Standing at the gate, looking at the people playing happily in the courtyard, Shirou Emiya couldn't help laughing.

Therefore, he did not disturb the people who were playing, but just leaned against the door and quietly watched their play.

And Tiamat also looked at everyone in the courtyard with a smile.

She likes this lively atmosphere.

It was Ilya who first discovered Emiya Shirou.

She was stared at by Xiao Hei, and she was accidentally hit in the face by Xiao Hei's snowball.

Turning her head on a conditioned reflex, she happened to see Shirou Emiya and Tiamat standing at the door.

"Brother Shirou!"

Hearing Illya's voice, Miyu who was standing beside her turned her head and looked out the door.

In an instant, the eyes of the two brothers and sisters looked at each other.

"elder brother!"

Excited, Miyu quickly jumped into Emiya Shirou's arms, wrapping his arms around his neck and screaming loudly.

Seeing this, the others on the side quickly came over.

Hearing the movement in the courtyard, even Sakura and Atalanta in the kitchen followed.

Looking at the people in front of him, Shirou Emiya waved his hand with a smile: "Everyone, I'm back!"


In the living room, Shirou Emiya, who was sitting above, sipped hot tea and enjoyed this comfortable moment.

And everyone in the living room was having a heated discussion at this time.

And the center of their discussion was Emiya Shirou's experience during his trip.

After coming in from the courtyard, Shirou Emiya returned to his room, changed into plain clothes, and sat there to receive Sakura's service.

The other Miyu Ilya and others went to the bathroom to take a bath in order to prevent a cold.

After all, they were so excited to play before that their clothes were soaked through.

After everyone arrived, the meal prepared by Sakura and Atalanta was finished.

At the dining table, Shirou Emiya told them all about his experience during this time.

And the information he told was undoubtedly amazing.

After all, it doesn't matter if it's the girl who saved Renri or the appearance of many heroic spirits.

Or the advent of the beast of disaster, all of which amazed everyone.

After all, this kind of story is undoubtedly very legendary to them.

After a heated discussion, Shirou Emiya, who was enjoying a perfect meal, asked everyone, "So what about your side? What's the situation now?"

"We are!"

Hearing Emiya Shirou's question, Sakura, the representative, explained to Emiya Shirou.

After coming to this world, they, as expected, had a fight with the Enzworth family.

Although the battle was very difficult, they finally won.

And Angelica was also defeated by Ereshkigal at that time.

"I didn't expect Angelica to be defeated by Elle, but I was going to defeat you myself!"

"Are you going to kill me?"

"Of course not!"

Waving his hand, Shirou Emiya smiled and said, "Although the previous battle was fierce, I can feel that you put a lot of water in, and you didn't have the idea of ​​killing me, right!"

"If that's the case, how could I possibly kill you!"

"Besides, you're the sister of that guy Julian!"


Constantly chanting Julian's name, Angelica suddenly said, "Please save Julian! Lord Emiya."

Gu Yun

"Is this the only emotion you have left?"

Emiya Shirou was very clear about Angelica's state at this time.

He had already died in the dark storm that covered half of Fuyuki City a few years ago.

But Julian later replaced her personality on the doll through replacement magic.

Without physical nourishment, her personality cannot be replenished.

Therefore, at this time, she will be like a puppet.

After all, her feelings have already lost ninety percent.

"I understand, leave that guy Julian to me! After all, I still have a lot of questions to ask him!"

For Julian, Emiya Shirou also had a hard time deciding.

After all, that was his former best friend!

Looking at Tohsaka Rin and Luvia, Emiya Shirou asked curiously, "Rin, Luvia, do you have any special ideas in this world!"

In the original book, the intelligence analysis obtained by Illya and others should have been completed by Tohsaka Rin, Luvia, and Bazette, with at most a little black.

After all, logical analysis or something does not match the profession of a magical girl!

Therefore, Emiya Shirou wanted to listen to the analysis of the two and see if he could give him some hints.

After all, the information Emiya Shirou knew was from the bullet screen when he watched the anime.

So he didn't know a lot of things.

"Special idea! It's really a bit!"

"I always feel that the concept of the Enzworth family is really strange!"


Luvia, who was sitting beside Tohsaka Rin, asked suspiciously.

"That's right, it's just weird, Luvia, what would you do when you learned that the world would perish in a hundred years?"


After thinking about it, Luvia said seriously: "I won't make any changes."

"Before the world is destroyed, it is the mission of the inheritor of the Edelfelt bloodline to aim at the root of the magic of the poor."

"Yes, this is typical magician thinking!"

Tohsaka Rin said suspiciously: "But the goal of the Enzworth family is to save the world, which is really strange!"

"Hey, is it weird there?"

Illya, who was confused, raised her hand and asked numbly.

Upon seeing this, Shirou Emiya, who understood Rin Tohsaka's thoughts, explained: "Regardless of any magic family, they have their own magic concept from the very beginning of their birth."

"Especially in a family like Ensworth that has been passed down for thousands of years, the concept of magic for the family has been deeply rooted in the bones."

"But this kind of family, after learning that the world will be destroyed, will actually change their own magic concept. Such an approach is almost impossible in the magic world."

"So this is ah!"

Illya nodded to show that she understood.

Seeing this, Bazette also asked: "So the idea of ​​the Enzworth family to save the world is just a pretense. They actually have other plans?"

"It can only be said that there is a possibility!"

Tohsaka Rin said helplessly.

The existing information is insufficient, even she cannot make an accurate judgment.

"Then is there such a possibility?"

Emiya Shirou said indifferently: "The Ensworth family, when it was founded, had foreseen the destruction of this world, thus creating this family, and using this as a magic concept?"


Hearing Emiya Shirou's guess, Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"If that's the case, isn't our opponent too much beyond imagination!"

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