The battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Hundred Beast Pirates, the terrifying scene of the collapse of the earth that day, naturally fell into the eyes of everyone in Wano Country, and they were stunned one by one.

If it weren't for the fact that they knew that there was a character like Kaido of the Hundred Beasts in the country of Wano...

You might even think it's a god who's angry!

After all, the battle between Whitebeard and Kaido directly destroyed the entire Flower Capital!

And the battle between Roy and Ember is not far behind!

It was like the end of the world...

"Kay... Kaido, is this a defeat?" I saw a civilian from Wano Country, looking at the flower capital in the distance in a daze, and muttered in disbelief: "If you don't see it with your own eyes, you can't believe that everything you see today is actually caused by man." "

He secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and cold sweat overflowed from his forehead, which showed that he was not at peace in his heart.

Especially the vibrations caused by Whitebeard's every attack, and even the entire Wano country is shaking!

This kind of power is the power to set off natural disasters at every turn.

Is it really something that humans can do?

Isn't the other party really a god?

"Too... It's terrible! The entire flower capital has been turned into a ruin, you must know that the former flower capital can accommodate millions of people!"

"Having said that, the Hundred Beast Pirates have been defeated and retreated, so doesn't that mean that the Black Carbon Snake may also suffer? After all, it is the Hundred Beast Kaido who supports the Black Carbon Snake!"

In fact, these civilians can also see the current situation in Wano Country.

They all know very well that the Black Charcoal Snake is nothing more than a puppet of Kaido.

It is precisely because of Kaido that he is supporting the black charcoal snake.

No one dares to resist the tyranny of the Black Carbon Snake.

And now that the Hundred Beast Pirates have been defeated, even the extremely powerful Hundred Beast Kaido has been driven away.

Doesn't that mean that the black charcoal snake also had an accident?

The general of Wano Country may have to change people?

"Hey, if the black charcoal snake also escapes, won't we need to be oppressed by him?"

"Not necessarily, what if the person who chased Kaido away is more brutal than the black charcoal serpent?"

"I heard that their name is the Whitebeard Pirates, it's a pirate group!"

"That's right! Kaido the Beast is also a pirate! "

"But the question is, what can we do?"

"Like, I can only accept it. "



Due to the seclusion of Wano Country for many years, many people actually don't know what kind of existence the Whitebeard Pirates are.

Some of you may have heard of the Whitebeard Pirates.

After all, the Whitebeard Pirates have a huge reputation in the new world, and there will always be some news that will reach Wano Country, no matter how closed the country is, it can't stop some news.

However, they didn't know much about the Whitebeard Pirates.

Many people still think that the Whitebeard Pirates and the Hundred Beast Pirates are of the same nature.

This leads them to feel that their future ...

Perhaps, nothing will change...

Even that oppression will intensify.

That's a possibility!

The most overwhelmed thing about Wano Country is that the entire Flower Capital has basically been destroyed.

There are huge potholes all over the ground of the Flower Capital.

The holes had been filled with water, and that was because the water had poured in.

It can be said that the area of the entire flower capital...

The direct cut is no less than one-tenth.

It can be described as devastating!

Buildings have been turned into ruins, streets are full of cracks, there is no trace of life at all, only a few places, can still be intact.

But whether those few places can accommodate thousands of people is a problem.

This means that many people may be homeless.

For a while, a lot of civilians in Wano Country...

The mood can be described as very complicated.


The night is dark.

The Whitebeard Pirates had already gathered together, and in front of them was a group of Hundred Beast Pirates who had no way to retreat and escape because of their serious injuries, adding up to more than a thousand people.

And the crew of the Whitebeard Pirates also have various injuries on their bodies to a greater or lesser extent.

Some people were slightly injured, others were seriously injured.

However, most of the members of the Whitebeard Pirates have already had their injuries taken care of.

It's worth mentioning that...

The people of the Whitebeard Pirates...

Actually not a single death!

The most serious ones are in a near-death state, but they have been almost cured by Mansherry, not to mention that they are recovering as before, at least they can hang a life.

"Whew..." Mansherry's small body sat on the ground, wiping the sweat stains from her forehead.

Healing so many people one after another is very stressful for her.

Now she's only cured less than a third of the time.

But her physical strength was already overwhelming.

