The words were full of expectation.

The Taiyi Golden Immortal didn't hesitate at all. With a flattering smile on his face, he immediately whispered his so-called plan.


Chapter 97

Okay! Okay! Okay!

Following the great power of this Immortal, you really have a unique wisdom. With this ability to plan, you will definitely make a great contribution in the future!

If this is possible, when the time comes, you will have a seat among the important officials in heaven!

After saying hello three times in a row, Duke Dongwang said with a smile.

There was a look of satisfaction between his brows, as if he was extremely satisfied with the plan the subordinate said.

It even means that he has a pearl of wisdom in his hand.

In his words, he actually regarded the whole heaven as his own property.

I don't know what Taiyi Jinxian said to make Prince Dong so happy.

Before any meritorious deeds have been established, there is already talk of rewards based on merit.

Everywhere, Lord Dongwang appreciates me. I only follow you for a few days, but my mind is opened and my soul is blessed.

I only have this plan thanks to your blessing, sir. I dare not take the credit.

Secondly, although this plan is feasible, adults need to do it as quickly as possible.

After all, Lord Dongwang has just been appointed and rewarded by Lord Daozu, which is a time of great blessing.

Taking this opportunity, I think I will be able to catch it!

The flattering Taiyi Golden Immortal spoke again, and his words showed his profound skills in flattery.

Even the meaning of the words was to use the power of Dao Ancestor!

Seeing this scene, several other immortals who were also following Duke Dong were stunned.

If you have to ask them to make a comment.

They may say: I have never seen such a shameless person, including Duke Dongwang!

Even so, the arrival cannot be delayed. You guys, hurry up and prepare generous gifts for me!

Time waits for no one, we have to get it all done today!

Prince Dong shouted at the other Taiyi Golden Immortals, his eyes slightly impatient.

He thought secretly in his heart: He doesn't know the current affairs at all, he is not so smart, but he doesn't know how to observe words and emotions, so he has to do some rough work.

The few hard-working Taiyi Golden Immortals didn't know it yet, but they had already been labeled as unfit for use in the heart of Duke Dong.

Fortunately, they thought that they should follow the leader of male immortals appointed by Taozu.

Maybe there will be a bright future in the future, so I put aside my pride and condescend to the Eastern Prince.

But it seems that in exchange for this sincerity, it is not treated with sincerity.

Taiyi, the Heavenly Palace has been established, and the Queen Mother of the West has also joined. The power here has been established. We will go back to the Sun Star first to report back to Father God, and then we will repair the Heavenly Palace.

Di Jun spoke slowly, with a hint of the empress in her brows.

Make strategic decisions at the palm of your hand!

Queen Mother of the West, what's going on here, please retreat first. Not long ago, the heavenly palace will stand high in the wild sky, and now is the day you return to your throne!

Taiyi turned to look at Queen Mother Xi, with some admiration in her eyes.

Although they looked like just two little lolita, this gesture might look a little bit funny.

However, Queen Mother Xi did not dare to reveal anything.

To be honest, she really didn't expect that two seemingly innocent little guys would actually create Heavenly Court!

And he is favored by heaven and bestowed with heavenly merits and boundless luck.

In the eyes of Queen Mother Xi, this is like cheating! It went so smoothly that it exploded!

Naturally, she is smart and knows what she should do to satisfy these two people.

It was also to make his life in this heaven easier in the future, so he said the words he said before.

It turns out that a peach is reciprocated.

The two heavenly emperors directly promised her the position of being the head of the female immortals in heaven under the heavenly emperors.

This weight, in fact, to a certain extent, far exceeds that of Daozu Hongjun.

After all, the establishment of Heavenly Court this time caused the Eye of Heaven to manifest, and the weight of this is naturally obvious to all.

Secondly, Queen Mother Xi knew it in her heart.

After today, with the help of these two people, I am afraid that they will soon be able to gather countless powerful monsters.

The Queen Mother of the West is almost certain that the Heavenly Court will be revived according to the laws of Heaven.

Therefore, in the future, my position as the head of the female immortals in the heaven is naturally very important.

Two Heavenly Emperors, Heavenly Court has just been established. I am willing to do my best to recruit people for Heavenly Court, and I will leave immediately.

The words fell.

After bowing slightly in admiration again, Queen Mother Xi turned and left.

All the previous considerations in my mind were turned into considerations for heaven.

After all, now that everyone is prosperous and everyone suffers, she should do her part.

After Queen Mother Xi left.

Dijun and Taiyi looked at each other and saw a little bit of peace in each other's eyes.

