The present world? Changes? Captain Aizen, I don't know much about this issue. You know, I am not the Shinigami responsible for the present world.

But... I just heard some guys talking about it, and it seems that there are no virtual ones in this world recently...

Speaking of this, Yin's face suddenly changed slightly, and his squinted eyes opened.

Is that so? No wonder, the recent movements within Hueco Mundo have become blurry to us. That's it!

but why? Moreover, those stupid guys can't possibly know your plan, Aizen-sama, right?

Silver asked with confusion on his face.

Rukia Kuchiki cannot disappear for no reason. As a god of death, although her power is not strong, she will not be easily killed by low-level Hollows.

And as a member of the Kuchiki family who was cared for by Kuchiki Byakuya, she was even less likely to be attacked by other Shinigami.

What's more, she is still under our surveillance?

In this way, the result of connecting the current world and Hueco Mundo's movements is already obvious, isn't it?

Moreover, the contents of Kuchiki Rukia's body have also been exposed.

Aizen analyzed slowly, but his hands were inadvertently clenched into fists.

Obviously, even Aizen has a detached mentality.

But facing the fact that Bengyu, whom he regarded as his treasure, would be snatched away by others first, he would naturally not be in a good mood.

The most important point is!

Beng Yu is absolutely impossible to expose!

Even if it is really exposed, then it should be the man named Urahara Kisuke who discovered his plan.

But that man was not ruthless enough to get rid of Rukia directly.

So, the problem arises.

A problem that Aizen feels may be very difficult and even completely beyond his control!

That's it.

The world of Death is very likely to be in the same situation as the world where the administrator is in the chat group of all worlds!

Even the secret unknown enemy is familiar with the secrets of the Death God's world, his own secrets and what he doesn't know!

Go down, Yin, there are still many things hidden in this world that we cannot know.

Maybe in the future, you will understand what I am saying now.

Aizen waved his hand, as if he was not in the mood to continue talking.

Ichimaru Gin, on the other hand, looked at Aizen deeply, then closed the door and left.


There was a helpless smile on Aizen's lips, and he said to himself: I've been hiding it for so long, but I finally have to say it myself. It's really...

Ordinary ordinary person: @Everyone, everyone, maybe there are some unpredictable troubles in my world. I even have a hunch that a world mission may be born!


[In the world where the member Ordinary Ordinary People lives, a world mission appears: to eliminate the unstable factors in the world! 】

[Number of mission members: 10]

[Task reward: 100,000 points (distributed according to work)]

[Ask the current world members, ordinary ordinary people, to select mission members within a month and start the world mission! 】

[Tip: During the world mission, there is no need to consume cross-border symbols when crossing borders]

The appearance of the second world mission did not have the special alarm sound like the first time...

However, the number of people on the mission has been increased, and the time for selecting mission candidates has been increased.

I actually had it for a month!

This actually made a lot of friends in the group feel a little surprised.

You know, after triggering the world mission last time, time has been a little rushed.

Ordinary people: ...

Aizen didn't expect that as soon as he deduced that the world mission might be triggered, the Bank of China chat group would announce it in a dignified manner.

Time Elf: Ah? World mission, so the identity of ordinary people will finally be exposed?

Jing Jing Jie Administrator: “As the only guy in this group who has concealed his identity for so long, I never expected that in the end it would be the world mission that everyone was looking forward to, forcing him to come out.

I can already imagine the helpless feeling that ordinary people feel now.

Ordinary ordinary person: Although it is indeed a little uncomfortable, there is nothing I can do about it. Things are beyond my control in some aspects.

So, let’s get to know my identity again, Sosuke Aizen, who comes from the world of death.


[After it is released, I will start with five updates every day, more than 10,000 words. I got up a little late today, and the update is late, sorry]

[By the way, in this world mission, you can guess what the final BOSS is, it’s hard to guess! ].

Chapter 67

The conscientious administrator: Aizen? No wonder it always feels so familiar, and no wonder you said you might be considered evil in the future.

However, the world of Death is also a good world!

How about it, do you mind letting me upload some memory clips?

Aizen Soyousuke (since his identity was explained, Aizen changed his nickname directly): I didn't want to know what the future would be like before, but now, it doesn't make much sense anymore. The administrator can just do whatever he wants.

As for the candidates for world missions...that is the question now.

Well, so far I can’t purchase the ‘Sun Star Blessing’ thing, so maybe I can’t accommodate the arrival of the Sun Star boss.

Sun Star: It's okay. Originally, I didn't plan to participate in this world mission. Don't worry. Let's kill some time by looking at the memory fragments uploaded by the administrator.

Chen Fan didn't find anything strange about Aizen's identity.

Aizen's unique style of doing things and his calm attitude in dealing with things are very obvious.

Just like the loss of Bengyu.

