During the journey to repair the singularity, Fujimaru Rika encountered two beasts one after another.

They are the God of Mercy, the Demon King Getia of Beast I, and the God of Return, Tiamat, the Goddess of Creation of Beast II.

And their strength is also the ceiling in the first part of FGO.

However, in the whole drama, they almost never made a full shot.

In the words of Tiamat, as soon as he appeared on the stage, his strength was sealed nine-tenths of the time.

After falling into the underworld and being cut off by Wang Hasan to give up the crown, he focused on fleeing and did not fight back at all.

Although she has successively summoned eleven main god-level Rahmu and used the anti-Genesis, she did not have time to use her greatest advantage.

After all, Tiamat's final form is a dragon!

The dragon's strongest is the body and breath, not to mention Tiamat's strange skills, but she didn't use it at all, so she was beaten to death.

As for the Demon King Gaetia?

Although Getia was extremely aggressive as a background board in the early stage, and planned the burning of human principles, but when he finally took action, he counter-summoned with a single move, and then a flash of cannon evaporated Matthew.

Then Dr. Roman blew himself up.

And then Getia is gone.

Therefore, Emiya Shirou did not have a clear understanding of the strength of the Beasts as the ceiling.

But now, he saw it.

The flames on his body became more and more fierce, and the scope of the sea of ​​life evaporated by Shirou Emiya also became larger and larger.

Facing Emiya Shirou's approach, eleven rays of light flew out from the sea of ​​life and stopped in front of Emiya Shirou.

"come yet?"

These eleven Rahmu are the real children of Tiamat.

Each of them has a spiritual foundation of the main **** level, even if they do not have any skills and Noble Phantasm, but they are the biggest stumbling block for Shirou Emiya just by their flesh.


Using his sword to block the attack of one of them, Shirou Emiya shuffled around during the attack of the eleven.

"Tsk, what a hassle!"

Emiya Shirou knew very well that with the physical quality of the opponent, it was difficult for Emiya Shirou to break out of their encircling net quickly.

And just as Emiya Shirou kept defending the opponent's attack, a scorching arrow pierced through the void and shot at one of the Lakhmu.

The scorching arrows exploded after hitting Rahmu.

The impact of the explosion suddenly knocked him out.

"Hey, hey, don't ignore us!"

It was little Limuru who shot the arrow.

"Yes, Shirou is not the only one participating in this battle!"

Facing the turbulent sea of ​​life, Merlin stretched out his hand, and they all turned into beautiful flowers.

And this is the strength of the magician Merlin who is a candidate for the crown.

"My underworld is actually full of flowers!"

Looking at this scene, Ereshkigal was full of shock and joy.

At the same time, the other people quickly ran in the direction of Emiya Shirou.

In an instant, this fierce battle has begun.

Facing the Lakhmu who have the main god-level spiritual base, the weaker ones will join forces to fight against one, while the ones with sufficient strength will fight against each other.

For example, Quezal, and Merlin who drew his sword.

"Ereshkigal, this is your home court, so give me the best of your ability!"

Flying in mid-air, Ishtar, who was constantly shooting magic bullets, roared loudly.

In the face of this kind of Rahmu, Ishtar is really not an opponent.


After all, these Rahmu are flight-specialized species themselves, so they fly extremely fast.

In the face of Ishtar, who is a shooter, these guys gave a sullen face, and Ishtar couldn't escape. After all, in terms of melee ability, he could only fight Anna, who had sealed his divinity.

Therefore, she immediately called for support.

"Don't be silly, I know!"

Awakened by Ishtar's words, Ereshkigal immediately entered a state of battle.

As the hostess of the underworld, she is definitely one of the most powerful people present.

The premise is that her underworld ownership is not taken away.

Fortunately, the ownership of the underworld that Tiamat took through the sea of ​​life just now has been recaptured by Merlin's magic of flowers, otherwise she will definitely sit on wax now.

"Give me to burn them fiercely, the fire of the underworld!"

Under Ereshkigal's manipulation, the defense mechanism of the underworld is working again.

The Rahmu present were all sanctioned by the goddess of the underworld at the same time, so they were transformed by the sea of ​​life, and they were equivalent to Tiamat's family.

Therefore, their punishment is much lower than that of normal main gods.

Although their combat effectiveness in the underworld will plummet, they will not become helpless like the mythical Ishtar.

Looking at the weakened Rahmu, Emiya Shirou unexpectedly slashed the Qi into two pieces with a sword.

This is the ability to cut everything from the holy sword.

And the reason why Emiya Shirou's ability was useless just now was naturally to create a fighter.

After all, once he uses this move, the enemy will be on guard, and it will be difficult for this move to do anything after that.

Although the severing ability is strong, it is not a rare ability in the Age of God.

For example, in the Treasure House of Gilgamesh, the Shanshan Sword, one of the two swords from the Mesopotamian God of War, has a similar ability.

"It's now."

After beheading a Rahmu, Shirou Emiya broke through the defenses of the Rahmu and rushed towards Tiamat.

The position he was in before was already very close to Tiamat.

At this moment, he had come to Tiamat.


Looking at Emiya Shirou on the ground, Tiamat let out a loud roar.

Emiya Shirou, who was under the pressure of the strong storm, could not move forward at all, and he was forced to stand in front of the holy sword to block the invasion of the storm.

But at this moment, Tiamat's dragon claws quickly swung towards Emiya Shirou.

The huge force immediately slammed into Emiya Shirou's sword and pushed him back.

"Isn't it weird? Who doesn't have it!"

The power of the incarnation of the bull and the incarnation of the camel had already poured into Shirou Emiya in an instant~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The next moment Shirou Emiya took root under his feet and stood firmly on the ground.

Even in the face of Tiamat's dragon claws, he did not step back in the slightest.

"A little less?"

Feeling that the power in his body has been raised to the limit, he can still barely offset the power of Tiamat, and Shirou Emiya knows that close combat is doomed to fail.

If they were all human, even Emiya Shirou, who was a little weaker in strength, would not be afraid at all.

But now the opponent is a dragon!

This body can't be beat at all!

"It seems that we still have to rely on long-range attacks!"

Thinking of this, the roar of thunder and lightning suddenly came from the sky above the underworld.

The breeze is also rapidly condensing.

The mutual temptation has ended, and the next chapter is the real chapter.

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