was just a decoration, useless at all.

Ye Tian looked seriously and put the report information aside.

After thinking for two seconds, he found the key to the problem:

“Oil and gas extraction equipment? skilled worker?”

“Uncle, you mean that as long as I solve these two problems, our finances will be stable? ”

Qin Changfeng nodded:

“Yes, oil and gas exploration is the top priority of our Xia Kingdom. If we lose the Western market, we can still sell oil to the East.。”

“However, if the oil and gas equipment cannot operate and the oil cannot be extracted, we will be in a dead end.。”


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