Her method is quite unique, and to another extent, she has planned a great opportunity for the two future Little Golden Crows!

Moreover, this method is simple and feasible, and even for Chen Fan, a little bit of effort can bring a lot of rewards.

Nothing more.

If this plan succeeds, if it’s not right, take action yourself, this plan will definitely succeed!

After this plan is successful, some future Taoist ancestors will have a huge headache.

Ha...it's interesting. I don't know how you will respond to the future Taoist Hongjun. There is also...the most just and righteous way of heaven!

A vast and endless scene appeared in Chen Fan's eyes.

The Yuanshen villain pointed out gently.


In the endless void, in the long river of time and destiny, something seemed to be shattered, making a crisp sound.

It’s such a seemingly casual little gesture.

In an instant, within the vast wilderness, Heavenly Dao suddenly shook.

But soon, calm returned, as if nothing had happened.

Have you regained your composure after you realized it was me... At present, it seems that you don't have any ill intentions towards me, and I hope you won't in the future...

Chen Fan Yuanshen's face was calm, but he was thinking a little in his heart.

After a while.

Thirty-three levels of heaven.

Three decrees containing the power of order and rules rushed out from the Sun Star.

The decree was like three small suns that fell into the ancient land, absorbing people's hearts but not harming anything.

at the same time.

The ancestor of the Dragon Clan is Longting, the Feng Clan is the Immortal Volcano, and the Qilin Clan is the founder of the Qilin Mountains.

The three patriarchs of the Xiantian clan are powerful at the pinnacle level of quasi-sages.

At this moment, everyone felt something in their hearts, their eyes were like lightning, they bowed their hands respectfully towards the void in front of them and said: Please come to me with the decree of senior!

The words fell.

In the ancestral court of the three Xiantian clans, infinite light suddenly appeared and turned into a simple scroll.

The text on the scroll is the original Taoist text, which only a creature like Chen Fan can write!

Thirty-three days away, I have something to discuss. Come quickly.


After the message was transmitted, the decree instantly turned into an infinite shadow of the sun and disappeared in front of the heads of the three innate clans.

Zu Long, is this - that person's decree? Didn't he already reject our previous invitation? Could it be that...

Beside Zu Long, a figure couldn't help but speak, with a slight look of dissatisfaction on his face.


A cold snort instantly caused the figure beside Zu Long to lose his breath and kneel down on the ground tremblingly.

Don't lie! How can we speculate on what that person is thinking?! If the next time happens, I will die to apologize!

Although Zu Long's voice was cold and ruthless, the figure breathed a sigh of relief, with a hint of joy on his face.

Since the senior powerful man invited you, don't delay and take good care of the Dragon Clan!

After leaving such words, Zulong's figure disappeared from the place.

The same scene almost always happened in the ancestral courts of the Feng Clan and Qilin Clan.

The three decrees from the Sun Star instantly caused the three most outstanding quasi-sage powers in this vast land to rush thirty-three days away without stopping.

And the other side.

Luo Hu, who was in the ancestral line of the Western Spiritual Vein, also noticed the whereabouts of the three decrees.

Although he couldn't spy or stop him, his face, which was covered with cracks like magma, instantly revealed his crazy emotions.

Can't wait any longer! Take action now!

A series of terrifying demonic thoughts came from within the ancestral veins.

For a time, endless demonic and murderous energy arose in the wilderness that was originally full of employment obstacles.


[Alas, in the hot summer afternoon, it was so hard to doze off. I slept until the afternoon before getting up to code and update, which caused the update to be a bit late. I'm sorry].

Chapter 43

Interesting, it's really interesting. Is this the so-called cause and effect? ​​No wonder it makes all living beings avoid it!

Above the sun star, Chen Fan's little Yuan Shen felt the movements of Luo Hu and showed a smile.

Who would have thought.

Chen Fan himself deduced that within ten thousand years, the Longhan Catastrophe will surely fall.

Unexpectedly, the beginning of the Longhan catastrophe, and the reason for it, actually came from him!

The three decrees from Chen Fan came down!

This prompted Demon Ancestor Rahu to no longer be able to endure any possible changes, and directly triggered a war between the three innate clans!

And he used the overwhelming karma generated by the killings of the three tribes to once again enhance his own strength.

When he reaches his peak, he will fight to the death with Hongjun.

And among them.

First, Luo Hu sought death and dared to reveal his murderous intention to Chen Fan, which resulted in the power of the law being planted that made him miserable. This was the reason.

