Gravity has increased a hundred times.

But Lani, the younger sister with long blue hair, didn’t feel anything.

Even still drifting towards him

“Stop it…”

“do not come! it will happen to me…”

Ratan roared and roared.

Even the powerful voice was heard by subordinates as far away as Red Stone Castle.

But Lani smiled and said,”I’m here to save you….Come on, let me aggrieve you first…seal!”

She opened her little”983″ hand.

Countless power turned into threads, directly suppressing Latan in place.

No matter how angry he was,

Latan could not break free from his restraints.

Then a bottle of dreamy potion.Appeared in front of Latarn.

The dreamy Helfis potion.

It means that everything can be accomplished.

As long as it is swallowed, it can be turned into a universal potion.

“Brother, I’m here to save you….After suffering for so long, you should return to normal.”

The potion was injected into Latarn’s body.

When the dreamy Helfis potion flowed down the river, a cold and sober feeling appeared for the first time in Latarn’s body.

He stopped struggling instantly.

Scarlet eyes His eyes have also regained their coolness and tranquility.

The original heat and darkness have all left him.

The power of corruption is very powerful.

Latarn can resist it but has no way to dissipate this power.

He can only rely on constant resistance..

But his heart was corrupted by it.

But now, everything has been repaired by the dreamy Herpheus potion.

Latarn’s body is constantly moving towards a normal human being.

It has even restored its golden luster.

Almost. Half an hour later.

Latarn took off his helmet and sat cross-legged silently.

The power of the dreamy Helfis potion was still continuing.

He needed to digest this power.

And, he continued to experience the power it brought to him. Benefits.

Ten minutes.

Twenty minutes.

Thirty minutes.

Until an hour has passed. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Latarn opened his eyes. The original scarlet color was replaced by the current ones. He was replaced by golden eyes.

He slowly stood up and roared suddenly toward the sky.

“Ouch…” like a wolf[]

Blood red clouds in the sky.

Everything was shattered by its power

“Break it into pieces…The stench of corrosion!”

Ratan raised his weapon and hammered it towards the ground…… boom.

The power of vibration. spread from his feet.

At this moment, all the corruption spores turned into powder and were shattered.


They were all blown apart.

Ratan gains new powers.


A being that can destroy all power. destroy.

Or destroy.

Anyone he wants to destroy can do it.

A huge shock spread.

The whole place of corruption.

The Galede area has been purified.

After finishing all this, Latarn turned to look at his sister Lani and said with a smile:”Thank you very much….my little sister.

Without you, I might be killed by some warrior”

“We are all a family, don’t say such things on 5.9, let’s go…Return to your redstone castle first and see who can still be purified.

After all, we lack a lot of manpower.”


Latan smiled and followed his sister towards the distance.

On the way, he used his own ability to heal his mount.

While Lani was floating in the air.

The two talked about many things.

When they expected the god’s At that time.

Latane couldn’t help but sigh…

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