Little Nannan's world is very powerful, and things that can be called spiritual fruits are naturally not ordinary things.

But in the eyes of the Sun Star boss, it just looks like an ordinary fruit.

The old Taoist shed tears of envy.

Little Nannan: Sorry everyone, all the spiritual fruits on little Nannan have been given out in red envelopes. We have to wait until next time. I hope Brother Sun Star likes the taste of these spiritual fruits (shy.jpg).

The hungry dragon roared: Squeak...(drooling.jpg)


[The great and supreme Sun Star sent a private red envelope to Roaring the Hungry Dragon, with the note: daily feeding. 】

The hungry dragon roared: Thank you, big brother Sun Star (well-behaved and cute.jpg)!

The conscientious administrator: Damn it, I just hate that I am not a lolita, otherwise I will be doted on by everyone (I hate it.jpg)!

Esdeath: Jealousy has changed me beyond recognition. Let's not talk about it anymore. It's time to fight to the death with those rebels! No one can stop me!

Rem: Don't direct or act on your own. Buy a crossover talisman to stop the stupid queen. No one would be so stupid.

...... .. 0

Esdeath: ...

Well, the power of Rem's poisonous tongue is becoming more and more sophisticated. Every time, it is sure to hit the nail on the head and catch people off guard.

Ancient times.

Chen Fan's incarnation was like eating fruit, a spiritual fruit that Lin Jiu longed for in one bite.

It's useless, just taste it.

After all, this is also the little girl's heart.

At this moment, a smile suddenly appeared on Chen Fan's lips: We're finally here, it seems that Honghuang is going to be lively for a while!

Just after Chen Fan sighed.

As the saying goes:

Lying high in the ninth heaven, sleeping on a futon with the truth,

Beyond the dark and yellow sky, I am the leader of the teachings.

Pan Gu gave birth to Tai Chi, and the two rituals and four images followed.

One teaching is passed down to three friends, and two teachings are explained and divided.

The leader of Xuanmen City transformed into Hongjun in one breath.

Purple air comes from the east, golden lotuses are everywhere, the heavens celebrate, visions appear frequently, and the way of heaven is manifested.

A terrifying power of a saint fell into the hearts of every creature in the wilderness, causing them to subconsciously look up to the sky.

It seems that, high in the sky, there is an old Taoist with white hair and beard, and his whole body reveals a natural Taoist charm.

The first saint in the world!

This idea inexplicably condensed in the mind of the creature.

Hongjun, a poor Taoist, has become a saint today. He feels how difficult it is for all sentient beings to practice cultivation. Thousands of years later, he will preach three times in the Zixiao Palace in the midst of chaos. Each time, three thousand years have passed. Anyone who is destined can come here.

The words spread throughout the vast universe, and countless creatures heard these words. They all bowed in unison and said: Sage has mercy!

So far.

The visions and countless grand scenes that filled the sky slowly dispersed.

The strong pressure of the saint and the terrifying charm have also disappeared.

On the sun star.

Chen Fan's spiritual incarnation is eagerly awaited.

Now that he has become a saint, how could Hongjun not come to visit him?

There is a saying that the way of heaven is impermanent, and the will of a saint is the will of heaven. As the first saint in this prehistoric era.

Naturally, Hongjun wanted to come and explore again what kind of state this innate god transformed from the sun star had reached.

Otherwise, he would definitely feel uneasy!

What's more, Hongjun, who has become a saint, can be said to be unparalleled in his calculation ability. Apart from Chen Fan, he can be regarded as the first person in the world today.

He has just become a saint, but he feels that the way of heaven is incomplete and needs to continue to make amends.

However, in this future calamity, one of the people who will suffer the calamity is the witch clan whose father-god Pangu is.

But Hongjun found that he couldn't count the beings that competed with the Wu clan!

How great is this?

The only thing I can think of is that it might be related to the sun star.

Therefore, no matter what the reason, Hongjun wanted to come and meet Chen Fan.


Chapter 79

PS: Thank you to the boss [There is a Guest in the World] for your support of 588 VIP points, thank you very much!

Thank you [Why do you always force me? 】100VIP point reward support, as well as 5 reminder tickets support, thank you very much!


It won't take long.

A figure appeared outside the thirty-third heaven.

His beard and hair are all white, his eyebrows are kind and his eyes are kind, and his Taoist charm is completely natural. He stands quietly outside the sun and stars.

In those eyes, there seems to be a long river of time flowing, looking at the past, present and future.

The surrounding Taoist rhymes are constantly evolving, deducing the changes in the general trend of the ancient times.

Of course.