This is also because of the hard work she has been training on the Whitebeard Pirates these days.

If she hadn't trained hard...

Probably only a quarter of the number of people cured ...

It's already exhausting.

Now it seems...

She's progressive!

Mansherry felt her body empty for a while, she really didn't have a drop left!

"I'm sorry Senior Roy, I originally wanted to heal you, but there are many seniors who are more seriously injured, and there are several seniors, if they are not treated in time, it is very likely that their lives will be in danger. "

"And I don't have much physical strength now, if I forcibly heal it, it may consume my life..."

Man Shirley gritted her teeth and said strongly: "When I recover my strength, I will heal you!"

Looking at the stubborn Man Shirley, Roy wanted to say something...

This little flesh wound on his body, he only needs to sleep for a while, and he can be almost healed.

But when he says it, he must have to change his rhetoric.

Roy touched her little head and said with a smile: "My injury is actually not a big deal, and when your strength is almost recovered, you can heal others first." "

"Actually, with this injury on my body, a few days of rest should be about the same. "

"No!" Mansherry said stubbornly, "I must cure Roy first!"

Roy: "... Thank you so much!"

I'm a little embarrassed to fool her, you're the only one in the Whitebeard Pirates who can be called a good person, right? 】

[In other words, if she heals me, will she find out that I have a problem with my physique? 】

[If she heals me, wouldn't that meow be exposed?But if she doesn't heal me, she pesters me every day, wouldn't it be more uncomfortable?]

[Hmm... I remember that her tears also have healing powers, or let her give me a tear and forget it?]

[It's not a good thing to have a warm-hearted junior!]

[Alas... It's a little painful!]


"Goo-la-la-la! A bunch of stupid sons and daughters! The bodies are almost recovered, right? After being healed by Mansherry, all the seriously injured can already move, right? In that case, let's all come over here, Daddy, I have something to say!"

It was at this time that Whitebeard's voice suddenly remembered.

Roy and Mansherry looked at each other for a moment, Roy stood up and said, "Let's go, let's go!"

Mansherry nodded her little head: "Mmmmmmmmmm

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates began to gradually form a circle, and the air was filled with the smell of disinfectant water, after all, except for Shelly Man, who wanted to heal others, the ship doctors on the Whitebeard Pirates were not on the way to eat dry food.

Some crew members with relatively minor injuries only need to wrap a little bandage, which is basically fine.

And in the center of the circle, it is obvious that Whitebeard!

Whitebeard has a huge Band-Aid on his face, after all, his opponent is also Kaido, a beast.

If there were no injuries on the body, it was absolutely unlikely.

Of course, it was just a few scrapes.

For a powerhouse of Whitebeard's level, he only needs to put on a band-aid, and then wait a day, and he will be able to completely heal.

"Stupid sons!" Whitebeard didn't know where to get some drink, so he picked up a huge flask and poured himself a sip.

"Ha! The sake of Wano Country is really good! Gooo la la! Okay! Get down to business! Stupid sons, this time, the war between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Hundred Beast Pirates, Daddy, I declare that it is our Whitebeard Pirates who have won!!"

"Gollum la la !!"

After Whitebeard's hearty laughter fell, the crew of the Whitebeard Pirate Ship also shouted and cheered.

They all had excited looks written on their faces.

After all, they beat the Beast Pirates away.

"But—" At this moment, Whitebeard's tone changed slightly.

Whitebeard's voice continued to sound: "But we still haven't been avenged by Mita! We just let out a bad breath, and we are still far from revenge! Why? Because our Whitebeard Pirates are still not strong enough!"

"If our Whitebeard Pirates, not to mention much, even if there are only two or three, the high-end combat power similar to Daddy and me, the bastard of the Hundred Beasts Kaido, can still run?"

"But with such a high-end combat power, the entire pirate group, except for Daddy and me, there is no more than one!"

"The Hundred Beast Pirates, the only high-ranking cadre who died..."

"I was killed by an unknown great swordsman!"

When talking about this unknown great swordsman, Whitebeard's expression was slightly strange.

Without leaving a trace, he glanced at Roy, who looked ordinary in the crowd.

What a bullshit unknown big sword hero?!

It's clearly this Roy imp!!

Others may not know who the great swordsman is, but doesn't he know that Whitebeard?

He's called a door clear!



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