At this point, Luohu was struggling in endless pain and torture day and night, and was rejected by heaven. He had lost three levels of luck and his strength had declined.

Chen Fan's three decrees were the last straw that broke the camel's back in Luo Hu's heart.

Luo Hu, who had seen Chen Fan's terror, now saw that Chen Fan had summoned the heads of the three Xiantian clans. It was absolutely impossible for him to continue to lie dormant and wait for the best opportunity.

God knows what kind of changes will happen when we get there.

As a result, Luo Hu broke the cauldron and took advantage of the departure of the three major clan leaders to directly trigger a war among the three clans.

The originally peaceful wilderness was suddenly filled with the sound of killing, and this was the result.

One drink and one peck made Chen Fan find it quite interesting.

at the same time.

They had just arrived on the thirty-third heaven and met the three patriarchs of the Xiantian clan.

His expression changed drastically in an instant. For a moment, the quasi-sage's peak power was at a loss for words?

Damn it! Could it be that the two of you conspired to plot against my dragon clan?! Otherwise, why did the three clans immediately start a war as soon as I left?

The ancestral dragon roared angrily, and the dragon's eyes were filled with endless flames of anger.

Before Mingming left, he personally confessed that he would let his descendants take good care of the dragon clan, just because he didn't want to cause trouble at this critical moment.

But what's the result?

If you walk on the front foot, the back foot will explode!

Haha... Zulong is good at confusing right and wrong. I'm afraid I should be asking you this, right?!

Yuan Feng's voice was clear and slightly charming, but it contained a hint of cold murderous intent, and she was obviously very angry.

As for Shi Qilin on the side, he was more calm, suppressing the anger in his heart, and said: You two, although we are at odds, we are even at the point of life and death.

But, who can we possibly use to plot against the other party? Isn't this a joke by some idiot?

As soon as these words came out, Zulong and Yuanfeng's anger dissipated a lot in an instant. Although they were still fighting each other, they obviously calmed down.

Now, it's better to think about whether we should go to Sun Star to re-invite you or go back to solve the current problem.

Seeing that the situation had eased slightly, Shi Qilin spoke again.

In his mind, he was also struggling extremely at this moment.

He looked at his own tribe, fighting to death in the wilderness, and the fighting situation was obviously far worse than before.

It was obvious that he was heading for a life-and-death battle.

But at this critical moment, they received an invitation from Sun Star.

To go or not to go?

This is a problem, well... it's a serious problem!

Shi Qilin's words instantly caused Zulong and Yuanfeng to fall into a daze.

For a long time, the patriarchs of the three innate clans froze in embarrassment, unable to make a decision for a moment.


Can we refuse? This is an invitation from that person.

After Yuanfeng sighed, it turned into a fiery red stream of light and flew towards the direction of the sun star.

Zulong and Shi Qilin also sighed bitterly and followed closely behind.

After the anger, reason finally prevailed.

Even though the descendants of his own clan are going through bloody battles, their own clansmen are constantly dying.

But, facing Sun Star’s invitation, can you refuse it and then go back to join the war or stop it?

The answer is - no!

This is the iron law of ancient times, strength determines everything.

And the innate gods transformed by the sun star have absolute power. No one in the ancient world can disobey the other party's will!

Even if the tribe behind you is at a critical moment of life and death, you don’t dare to refuse!

This is the cruelty of prehistoric times.

Ancestral Dragon (Yuanfeng, Shi Qilin), come to see Senior Sun Star!

Outside the Sun Star, three voices sounded in unison.

A face transformed from the true fire of the sun appeared on the surface of the sun star. It looked at the three people and nodded slightly.

The great calamity has begun, do you want to survive?

The plain and majestic voice echoed in this side of Tianyu, but it directly struck the hearts of the three clan leaders!

Their expressions froze, with disbelief on their faces.

He said tremblingly: How could this be so?

Hmph! The three innate tribes, as innate beings, don't know the heavens.

The fight for power and profit caused the cholera epidemic, and the clan had already accumulated karma, and it was destined to turn into ashes under this catastrophe.

Have you ever thought that as a quasi-sage peak power, you must have avoided all kinds of disasters?

Chen Fan's voice was like that of Huang Zhong Dalu. Every word he spoke directly struck the hearts of the three clan leaders, making their faces gradually turn pale.

If you don't know the destiny, your karma is piled up, and you have the power of a quasi-sage, you will definitely not suffer disaster.

Everything they said was exactly what the three clan leaders thought in their minds.

It was also at this time, in front of the Sun Star, under the divine light.

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