But in the end, nothing was found. This ancient sun star still seemed to be shrouded in endless fog.

Can't see clearly at all!


A long sigh echoed outside the thirty-third heaven for a long time.

At the same time, a come came from above the Sun Star.

Hongjun's expression changed slightly, but he did not refuse. He took a step forward and the Taoist charm flowed.

The next moment, it was already on the surface of the sun star.

Senior is so unpredictable that Hongjun admires him. I dare to ask, what is the realm of my senior?

As soon as he entered the Sun Star, Hongjun turned to Chen Fan's spiritual incarnation and asked for advice.

This question is like an obsession for Hongjun.

after all.

Hongjun once believed that once he became a saint, he would inevitably reach the limit of what heaven could tolerate.

As the saying goes, all saints are ants, this is the truth.

However, after ascending to the Holy Throne, Hongjun discovered to his horror that he still couldn't see through the Sun Star!

This is the biggest doubt and obsession in Hongjun's heart.

Realm? This thing has no constraints on me. If you insist on thinking about it, there is nothing wrong with treating me as equal to the way of heaven.

I am the sun and star of the ancient world. I bless all things and extend my grace widely. I am endowed with boundless merits and virtues. Both Heaven and I are indispensable!

With me, the heavens are divided into yin and yang, and the earth is dawn and dusk; without me, the world is confused, and the way of heaven is disordered!

Now that I have transformed into an innate god, I do not practice the 14 paths, nor do I stop practicing the law. Instead, I wield the power of innate laws and order, without needing to understand them, and I can command them like an arm.

So, do you understand?

Chen Fan's spiritual incarnation looked directly at Hongjun and said slowly.

Thank you, senior, for clarifying my doubts. Today, Xiao Hongjun is arrogant. He thought that becoming a saint meant stepping into the first rank between heaven and earth.

In fact, this is not the case. Above the saints, there is the way of heaven, and beside the way of heaven, there are seniors.

Hongjun handed over his hand, and his old face seemed to have let go of some obsessions and seemed much more relaxed.

The law of heaven is immortal, and the saints are immortal.

This is a privilege granted by Heaven, but it also demonstrates the supreme principle of Heaven.

No matter how tyrannical a saint is, he will never be able to override the way of heaven.

But in the same way, no matter how weak a saint is, he is still a saint. His soul rests on the way of heaven, and he is immortal and will never fall into calamity.

Of course, the so-called saint here is the saint of heaven.

However, some people who have achieved the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian fruit status through great perseverance and great supernatural powers are not included in this category.

He possesses magical power and supernatural powers that far exceed those of ordinary saints, but he is also in danger of death.

However, killing Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is far more difficult than killing an ordinary Heavenly Saint ten thousand times!

The difficulty of reaching the Hunyuan Realm is far beyond what most people can imagine.

Of course.

Today, Chen Fan summoned Dao Ancestor Hongjun.

The purpose is to complete the plan of heaven and strengthen the ancient times!

Among them, a certain Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian who is cultivating secretly will become the culprit in Chen Fan's plan.

Just as Chen Fan said to Hongjun.

The way of heaven and him are both indispensable in the prehistoric times.

And Tiandao will not be Chen Fan's enemy. On the contrary, the relationship between them can be said to complement each other.

If the Heavenly Dao is strong, the Sun and Stars will be strong, and vice versa.

However, after becoming an innate god, he has a more independent mind and is a real living being.

But the way of heaven is not.

The prehistoric era is not static and eternal, it is also growing bit by bit.

Little by little, he swallowed the surrounding chaos, incorporated it into his own body, and became stronger and stronger.

During this process, as the prehistoric Tiandao and Sun Xing, they can most appreciate the benefits of working from the outside to the inside.

However, it doesn’t have to be from the outside in, there’s nothing wrong with doing the opposite!

Measuring the calamity of the ancient world and perfecting the way of heaven can also accelerate the expansion of the ancient world.

Hongjun, I think you should not only come to inquire about my realm.

The saint has insight into heaven's secrets and senses heaven's way, and he has control over the past, present and future.

Do you have any enlightenment?

Chen Fan had a faint smile on his face and played with a spiritual fruit given by his little girl.

Senior, I have a feeling that the way of heaven is lacking.

Therefore, I plan to preach to the predestined people in the Chaos Purple Sky Palace and at the same time establish the future saints of heaven.

Then he planned to combine his body with the Tao to mend the Heaven's Dao. So far, Hongjun is the Heaven's Dao, but the Heaven's Dao is not Hongjun!

Hongjun said respectfully, while looking at Chen Fan, as if hoping to get some advice.

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