The creation of Heavenly Court went so smoothly, and the two of them were naturally overjoyed.

In particular, with the help of this huge power of luck, they directly broke through to the peak of Da Luo Jinxian.

The strength has reached the point where it is second to none in the current era!

Let's go! It's time to go back and report to Father God, so that Father God can be happy too!

Taiyi looked expectant, as if she couldn't wait to hear the praise from Father God.

In this regard, Di Jun's eyes also brightened.

Immediately it turned into a golden crow, flapped its wings, and disappeared into the wild sky in the blink of an eye.

Dijun and Taiyi had just returned to the Sun Star, not long ago.

On the other side, Dongwanggong quietly set off with several followers of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Thirty-three days away, where the sun is.

In front of Chen Fan, two little guys were chattering about the feat of establishing the Heavenly Court.

Well, I don’t mean to brag at all and want to win praise from Father God, absolutely not!

However, Chen Fan knew the joy in their hearts, so he didn't say much. He smiled and touched the heads of the two little guys to show encouragement.

His daughter finally succeeded in starting a business, um - Chen Fan felt a little relieved.

But the next moment, Chen Fan felt very unhappy because of someone who wanted to die!

Junior Prince Dong, Tao Ancestor has appointed the head of the immortals to prepare a generous gift and ask to see Senior Sun Star. I hope Senior will grant you a good marriage!

The loud voice, blessed by the power of Prince Nadong, spread throughout the thirty-three days.

This is the so-called plan given by his men!

As soon as this statement came out.

It seemed that the entire prehistoric world had become silent, and one could hear a pin drop.

And Hongjun, who was in the Yujing Mountain Dojo, was giving orders to two Taoist boys.

In that moment, the Saint Dao Yun around him almost collapsed and became chaotic and disorderly, making Haotian and Yaochi turn blue with fear.

They had never seen Mr. Daozu act so out of sorts.

It seems that even the Taoist heart has almost failed to stabilize!


Chapter 98

evil creature!!!

Two extremely angry words blurted out from Daozu Hongjun's mouth.

Haotian and Yaochi were so frightened that their bodies shrank.

The terrifying sage's Taoism filled the air, as if it was about to collapse the heavens, creating an endless scene of the birth and destruction of worlds.

next moment.

Hongjun's figure disappeared into the Yujing Mountain Dojo, leaving only two Taoist boys with a look of horror on their faces.

Haotian and Yaochi also heard the voice above thirty-three.

It's just that for them, naturally they don't take it to heart.

But who would have thought that the words spoken by Duke Dong would actually make the saint master feel infinite anger in his heart, and he would be surrounded by terrifying Taoist chaos.

He almost crushed them both to death!

For a moment, the two Taoist boys turned their attention to the thirty-three days away.

Inside Wuzhuang Temple.

Tell me, has this Prince of the East lost his mind? He actually dares to go thirty-three days away to propose marriage to Senior Sun Star?

Zhen Yuanzi had a look of disbelief on his face, and even more disdain in his eyes.

In Zhen Yuanzi's eyes, people like Dong Wanggong were not very good.

Relying on being appointed and rewarded by Daozu, he looks arrogant and arrogant, which makes people look away.

Moreover, he actually dared to claim himself as the leader of all immortals, and he really did not take the other great powers into consideration.

Zhen Yuanzi knew very well that something like this would cause trouble sooner or later.

But he never expected that it would not be long after he left the Zixiao Palace.

Dijun and Taiyi founded the Heavenly Palace on the front foot, and this guy on the back foot ran forward to propose marriage.

The obviousness of this purpose and the swiftness of seeking death are unprecedented and unprecedented!

When Sun Xing Yun became a god, the heavens all celebrated him. Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun also went to congratulate him, and they had seen the horror of Senior Sun Xing.

The two Da Luo Jinxian almost killed them on the spot with a scolding without murderous intention. Hongjun, who had not yet become enlightened, congratulated them with the courtesy of a junior.

It can be seen that its depth is unfathomable, far beyond the comparison of the current primitive creatures.

And this Dijun and Taiyi were born on the sun star, and they already have the cultivation level of the Da Luo Jinxian.

Duke Dongwang proposes marriage? Is he worthy?

Brother Taoist, what you said is wrong. Although Taoist brother Dong Wanggong is a little lacking in cultivation and a little too arrogant, he is the first male immortal appointed by the Taoist ancestor after all. He was given a dragon-head crutch and won the saint's love.

With such an identity, it's actually not bad. However, I just feel that the two innate golden crows look a bit like children.

It seems that Prince Dong didn’t manage the timing of his proposal very well...

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