Chen Fan thought silently in his mind, and at the same time began to sense the coordinates of Mu Jinxuan's world provided by the chat group.

Then the figure formed by the intertwining of spiritual thoughts waved his big hand gently.

A brilliant divine door instantly appeared on the surface of the Sun Star. The middle of the door looked like a charming starry sky, mysterious and elegant.


On the hibiscus tree that had turned into pure gold, a leaf fell quietly.

During this process, the breath of the hibiscus leaves weakened rapidly.


The power that this hibiscus leaf can exert is only the upper limit of the power of Mu Jinxuan's world.

Immediately afterwards, a trace of spiritual thought attached to it, and the leaves quietly floated into the portal.

Four figures appeared in front of Mu Jinxuan one after another.

And one of the figures immediately became the focus of everyone's attention as soon as it appeared in this world.

That figure full of divinity, majestic and noble, seems to have become the protagonist of this world!

Tool...ahem, administrator, we finally meet.

Chen Fan was the first to speak, with a faint smile on his lips, showing no trace of the embarrassment of almost telling the truth.

A warm and warm atmosphere instantly enveloped the entire venue. A certain administrator was stunned on the spot, his face was rosy, and a ray of crystal flowed quietly from the corner of his mouth.

Cute Queen: Screenshot has been taken! I'm licking the screen like crazy (Silly smile.jpg)!

Time Elf: The smile of Mr. Sun Star, ah! I feel like I am being melted. Is this the warmth of the sun?

Little girl: Brother Sun Xing smiles so warmly, little girl feels like she is soaking in a hot spring (blush.jpg)!

Big bones boiled into soup: This may be the charm of a big man. Every move and gesture exudes unparalleled charm (envy.jpg).

Even though he is old, he can still dance: Haha, the administrator has entered a state of madness. He is worthy of being the boss of Sun Star!


[Although we are old, we can still dance was banned by the administrator for ten minutes! 】

Uchiha Madara:......

Administrator female donor, please put away that expression. This is disrespectful to the human incarnation of Buddha the Great Sun.

Fahai took a step forward, clasped his hands together, and spoke piously.

Kang Na on the side walked staggeringly, carrying a large bag that was completely out of proportion to her body, and walked up to Chen Fan.

Brother, this is a gift from Kangna to you! They are all the most delicious things!

The useless cute loli's lovely words, even though the language was different, had no impact on Chen Fan.

The little guy is really thoughtful. I will give you a gift later!

As he spoke, Chen Fan hugged the cute useless loli with a smile on his face and stroked Kang Na's little head.

It feels like you’re playing with a cat!

In response, Kang Na lay in Chen Fan's arms in an extremely cute and cute manner, with an expression of enjoyment on her face, making her adorable group of friends who were watching the live broadcast.

Have you seen my little bear: “The little bear in my arms doesn’t smell good at all (jealousy makes me change beyond recognition.jpg)!”

Little girl: The snacks sent by Sister Kangna have become tasteless!

Cute Queen: Master Sunstar's first hug! Just... gone (sour into a lemon.jpg)?!

Ahem... I'm sorry, I was a little distracted. Mr. Sun Star, what should we do next?

Mu Jinxuan opened her mouth with a reddish complexion, feeling like she had nowhere to place her little hands.

Especially when looking at Kang Na, there was clearly a hint of undisguised envy.

After feeling such eyes, Kang Na, who was lying in Chen Fan's arms, couldn't help but hug Chen Fan tighter!

Don't be too cautious, just be normal. As for what to do next, administrator, please go and solve the problem in the sky for now.

After the advance army dies, the mastermind behind the scenes will naturally appear.

Chen Fan said, as for those guys who deal with the world mission, he has no interest. Mu Jinxuan is fully capable of solving them now.

The purpose of Chen Fan coming here is just to meet his fellow sand sculptures and to melt the sun of this world.

Leave it to me! I will let these bugs that invade the world feel what it means to be the wrath of the sun!

Mu Jinxuan looked like she had been injected with chicken blood, and the pale golden inscription on her forehead shone brightly.


Faint golden flames instantly enveloped Mu Jinxuan's body, making her look like a golden Valkyrie!


[Please give me flowers, tips, and evaluation votes. There is almost no change in the data this afternoon. The author is so panicked]

[Explanation: This book is a pleasant article, and there will be no conspiracy theories or the like. The existence of the chat group itself is more like a rule without subjective consciousness. I will not focus on the description in the book, so as not to say that I am short on word count] .

Chapter 31

Queen of Cuteness: “Could this familiar flame color be... the true fire of the sun (unbelievable.jpg)?!”

Ordinary ordinary person: It seems that the boss of Sun Star previously said that he would give administrators the benefits, and this is it. No wonder the administrator's strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and his star rating has reached the same level as mine.

If it weren't for the world's restrictions, I'm afraid the administrator's strength should have thrown me away.

