Even though Hongjun was preaching with his eyes closed, he also understood such a scene.

Even with his extraordinary mentality, he couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth at this moment!

Fortunately, a group of great masters enlightened one after another, but no one noticed this scene.

Only Chen Fan, who was quietly hiding next to Hongjun, looked at the group of sand sculpture friends who were already in an enlightened state with a joking smile on his face.

He never thought of it.

The first lecture in Zixiao Palace, except for the interlude of giving up seats.

There is such an interesting scene!

The future Six Saints of Heaven and three thousand mortal guests.

He actually pretended to be enlightened and understood under the nose of Daozu!

Is there anything more interesting than this?

The funniest thing is what Daozu said at the beginning.

Basically, he sold Chen Fan's face and went for Chen Fan's so-called friend.

Otherwise, how could such a low-level method of enlightenment be used by a group of great experts whose lowest level is the Golden Immortal?

However, under the influence of some special psychology.

But such a scene occurred.

Chen Fan can imagine how complicated Hongjun's mood is now.


[Due to the planning of Immortal Yang Mei, the Lich War will not develop according to the original plot. Let me tell you in advance to avoid people thinking that the timeline is confusing].

Chapter 88

Interesting, interesting! But I never thought that I would see so many primitive creatures and 'enlighten the Tao' under the nose of Daozu.

I don’t know what they have realized. After Daozu has finished speaking, he has to ask some questions!

Chen Fan's voice fell on Hongjun's ears.

The other great powers in Zixiao Palace were not aware of it at all.

This... makes the seniors laugh, they are a bunch of ignorant people, and then they will lose their face!

Hongjun's face turned slightly dark. Faced with Chen Fan's teasing, he was naturally angry with these guys.

If these guys weren't so smart, how could they have lost face in front of Senior Sun Star.

Especially the six on the futon!

In the future, someone who has a master-disciple relationship with him also behaves so badly.

If it weren't for the sake of maintaining the Taoist ancestor's demeanor, he would really like to take a command stick and beat them up severely at this moment!

But the matter has come to this, and the face has been lost.

Hongjun made up his mind.

After this explanation of the method of enlightenment is finished, these smart-alecks must be shamed!

A few days, compared to all the living creatures in the wilderness, was not worth mentioning at all.

But inside this Zixiao Palace.

Just a few days, but it made this large group of powerful people go through millions of years and endure incomparable suffering.

There is no other reason.

Mainly, what they can think of are visions and wonders about enlightenment.

I have used it no less than 180 times, and I really can’t think of any changes.

After all, everyone is just pretending to be enlightened, so naturally they will not let the vision remain unchanged.

Otherwise, if you look at other people, you will see lavish decorations, golden lotuses blooming, and the evolution of thousands of worlds.

You are the only one who remains unchanged. Isn’t it a shame? Do you still want that face?


In just a few days, they simply racked their brains to remember everything about enlightenment in their minds.

Going back and forth, I dug out countless numbers.

Such a scene naturally made Chen Fan, who was above the clouds, have a smile on his face that never faded.

But Daozu's face became darker and darker.

As for the group of sand sculpture friends, they are in their own world and have a great opportunity, and they are not awake yet.

Taoist ancestor Hongjun personally enlightened them, and naturally many benefits were extraordinary.

Of course, it is only limited to making them enlightened, and they will not be able to enjoy more.

...There is no ordinary world, no order, no strength or weakness. Anyone who hears this way will be enlightened...

At this point, the blessing that can be enjoyed by those weak creatures is completely enough.

If it weren't for Chen Fan, there would be no need for such a time, just a word.

It was enough to give them an epiphany on the spot.

However, since we are selling face, we naturally have to do it more thoughtfully.

The golden lotuses that filled the sky dissipated, and the vision of endless preaching also slowly disappeared.

Hongjun opened his eyes slightly and hid the anger in them. He still looked calm and kind-hearted.

But what he was thinking in his heart at this moment was unknown.

At the same time, Chen Fan also looked down the field with a joking smile.