He was able to quickly deduce the seriousness of the matter without appearing panicked, and promptly posted a request for help in the group.

Similarly, Chen Fan will not look down on Aizen just because he chose to ask for help instead of solving the problem himself.

You know, just like the last world mission, the so-called main god space is actually involved.

That is not what the current group of friends can handle.

But this seems that the world mission is not too difficult. The reward is a total of 100,000 points, which must be divided among ten people.

Moreover, ample time is given for selecting candidates for tasks.

Aizen Sosuke: I'm a little disappointed that the boss of the Sun Star didn't participate, but that's right. This mission shouldn't be that outrageous.

The conscientious administrator: 'World Unstable Factors', the goal of this mission seems a bit difficult to determine, right?

However, let’s not worry about that much for now, let’s upload the memory fragments. ¨!


[Administrator, uploaded a memory fragment and named it The God of Death. Please browse it by yourself. 】

Time Elf: It's another beautiful day in life. There is one more TV show to follow, just like there is one more beautiful scenery in life (Love, love.jpg)!

Staff Goddess: I just finished reading the memory fragment about myself, and I have become autistic. No one should call me, woo woo woo (crying.jpg)...

How could this goddess be like this? Wuwuwu...

Crippled Evil God: No! This Evil God is the strongest! Fake! This is all fake! How could this Evil God be afraid of the little 'fork' (a group of unscrupulous people who want to harm me.jpg)?!

The hungry dragon roared: It's incredible, it's incredible. Is the administrator sister the legendary creator of autistic people? She caused two gods to collapse at once.

Iron Man: Well... I just finished watching 'Blessings for a Wonderful World!', and now I understand the reason for the nickname of the Staff Goddess. It fits perfectly, without any problems!

Evil Sword Immortal: As an aggregation of evil thoughts, I am watching the memory fragment of 'Sneak! Nayako' related to the crippled evil god.

I thought that even a crippled evil god was still an evil god after all, so he should be very scary.

but why? Why is the evil god afraid of a small fork?

Is it possible that this mighty evil swordsman is actually afraid of things like chopsticks? !

As for my Italian cannon: Damn it! A monk could die in the hands of bandits?! I ********** (omitting the ten thousand words of truth).

Second Battalion Commander! Bring me the Italian cannon! If I don't fucking blow those sons of bitches into scum today.

From now on, my surname will not be Li!

In the world of bright swords, after just seeing the memory fragment of the monk's death, Li Yunlong's mentality exploded in an instant.

There is nothing to say. Only by destroying those damn bandits can he calm down the anger in his heart!

Especially, right now, those guys haven't been recruited yet.

He was determined not to really let the monk die tragically in the hands of these bastards.

Ever since, a certain group of bandits who didn't like to do human things were still sleeping in their den.

Li Yunlong had already pulled up his beloved Italian cannon and led his troops to attack quietly.

Facing the elite of this big boss, a group of bandits cannot be the enemy together, and the fate is already clear.

Gu Aotian: I have already watched the memory clips. Although it is only the first part, I have already roughly guessed what I will do in the future.

Although I am a little bit autistic, I still want to ask, administrator, do you know why my world has become like this?

The conscientious administrator: .~This? To be honest, I don't know. I've only watched the anime, so I really can't explain it. I'm sorry.

Gu Aotian: Well, it seems that I still have to solve this problem by myself. I won't talk about it anymore. I'm going to isolate myself for a while.

Quietly beeping: It’s still a bit shameful after people know that I’m just a gamer who traveled through time!

Time Elf: How lucky I am now that I didn't offend the administrator. Otherwise, I'm afraid I would be as autistic as the newcomers, right?

Dedicated administrator: If you want to now, I wouldn't mind uploading it!

Sun Star: This is possible. As the most powerful representative of this group, I think the administrator should treat every member equally.

It is wrong to favor one over the other. We will share the memory fragments about each new member so that everyone can experience the elegance of different worlds.

If I say this, everyone should be okay with it, right?

Time Elf: Boss Sun Star?! Hey, hey, hey... (the king's) is autistic...

Iron Man: There won't be any memory fragments about me, right (bad premonition.jpg)?

Even though he is old, he can still dance: I, Madara Uchiha, have been in the ninja world all my life, and I am mighty and domineering. I don't think there is anything shameful about it. The administrator can upload it as much as he wants!

Flame Enchantress: I also want to see what secrets there are in the world I live in!

As Chen Fan spoke, some members of the group began to shut up, while others were slightly expectant.

Of course, he wouldn't tell these guys.

In fact, I just want to relive the memory of Zhui Fan in this boring period of time.

after all.

Although he was infinitely close to being a saint, Hongjun still lacked that finishing touch.

When Hongjun becomes a saint, it will be the beginning of a new era!


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