In the Wanjie communication group.

Two beeps sounded

【Ding…Congratulations to the new member: Witch Lani for joining the Ten Thousand Worlds Exchange Group】

【Ding…Congratulations to the new member: Joseph Joestar for joining the Ten Thousand Realms Exchange Group. 】

New people join.

Many group members who had been silent for a long time also appeared one after another to welcome him.

Leader of Tianxiahui:”Welcome the two newcomers to join us….If you don’t understand something, just chat privately, right?…Remember one thing. Drawing cards can solve everything…”

Tushan Fox Demon:”Yes….Yes, drawing cards solves everything. If you don’t understand anything, just say it.”

Witch Lani:”What is this place?” Can you please explain, I just fell asleep for a while, then I received the invitation in my mind, and I didn’t realize it until I woke up.

823 This situation occurred.”

Joseph Joestar:”Huh?…Isn’t this the communication interface? But the very high-end stuff doesn’t look like it’s a product of the times at all.

Is this a substitute ability?”

The son of the strongest man:” Haha…It turns out it’s just you guys, it’s easy. joseph…You guy, you haven’t defeated Dio yet, have you?

Want to gain the power to defeat your opponent?

You know, Dior’s stand-in. world, that’s…A stand-in that can pause time.

Can you really handle it?”

When he heard that he could stop time. (cdee)

Joseph was immediately startled.

What the hell is this?

If he could stop time, he would definitely not be able to fight.

Time is suspended.

It makes me shudder just thinking about it.

Witch Lani:”Time stop. ? That’s really interesting magic…Excuse me, you claim to be able to do everything here, but can you do the resurrection of the dead?”

Tianxiahui Gang Leader:”Please watch the video in the group and you will know. Resurrection from the dead is the simplest way to destroy the stars in the universe.

That’s called excitement.”

The two newcomers quickly opened the group chat.

Looking at the videos in the group,

Joseph and Lani were both frightened.

Just because of the videos inside.

Each one was more shocking than the other.

Resurrection from the dead.

Reshaping the planet.

Giving people destruction. The power of the universe.

Time reshaping. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Time pauses.

Time goes backwards.

The power of space.

Any power you can imagine is available here.

The most important thing is[]

That immortal power also exists.

And it is truly immortal.

Joseph Joestar:”Oh my God….I bought it, this is…It’s simply amazing. I didn’t expect it to be so powerful.

The power of the gods.


I also want to draw a card…Hiss, if you have this power, defeating Dio won’t be a problem at all.”


If Dio had the power of stopping time, he would be his own rubbish substitute.

Even if it is strengthened a hundred times, it would not be able to deal with that person.

However, if he gets the gift from the gods, then it will be fine.

And what the witch Lani is thinking about is Kill those two fingers and recover your own body at the same time.

If you can do all this, there is no problem in believing in the gods.

In the junction area.

In a certain magic tower.

A witch with blue hair is looking up at the starry sky.

“Do you really want to take a gamble? It would be great if it succeeds, but if it fails…I’m afraid it’s more difficult than two fingers.

But for the law of the stars…It seemed like something I should try.

But if you believe in the other party, you have to give up the law of the stars.

What should we do?”

Lani fell into deep thought.

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