Menggote burst into tears.

Like a child.

Originally, he had been given bad omens in his life since he was born.

It comes from evil thoughts deep in the soul.

The wrong things the world has done.

Finally, it feeds back to his own body.

Just after getting the elixir, Menggert returned to normal from a negative number.

Why cry.

It’s because he has always insisted that the Golden Law is the strongest.

At the same time, he also believed that”797″ was not wrong.

All because of other people’s rebellion.

That led to the current situation.

That famous angrily scolding the ministers.

It was also the outpouring of Mongote’s anger.

What can he do?

A loyal person, an honest person.

Want to keep the kingdom strong.

What’s wrong with him?

I originally thought I had collected fragments of the magic ring. can fix the world.

I didn’t understand until today.

The person who destroyed your faith is your mother.

And when I saw this new world.

How could Mongot not cry.

Because he saw real hope.

That is the world in your dreams.



Full of vitality.

Compared to the ruins everywhere in the royal city of Rodel.

There was dust and smoke everywhere.

This is the beginning of the new world

“Mr. Menggert, you should get up first….I know you’re excited, but…I called you here today to restore the strength of those loyal soldiers.

Rather than letting you simply feel the changes in the world.

Melina, go guide the soldiers to purify their bodies….”

“I obey, Lord Priest….”

After getting the order.

Melina led the soldiers towards the palace.

There is purifying power in it.

It can give these soldiers great power.

It can also purify the abnormalities in their bodies. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is the most important thing.

Menggert stood up, wiped his tears and said,”Thank you for your advice, sir.”…”

“Don’t be like this. Although the Golden Law is guilty, your soldiers are innocent. Don’t implicate them….Also, next I will give you an order.

The kind that must be implemented”

“Sir, please tell me…”[]

Seeing the priest Lani giving orders.

This last king.

He straightened his body quickly.

At the same time, he put on an expression asking for advice.

Received benefits himself.

Naturally, we also need to give feedback to the other party.

Otherwise, who knows what the consequences will be if the other party is angry.

Lani nodded with satisfaction and looked into the distance

“You know what’s over there?”

“Sir, it’s a snow mountain…”

“Yes, my useless brother is there. Bring him back and kill that snake for me. Remember…Everyone involved.

Leave no one behind.

Also, bring back all the bones of those heroes”


Mengote understood.

Lady Lani is going to deal with the priest Rakad.

But she is embarrassed to take action.

Now it’s her turn.

She can’t make a mistake.

Because this is the first task given to her by Lady Lani.

“It’s an adult, don’t worry…I will take care of all this. I have long wanted to investigate the identity of that mysterious female 5.6 priest.

It is precisely because of the appearance of the other party.

That would cause so many things.

As for the ancient snake, I have heard about it and it was recorded in the royal archives.

There are rumors that the former big snake wanted to invade the border area, but was eventually suppressed in the snow-capped mountains by my mother and her tribe.

And it’s the deepest.

Ever since the priestess appeared, everything has changed…”

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