Mu Jinxuan spoke calmly, her whole body burning with golden flames, her appearance was extraordinary, and she had no intention of giving in at all.

In order to see the true form of my Buddha, the young monk has no choice but to offend me. Let's use our own methods to let you see the Dharma of Dacheng Buddha that the young monk has understood!

Fahai's tone changed instantly, and he shouted domineeringly:

The Great Sun Purifies the True Sutra!

A round of illusory sun rose instantly, spreading endless Buddha light and illuminating this world.

Bliss, peace, compassion and many other Buddhist ideals seem to be contained in the light of this great sun.

When ordinary people are illuminated by it, they will be free from all diseases and protected from all evils.

And even a strong person like Mu Jinxuan felt relaxed when bathed in this Buddha's light, and all her worries were completely forgotten!

Unexpectedly, this Fahai actually completely abandoned all the unique knowledge of Buddhism, abandoned his previous cultivation, and instead realized his own Buddhism - the Great Sun Purdue!

Moreover, the strength is not retreating but advancing. This is the so-called enlightenment in one day, which is better than a thousand years of hard work!

Mu Jinxuan sighed in her heart, but the movements of her hands did not stop at all.

Her strength was given by the boss of the Sun Star. How could she lose the face of the boss of the Sun Star?

Although, Fahai's current Buddhism also comes from contemplating the prehistoric sun and star.

However, now that the boss is in power, he must perform well!

The sun is really fire, the scorching sun is FaLun!

Mu Jinxuan shouted low, and the endless true fire of the sun instantly condensed into a bright wheel of light in front of her, like a golden crow flapping its wings and roaring to the sky!


A golden light flashed from the ground to the sky in an instant, where the three figures were.

Everything happened in an instant, and he was one step ahead of Fa Hai!

When Mu Jinxuan took action, it seemed that only the golden light was left in the entire world.


The next second.

Two of the three demon reincarnators who rushed over excitedly froze in the sky and lost their voices.

There was a small wound on their chest, with little golden flames glowing on it.

But soon, the golden flames on the small wound engulfed them completely in an instant!

The two demon reincarnators who had just appeared could not even leave a trace of ashes behind.

And next to two teammates who had just died.

The leader, Bas, had a stiff body and a sluggish face. Cold sweat soaked his back, and there was endless fear in his pupils.


After swallowing hard, Bass, who has been wandering among the killings all year round.

For the first time, I felt that I was so close to death!

The most terrifying thing was that he could clearly feel that the golden stream of light that just passed by could clearly kill him together.

But unfortunately, he was spared his life.

Bass knew what this meant. Although he was extremely ashamed, he was powerless.

Their strength is simply not on the same level.

The purpose of keeping him was just to let the other person come to deal with him.

It's like, be humble to each other? !

In fact.

The reason why Bass is still alive is really just Mu Jinxuan's humility.

After all, after easily killing two people in an instant, Mu Jinxuan would not really accept them all. That would be a bit too much.

For the sake of harmonious and friendly relations within the group and a good start for the first world mission.

Leaving one behind is naturally the best choice.

Moreover, she has proven her strength, and is obviously much stronger than the current Fahai, and has not lost the face of the Sun Star boss.

This is enough.

Mu Jinxuan silently praised herself for her wit!


[Someone actually asked the author to insert the author into the book. Is this a matryoshka doll? (I want to cry but I don’t have any tears)].

Chapter 34

PS: Thank you to the [Ten Tribulation Immortal] boss for your VIP point reward support, thank you very much!


Above the sky.

Fahai's expression changed slightly, but he soon returned to calm, and he clasped his hands together and recited the Buddha's name.

Although one move was missing, Mu Jinxuan, a woman, took the lead.

But after all, the other party's power comes from the reward from the True Buddha of the Sun, and is stronger than his own, so he can't believe it.

However, Fahai is Fahai after all.

He would not belittle himself for the Buddhist teachings he had comprehended by contemplating the prehistoric sun and stars.


Fahai uttered one word, a voice full of supreme Buddhist principles that resounded throughout the world.

At the same time, the illusory sun above his head bloomed with an unprecedented bright light, shrouding the remaining demon reincarnations.

Damn! How dare you underestimate me, Bass, and still want to transform me?! I'll fight you!

After seeing Fahai's actions, Bas became furious almost instantly, his eyes turned red.

Three heads and six arms instantly sprouted from his body, extremely strange scales grew, and he transformed into various forms of bone weapons, and he wanted to rush towards Fahai to kill him.

