Another area of Ziyun Mountain has been purified.

Although the degree of purification is not large.

However, it seems to be a good thing now.

A lot of monsters are busy.

The scene is still very beautiful.

Some spider spirits are in charge of the higher mountains.

And some poisonous insects are responsible for low places.

All ministries on both sides interfered.

The attitude towards doing things is quite good.

And the progress is not slow either.

Everyone works together.

Things kept going.

But the Ziyun Mountain area is quite huge.

Stretching for hundreds of miles.

There are also some mountain streams and the like.

There are also many hidden demons.

After the poisonous lady got the news, she divided an area –

“This way there will be another safe place.-..”

“However, things are far from over…There are still some places that are not finished…”

In the mountains far away.

A large number of Taoists with broken bodies.

He was swaying with slow steps.

Their form is very strange.

Some have worms in their stomachs.

Some eyes have bugs in them.

In some cases, bugs take up half of the body.

In short, let’s say a word.

These guys are no longer human.

But a monster possessed by bugs.

See them like this.

Pleiades Star Officer’s eyes are filled with hatred

“The people have become like this…”

“It’s really hateful…”

He took out his sword.

Then a rain of swords filled the sky.

Countless air waves.

Submerged all those possessed by the insect.

Screams swept through the mountains.

They are beyond salvation.

Killing is the only solution.

Looking at the bodies everywhere.

Pleiades Star Officer couldn’t help but sigh. Although he killed the physical body, the spiritual body had no way to reincarnate.

The underworld was already finished.

Therefore, these souls have nowhere to go for the time being.

He thought about it.

Finally came up with a solution.

As the golden light falls.

These souls have nowhere to go.

Finally found his own place.

A body made of stone.

When they opened their eyes, they regained their consciousness.

Suddenly the noise started

“Why does it become like this…”

“Aren’t we practicing Dharma?”

“strangeness…Why did my body turn into stone?…Where is my face?…Woo woo woo…” cry.



Various emotions rippled below.

And then a cold and majestic voice fell from the sky

“you guys…”

“Calm down!!!”

“Turn around and look behind you, that’s your body…Show me clearly…What have you been doing all these years?…”

“Turning into stone, that is mercy for you”

“If you don’t know it yet, you have lost your soul and go wandering….”

Hear that sound.

Countless stone monsters turned around.

They then froze.

In the distance are a large number of corpses.

Wrong and twisted.

However, these corpses are without exception.

They have all kinds of scars on their bodies.

All kinds of poisonous insects.

However, it’s all over.

Because of the impact caused by these poisonous insects.

All dissipated.

Some of them recognized their own bodies.

It is even more difficult to accept everything in front of me

“etc….What’s this…”

“why is my body here…”

“Could it be that I am dead?…”

Soon a large number of memories began to recover from the body.

People finally remembered.

Not long ago.

In the end what happened.

That was a long, long time ago.

A demonic wind is coming.

Gradually, some people started to suffer from cultivation problems.

And started to go down the wrong path.

And another group of people.

Just follow it.

There are fewer and fewer normal humans.

On the other hand, these people who have eaten bugs.

But the magic power is getting stronger and stronger.

Various powerful sword skills.

It can be said that you can pick it up at your fingertips.

The realm that was insurmountable before can now be broken through at will.

But use the power of bugs.

But it has a powerful side effect.

That is, the body can also turn into a bug.

Such a horrific image. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I’m afraid no one wants to see it.

However, under the temptation of strength.

No one can fight anymore.

Everyone wants great power.

Everyone desires to become stronger[]

No one is excepted.

Because you are not strong. will be killed.


Affected by the bugs, humans began to kill each other.

And swallowed the eggs.

They won’t kill each other.

See this scene.

No one has ever eaten insect eggs.

Begins its demise.

They took it one after another.

From a mountain village. to a mountain range.

Finally the humans in this area.

Basically, they have become like this.


The body becomes a nest of insects.

Become a worm yourself.

Until the bugs begin to hatch and their nutrients are drained, they are like candles left in the wind.

Completely collapsed.

This is the area.

The miserable life of mankind.

After reviewing.

The stones didn’t know what to do.

Because they have no choice now.

Bite the bullet and move forward?


But the body turned to stone.

That kind of awkward.

It’s incomprehensible to anyone

“grown ups…I beg you to show me the way…”

No more bugs to interfere.

The stone people regained consciousness.

Since the other party can use the soul glass.

That must be a big deal.

Pleiades Star Officer raised his eyebrows and said calmly:”Do you understand the present world? Humph?…This is not bad…If you still can’t recognize it clearly…

You deserve it too…

Now I will give you a clear path.

Atonement! Joined the Cult of Destiny…”

“Maybe you will ask…What if I join?…In fact, this is your destiny…Only join…Only then can you understand the reason for your own survival.

The stone body is a bit clumsy and cold.

However, it is better than helping others do evil.”

Then the Pleiades Star Officer began to explain.

The body of the stone.

Although there are many problems.

However, they also have a benefit.

With the body, they can atone for their sins and earn the sacred stones.

Perhaps through continuous efforts, the follow-up will gradually That’s it.



In front of the great God.

What is there that can’t be obtained?

As long as you think about it

, you can get anything.

As long as you work hard, you can get anything.

This is what God teaches all living beings. An opportunity.

After hearing the path given by the Pleiades star official, everyone understood.

Then, some of them have begun to practice themselves.

When they encounter a place that exudes evil spirits, they will smash it with a punch.

When they encounter those turbid places, place. They smashed them to pieces with one punch.

They became the vanguard of the cult. They destroyed everything they passed.

But don’t think that doing so is a wrong thing.

Because the places that were destroyed were all polluted places in Ziyun Mountain.

If not dealt with, those insect eggs and insect nests will continue to affect other people.

This is doing good deeds.

If you encounter evil demons, these stone men can also bind them and make sacrifices to the Pleiades star officials.

He takes part of it and shares the rest among these stone people.

In this way, both parties will benefit.

Don’t think that the Pleiades Star Officer has made a big profit.

He helped everyone shape the body.

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