Although Daozu's vision has dissipated, these are all pretenders.

But he acted like he was in a state of enlightenment and couldn't extricate himself for a long time.

Each of them had their eyes closed tightly, with an obsessed expression on their faces, as if they were still waiting for them.

Let's see who can't help but finish enlightenment first.

Seeing this, Hongjun's face turned dark again.

wake up!

The slightly stern voice echoed in the Zixiao Palace, causing the bodies of all the powerful men to tremble slightly.

They all opened their eyes slightly doubtfully, as if the lingering lingering sound was lingering.

Afterwards, they all bowed to Hongjun to express their gratitude.

Yuan Shi, one of the Three Pure Ones, even said: The Taoist ancestor was compassionate and taught us the truth. Today I have an epiphany. I must improve my cultivation to a higher level so that I can live up to the grace of the Taoist ancestor in teaching the Tao!

With the person taking the lead, the rest of the great masters also responded one after another, and one by one began to enter the stage of gratitude...

But he never noticed that Lord Dao Ancestor above the clouds had a face as cold as ice.

After all, everyone is so guilty, how can they have the courage to look directly into the face of Dao Ancestor?

Next to Hongjun, Chen Fan almost burst out laughing!

Even with his mentality, he didn't expect that Yuan Shi would take the lead in such a good show.

Chen Fan even guessed that these guys probably thought that Daozu's first sermon was over.

It is estimated that all of them are disgraced and ready to run away.

As soon as such thoughts arose, Chen Fan really noticed that many great powers were about to move, looking like they wanted to leave.

I think so.

Judging from the current situation, these guys have not gained anything.

On the contrary, it was extremely awkward and confusing.

Almost everyone thinks that others have had an epiphany, but they are just faking it.

Under such a situation, it would be wise to feel better.

In particular, he had to bite the bullet and express his gratitude to Daozu, as if he had received a great benefit.

It can be said to be extremely frustrating!

How could they know that what Dao Zu Hongjun called Dao at the beginning was not what they were told at all.

Hongjun naturally didn't bother to explain this to a bunch of juniors.

But I never expected that it was precisely because of this lack of explanation that Yuan Shi took the lead in the charge.

The remaining five of the Six Saints of Heaven followed closely behind, and the three thousand mortal guests did not lose even half a step, and each one learned from them.

Even after everything happened, Yuan Shi stood up again.

It was because he was afraid that the Taoist ancestor would not know that he had enlightened the Tao.

This started the extremely awkward thanksgiving session, which made the Dao Ancestor above the clouds soar in anger!

What a pity, such a wonderful scene.

There is no chance for a bunch of idiots to see this, otherwise they would be shocked.

The group of sand sculpture friends who are truly in the process of enlightenment were enlightened by the Taoist ancestors and got the opportunity.

But there was no chance that such a strange scene would occur in this primitive world.

A drink and a peck are all fate.


Chapter 89

After a while.

Daozu Hongjun, who was high in the clouds, finally suppressed the rising anger in his heart.

His face was extremely cold, with a stern look in his eyes.

Preaching in Zixiao Palace is a solemn and solemn matter.

But because of the ignorant people below, who pretended to be smart, Senior Sun Star saw a farce.

Although on the surface there are no consequences.

But Hongjun's wrath is not limited to the bold actions of the guys below.

On the contrary, he saw that these so-called powerful men placed too much emphasis on their own dignity!

It seems.

On the contrary, Zhunti and Jieyin were, to a certain extent, slightly better.

At least, these two guys can put aside their skin and work hard for the Western Continent.

If we look at this point alone, it makes sense that the position of the two saints falls on their heads.

You guys, have you all had an epiphany? 14

Hongjun's voice resounded through Zixiao Palace, like a yellow bell, deafening and enlightening.

The three thousand mortal guests were all shocked and bowed their heads without saying a word.

A tense atmosphere suddenly enveloped the entire Zixiao Palace.

Yuanshi, I see that you are the first to enter the state of enlightenment, and you are also the first to tell me that I have gained something. Then tell me what you have enlightened!

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