The short memory fragment directly poisoned all the idiots in the group.

It's just that the result seems to be a bit serious now and has aroused public indignation. I'm afraid the PK field will inevitably end up.

Relax, nesting dolls. The worst that can happen is that they will be beaten to a pulp and then recover slowly. A little bit of pain will pass soon.

Deadpool said nonchalantly, not threatened by this at all.

He feels very good now that he can show his heroic appearance to a group of friends!

As for Comrade Tony, his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

I kept complaining in my heart: Do you think everyone is a pervert like you? Able to cut off his own hands by force.

Just to give myself a middle finger!

Although this kind of perseverance is very admirable, I don't know why, once it gets involved with Deadpool, the taste changes instantly.

Well, that's how amazing it is.

Ancient times, thirty-three levels of heaven.

A figure was hidden in the space, quietly peeping at the most dazzling star in the wilderness.

In the eyes of Great Immortal Yang Mei, fear and struggle constantly appeared.

But in the end, his figure chose to leave quietly.

He did not choose to tamper with this star, which had terrifying significance to the prehistoric era.

In other words, it can no longer be described by stars alone.

The opponent is an innate god with ridiculously terrifying heels, and his strength is even more unfathomable.

What Yang Mei didn't know was that his steady hand had allowed him to survive a life-and-death disaster just now.

Not long after Immortal Yang Mei disappeared.

Another figure appeared outside the Sun Star.

Senior, the Twelve Ancestral Witches have returned to Pangu Temple. They seem to be prepared and intend to speed up the expansion.

Hongjun spoke slowly, with no emotion at all on his face.

It seems that he doesn't care about the changes of the twelve ancestral witches at all.

But as for his true inner thoughts, that is unknown.

This Dao Ancestor's mind is actually not as big as many prehistoric creatures imagine.

It's a pity. If he had taken action directly just now, maybe he wouldn't have gone to such trouble...

On the Sun Star, Chen Fan's incarnation sighed and ignored Hongjun.

Taoist Yang Mei was very vigilant and did not act arbitrarily, otherwise he would have formed a big cause and effect with Chen Fan.

As for Chen Fan, with such a line.

There is no need for that Yang Mei to be robbed by misfortune before she can take action against Yang Mei!

At that time, just wait for the great catastrophe to open and fill it in, which will further improve the way of heaven, and the growth of the prehistoric world will also enter a new stage!


Chapter 111

Don't pay attention to the Witch Clan, they are just pawns being used by the other party.

On the contrary, it is you, the other party has appeared in the wild world twice in a row.

If you, the Dao Ancestor, don't even give any reaction, it will make people feel strange.

After a while.

Chen Fan's eyes fell on Hongjun and he spoke slowly.

Although it is quite a pity that Taoist Yang Mei has a steady hand, the impact is not big.

Anyway, in the end, the other party will fall into this calamity and become ashes.

What's more, the calamity is only beginning to show signs now, and it's not the best time.

Senior is right, Pindao will let Yang Mei notice my movements in the future, and it will not delay senior's plan.

Hongjun slightly raised his hand, and after responding, he disappeared.

Yang Mei, the big fish, has already begun to take action.

Then it was natural for him, the Dao Ancestor, to give a certain counterattack.

It is not a wise choice to let Yang Mei sing a one-man show all the time.

Hongjun used his body as bait, which was considered a conspiracy.

Now that Yang Mei has entered the game, the game has begun, and it is Hongjun's turn to make the move.

He already had a complete plan for this.

The Witch Clan, within the Pangu Temple.

Could it be that we really want to be the pawns of that Taoist, completely break with the Heavenly Court, and cause the same disaster as the three innate clans?

Hou Tu couldn't bear to speak, with compassion in his eyes.

The empress dowager, the future Empress Pingxin, is almost the most kind-hearted and compassionate person among the witch clan.

It is precisely because of this that in the future, we will be grateful to the heaven and earth, have compassion for all living beings, and transform the six paths of reincarnation with our bodies.

So that after the death of countless living beings, they can have a place for their souls to return and the opportunity to be reincarnated.

Do you think that, until now, everything can still be decided by us? That Taoist is on the same level as Hongjun.

The game between them uses all beings in the world as pawns, and we are just one part of it, with no way to resist!

What's more, with Hongjun's ability as a saint, wouldn't he know that we disappeared into the wilderness?

We have no choice!

Di Jiang spoke with some frustration, his tone showing helplessness.