Obviously, as a senior reincarnator in the main god space.

Bass knows very well what Buddhism is like. Once it is truly transformed, even the self will be lost, and it will completely become the opponent's puppet, a tool to contribute incense and willpower.

Therefore, even if he fights to the death, Bass will not let the other party succeed.


After seeing Bas transform into a three-headed and six-armed appearance, Fahai's eyes lit up and he smiled.

He should come under my sect and become a Dharma Protector! You have three heads and six arms, you are covered in scales and armor, and you are stained with endless sins. Why don't you quickly take refuge in my Buddha?!

Fa Hai's voice was like thunder from the sky, and it actually resounded directly into Bas's mind.

Bass thought: Bah! Shameless dog thief! No matter how many evil I kill, I will only die once. In your hands, life will be worse than death!

When Bas was preempted by Fahai, the Buddha's light descending from the illusory sun also enveloped him.

Behind Bas, under the light of the Buddha, tens of millions of wronged souls and ghosts appeared one by one, with ferocious faces, as if they wanted to cut Bas into pieces with a thousand knives.

If you don't repent for such an injustice for the rest of your life under the disciples of a poor monk, how can you be worthy of the people you slaughtered?!

Fa Hai shouted angrily when he saw the terrifying number of evil ghosts being reflected and entangled around Bas.

Suddenly, the Buddha's light was so bright that Bas could hardly open his eyes.

And the next second.

Bass, who originally planned to fight to the death, actually gave up his strength and regained his human appearance. He knelt down in front of Fahai obediently, with a pained look on his face and tears in his eyes.

He seems to be filled with endless regret!

This demonic reincarnation that could cause world missions was completely transformed by Fahai in an instant and completely lost himself.

At this very moment.

The moment Bas was transformed by Fa Hai.

A cold, strange will, full of evil and destructive desires, descended on this world in an instant.

The dark illusory ball of light also appeared in everyone's eyes.

The conscientious administrator: What a terrifying aura! Even if I received a gift from the boss of Sun Star, I still feel that I am no match for this weird thing.

Tears: Fortunately, the boss of Sun Star is standing beside me, otherwise, Rem would be really unlucky this time!

The hungry dragon roared: Uh... is the main god mentioned in the chat group actually a ball?

Young monk Fahai: This so-called main god must be a peerless demon who poisons the whole country. That evil aura is about to turn into reality.

Even though he is old, he can still dance: I would like to see what will happen to this guy. In the world mission where the bosses of the Sun Star are present, I always feel that this guy is very unlucky (Schadenfreude.jpg).

Ordinary ordinary person: I'm curious, what is the nature of this guy? Is he really a god?

The unknown, the obstacles, everything will be cleared away. The majesty of the Lord God cannot be challenged. Let it disappear!

A cold and cruel voice sounded, with a strange aura.


A heart-wrenching voice came out.

Space cracks are constantly being torn open.

The sky seemed to turn into a dark demonic realm at this moment, and waves of terrifying aura that did not originate from this world were constantly eroding out of it.

One after another, terrifying and majestic figures, like ancient trolls, project out from the cracks with eyes that choose and devour people.

They were grinning ferociously, as if they were treating the world in front of them as a plate of delicate pastries, ready to devour it!

Blue starfish.

Countless creatures were in chaos at this moment.

Whether it's a peak transcendent who once stood tall, or a strange beast that scares countless humans.

There are even some hidden forces that have not yet had time to recover.

In this horrific scene of world destruction, there are constant cries of sorrow and wailing all over the place.

It's a little noisy, it's disturbing me from feeding it!

Chen Fan's calm face showed a hint of displeasure, and he handed Kang Na in his arms to Mu Jinxuan's hand, and waved his big hand gently.

The power to control the rules surged out, as if the whole world had stopped!

In Chen Fan's hand, there was a black ball of light!

You dare to call yourself God in front of me?!

He kneaded the jet black light in his hands wantonly, and his cold and divine voice resounded throughout the world.

Between heaven and earth, countless void cracks that suddenly appeared suddenly closed instantly.

The sky became clear again, as if nothing had ever happened, and the sun's light once again enveloped the earth.

A sense of survival after a disaster arises spontaneously in the hearts of every creature on Blue Star.

On the other hand, looking at the phantom of the main god, this illusory ball of light at this moment actually has the same emotional expression as a human being. It can no longer be seen that the gods are aloof and indifferent to the common people.


Vaguely, Mu Jinxuan and others felt an emotion called fear from this ball of light!

And in the chat group.


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