"Hum, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"

Pressing his head with the palm of his hand, Getia laughed arrogantly.

But in his laughter, there was no joy in the slightest, but full of anger.

"I still think of it! I didn't think of it!"

"It's really disgusting that I would fall into such a situation!"

Putting down his arm, he looked at the light cannon in front of him that was slowly pushing his Noble Phantasm back toward him, and Gaetia's eyes were full of anger.

As the half body of the crowned Caster, Goetia's knowledge of magic is not inferior to the real Solomon.

Therefore, at a glance, he saw the strangeness of Emiya Shirou.

In Emiya Shirou's sword, there is the law of victory.

The characteristic of this sword is that no matter how strong you are, I will become stronger than you and overwhelm you.

Such an unreasonable ability naturally made it difficult for Getia to accept.

But that wasn't what made him so angry.

As a human evil with a great will, Goetia does not regret his past because he is defeated.

If the other party can really defeat him, then he will be willing to swallow the bitter fruit of failure.

But now, Emiya Shirou's light-emitting cannon made Getia extremely angry.

Therefore, this blow will surely push the development of things to a point of no return.

That kind of situation, even Getia couldn't accept it.

"You guys, just want to destroy my dream!"

Getia growled angrily.

"Is it Emiya Shirou? I must burn you to ashes!"

At this moment, Goetia's heart seemed to be bleeding.

As Tatsuka Fujimaru knew before, there is no heat in this world that can surpass the light belt in the sky.

Because it is the heat that the entire human history has been completely burned into.

Although Emiya Shirou's "Sword of Opening and Ending" contains the law of victory, in this pure magic confrontation, its magic power comes from Emiya Shirou, from this world.


There is no heat in this world that can surpass the light belt in the sky!

That's right, even if Emiya Shirou drained the magic of this world, he couldn't defeat the light belt in the sky.

After all, he has no way to gain magic power by burning human history like Gaetia.

At this moment, Emiya Shirou was able to overwhelm Getiah's offensive, just because Getiah had not invested in the magic value that could stabilize the limit of the amount of magic that this sword could achieve.

As long as he continues to drop the light belt in the sky, he will win steadily.


This is completely inconsistent with Getia's original intention!

Gaetia wants to carry out human burning, and saves magic power in order to trace this planet back to 4.6 billion years ago.

That's when the planet was born.

At that time, he will replace the planet with himself and create a planet without the concept of death.

This is Gaetia's long-cherished wish.

The heat in the sky is the fuel he uses to achieve his goals.

But once he consumes these calories excessively, his long-cherished wish cannot be achieved.

At this time, human history has also been burned by him.

All that's left is an empty, empty planet.

How could Gaetia, who is evil as a human being but actually loved by human beings, accept such a thing!

But if he doesn't do that, under this blow, he will be completely destroyed together with this temple.

After all, Shirou Emiya, a sword that constantly absorbs the magic of the outside world, has already reached the point of violently destroying this temple of the crown of time.

Want him to die like this?

Gettya is even more unacceptable!

That is to say, no matter what at this moment, Gaetia's long-cherished wish has been broken.

Gu Yi

No matter what he does next, it cannot affect this fact.

Such a situation naturally made Getia an unprecedented anger.

I am afraid that even when Solomon was in the body, he was not so angry!

"Do you want to destroy my long-cherished wish at all costs?"

"Will it not let me achieve my dream anyway?"

"Even when you get nothing for yourself?"


"Shiro Emiya, I, the Demon King Getia! I will tear you to pieces!"

Gaetia, who had never hated a person so deeply, roared angrily like this.

Looking at the light cannon that had completely broken through his own offensive and came towards him, he scornfully waved his hand and said indifferently: "The time of birth has come, so use this to correct all phenomena!"

Without saying anything more, Getia announced his death to Emiya Shirou in such a light manner.

At this moment, the sky seemed to be shaking.

It was as if the sky had fallen.

But in fact, the sky did fall!

Following Gaetia's announcement, the light belt in the sky poured down like a waterfall.

This time, Getia didn't try too much.

At this moment, there are 10 million light cannons coming from the sky.

"It's finally here!"

As early as the beginning of the resistance, Shirou Emiya had expected this scene.

After all, if you want to defeat Gaetia, you must resist the cleansing of the great halo in the sky.

For this moment, he had already made sufficient preparations.

"Come on! Come on! Come on!"

"All the magic power left in this world! Come on!"

"Give me the strength to turn defeat into victory!"

As the light cannon flickered in the sky, the sword in Emiya Shirou's hand naturally responded.

In an instant, Goetia increased the output by a hundred times, and at the same time, Emiya Shirou's sword also increased the output by a hundred times.

Under the guidance of the sword, the huge magic power came one after another.

The magic power from the leylines of the planet is also being continuously extracted.

At this moment, all the magic in this world is gathering towards Emiya Shirou.

This scene, in Gaia's eyes, is simply a look of confusion.

Wait, weren't you tossing Alaya before? Why is it now tossing me?

And it was Alaya who was tossing her?

This is too much!

At this moment, in Gaia's eyes, the entire planet is rapidly moving towards the land of steel.

If it weren't for Emiya Shirou fighting beasts that restrain Heroic Spirits~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Now Alaya would have thrown all the Heroic Spirits away.

And looking at this scene, Roman was also horrified.

Looking at the situation in front of him, he suddenly thought of something.

That's how to clean up this mess?

Because he didn't blew himself up, he couldn't erase Getiah by erasing Solomon's existence, and by the way, the matter of burning Humanity was also erased.

If this is the case, then someone needs to repair the human principle bit by bit.

Even damaged leylines have to be repaired.

So who do you send to fix it? Now that Gaia and Alaya are both weak, no one seems to be more suitable than him!

After all, the essence of the human-principle burning style is the human-principle revision style!

Thinking of this, Roman suddenly despaired of his future.

"I'm still dead!"

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