Iron Man: Is this how powerful the immortal bosses are? As the only ordinary person in this group, I tremble!

Uncle Jiu: Mediating with nature and creating gods with just one thought, this kind of magic can only be accomplished by the Sun Star boss, right (Yearing.jpg)?


Mu Jinxuan's figure was like a meteor with a golden flame tail soaring into the sky.

Mom, is that a shooting star?

The innocent and lovely child asked in his mother's arms, his big eyes full of curiosity.

His mother's expression changed slightly, with a hint of surprise in her eyes, and she said, My child, that's not a shooting star. She may be our hope for the future!

Scenes like this happen in many places on this planet.

The spiritual energy revives, and everything changes between heaven and earth.

As a result, the original balance of this planet was broken, and countless creatures suffered terrible mutations.

As for humans, a few of them have also become transcendants, possessing great power.

In fact, many strange and mysterious inheritances have emerged. Once inherited, they will have a starting point far beyond others.

The revival of spiritual energy is destined to change the direction of this world and gradually become stronger.


No one would have thought that it had not been long since the spiritual energy was revived, after humanity had just stabilized and settled down.

A shocking crack appeared in the sky, and from behind that crack emerged countless Zerg warships with extremely terrifying energy.

Just the sheer number, the densely packed countless figures, makes people feel intimidated.

Under such a situation, none of those currently standing at the top of human transcendence had the courage to investigate.


The appearance of Mu Jinxuan changed this rigid situation.

In the vast universe, a strange-looking spaceship stayed not far from the blue starfish.

And Blue Starfish is the planet where Mu Jinxuan lives!

At this moment, inside the spaceship, the scene of Mu Jinxuan rising into the sky and planning to fight against the Zerg was clearly projected on the screen.

A mysterious man with antelope horns on his forehead sneered and said: Ha...a mere evolver from a world of high martial arts wants to stand alone against the Zerg warships we exchanged at a high cost? It's simply ridiculous.

Hmph! If it weren't for the fact that this world is quite special and has a lot of evolutionary potential, I wouldn't be willing to part with such a luxurious invasion method!

On one side, a woman with green scales all over her body stared at the screen with vertical eyes and said coldly.

On the main seat of the spacecraft, Bass, a tall man wearing a green-gold battle armor and bulging muscles, slowly said, Don't worry, the Lord God has judged that the spiritual energy recovery in this world has a very high upper limit, but it is not yet fully mature. , can only be regarded as an ordinary high martial arts world.

It can be said that there is no existence that can be called strong. As long as we complete the invasion and slaughter these natives, we can get a quarter of the resources in this world!

At that time, what does the small cost of exchanging Zerg warships count? With this resource, we can greatly improve our ranking among the Samsara team! Gain the favor of the Lord God!

As soon as these words came out, the horned man and the scaled woman laughed instantly, as if everything was under control.

They know how powerful the Zerg warships are. Facing such a world with no absolute strong warriors, using the Zerg warships to clean up is the most convenient and quickest way!

And this method is also what the demon reincarnations use best and like the most.

Any world they have invaded will become a wasteland, and its resources will be plundered by the Lord God.

Some of them fell into the hands of these minions.

The three demon reincarnators all had smiles on their faces at the thought of getting a lot of resources from this potential world.

Wait?! Something's wrong! What's going on? That woman, how could this happen?!

Suddenly, the scale woman's sharp and harsh roar echoed through the spacecraft.

The other two people quickly came to their senses and turned their attention to the screen.

In an instant, their expressions became extremely stiff and dull.

I saw.

A large number of Zerg warships and countless Zerg warriors who were about to invade Blue Starfish unexpectedly disappeared in an instant.

It turned into a golden sea of ​​fire and lit up the entire starry sky!

In that sea of ​​fire, those Zerg races could not even struggle for a moment before they were completely reduced to ashes.

In other words, not even the ashes could be left behind!

Lord God, I need an explanation! How the hell can this be called an ordinary world of high martial arts?!

Have you ever seen ordinary people in the world of high martial arts be able to annihilate so many Zerg warships with one blow?

Have you ever seen ordinary people in the world of high martial arts being able to make Zerg warships leave not even a trace of dregs behind? !

Bass roared into the void, looking like he had been deceived and played with, without any sense of strategizing as before.

But at this moment.


A cold, ruthless, machine-like snort came from an illusory ball of light that suddenly appeared in front of Bass.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Bass's mouth instantly.

The Lord God cannot doubt it. If there is another time, erase it!

The voice was cold, ruthless, and full of cruelty, causing Bass, who was originally dizzy due to anger, to wake up instantly.

A trace of resentment flashed in his eyes, but he immediately maintained a respectful posture.

The same is true for the other two reincarnations.

They never expected that for a simple world invasion, Bass would actually scold the phantom of the Lord God!

The two looked at each other, and saw horror in each other's eyes.

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