As soon as these words came out, the other ancestral witches also fell into silence.

Even Zhu Rong, who had the most fiery temper, was silent at the moment without saying a word.

That being said, there is no way for us to survive.

Di Jiang suddenly changed the phone, his eyes glowed a little, and he spoke slowly.

How can I say this? We have all been reduced to the status of other people's pawns, how can we still have a so-called way of survival?

Gonggong said with some resentment.

Even if that Taoist wants to use us to fight against the heaven supported by Na Hongjun, he will naturally stand behind us and become our support for the time being.

In this way, it is equivalent to having a saint behind us, and the Sun Star is the most important thing in the world, and it will definitely not be taken care of casually.

In this way, compared with Tianting, our strength can be considered to be equal.

Since that Taoist wants to use the power of heaven and earth to influence Heavenly Saint Hongjun, he will naturally do his best to let us win this battle!

At that time, once we, the sons of the Wu clan, defeat the heaven, we will surely gain the great fortune of heaven and earth!

It may not be impossible for one or two saints to be born among our twelve ancestral witches.

But the biggest problem is that we must completely wipe out the Heavenly Court, otherwise we will not be successful and we will still be just the chess pieces...

Di Jiang's words made the eyes of the other ancestral witches gradually light up.

The morale, which was originally depressed and low, has recovered a lot now.

Even Zhu Rong, who had been severely injured by Taiyi before, regained his vitality at this moment, and his eyes were blazing with flames.

After all, they have been rejected by the saints of heaven.

It is already rare to have such an opportunity.

Especially after learning about the so-called calamity from the terrifying Taoist.

Only the Twelve Ancestral Witches knew how tragic the future would be.

Perhaps the two Lich clans will cease to exist.

How is the collection of materials for the Heavenly Palace?

Reporting back to Father God, we have basically gathered them all, and before Daozu preached, Taiyi and I practiced in the ancient times, and we also collected a lot of good things.

Among them, I got this precious gourd. If it is refined, it will definitely become a good treasure!

Inside the birdcage transformed by the essence of the true fire of the sun.

Faced with Chen Fan's inquiry, Di Jun and Tai Yi instantly became excited.

Obviously, seclusion is really boring to them.

However, Father God's orders cannot be violated, so he can only practice honestly in the essence of the true fire of the sun that others can only ask for.

·····Ask for flowers···

But now.

Father God took the initiative to ask, and they were naturally overjoyed.

I wish I could tell all the stories of my travels in the ancient wilderness, so as to pass the boring time of seclusion.

Looking at the mysterious little gourd in Di Jun's hand, Chen Fan showed a slight look of satisfaction on his face.

This thing, after being refined by Di Jun in the future, will be a good treasure.

When the innate gourd vines in Buzhou Mountain matured, Dijun and Taiyi had some insights and went to get one of the seven gourds.

Of course, anyone who was not present at the time would be considered a great power.

Among them, Sanqing, who claimed to be Pangu Zongzong, participated.

Otherwise, according to the thoughts of these two little guys, they must not only retrieve this gourd.

... .... ...

Chen Fan was naturally aware of this matter at the beginning, but he did not intervene in it in the past.

It is always impossible for Dijun and Taiyi to arrange everything in their growth, which is not a good thing for them who are born with supreme destiny.

Father God, if it weren't for the fact that there was too much power gathered at the beginning, we would definitely be able to snatch back all the gourds...

Taiyi seemed to be quite worried about the situation at that time.

The two little guys used this topic to chat and started discussing, without any sign of stopping for a moment.

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched slightly, showing a somewhat helpless look.

Okay, you two little guys! Knowing that you don't want to live in seclusion and practice hard, even if that's the case, then go and refine those thirty-three heavens and come out of the heavenly palace.

Remember, this is about the face of the heaven you created with your own hands, and it can also be regarded as a treasure, so you should consider it carefully.

After this is completed, you should also take under your wing those demon clans whose hearts are set in heaven.

The majestic Lord of Heaven, when he doesn’t even have any useful men under his command, it’s time to worry!

The words fell.

Chen Fan waved his hand, and the essence of the true sun fire dispersed instantly.

After Di Jun and Taiyi responded respectfully, they instantly transformed into their true form as the Golden Crow and flew away with joy.


[Let’s leave it to five for today. Yesterday, the air conditioner was turned on and the fan blades were blown against my head all night. It was very uncomfortable when I got up in the morning. I went to bed early today and got up early tomorrow to continue working hard! 】Man.

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