After Emiya Shirou killed Gorgon and jumped into the sea of ​​life.

The soldiers defending on the north wall began to retreat quickly.

After learning that the newly born Warcraft might fly, the abandonment of the absolute Warcraft front has become an established fact.

After all, the role of the Absolute Warcraft Front was originally to block the advance of the Warcraft.

But now that new enemies can fly, the existence of the absolute Warcraft front is meaningless.

Therefore, after some discussions, Shirou Emiya and the others decided to transfer the soldiers on the front line to Uruk, where they would concentrate all their strength for the final resistance.

Otherwise, none of these soldiers on the north wall would be able to come back alive.

As for the quick evacuation?

There is no problem with Zhu Cai in nature.

In order to raid the army of Demon King Clayman, Rimuru developed a long-distance group teleportation magic.

And this magic was naturally learned by Zhu Cai.

So, under Zhu Cai's full strength, all the soldiers on the north wall were safely withdrawn.

After arranging the withdrawn soldiers, the remaining generals gathered in the tower to discuss important matters.

In the tower at this time, except for Gilgamesh on the throne and Siduri standing beside him, everyone else is also here.

Merlin, Ishtar, Quezal, Leopard Man, Ana, Mash, Fujimaru Tatsuka, Leonidas, Ushiwakamaru, Benkei, as well as Shuna and Rimuru.

"How's it going, Roman!"

Hearing Gilgamesh's question, Roman, who was far away in Chaldea, shouted excitedly: "There are a huge number of magical reactions of unknown origin in the Persian Gulf."

"The magical response of each individual is higher than that of Ugar. The number of them is more than 100 million, and they are constantly proliferating."

"This kind of thing is not something that Chaldea can handle."

Listening to Roman's words and looking at the scene on the magic screen unfolded by Zhu Cai, everyone couldn't help but feel a trace of despair in their hearts.

What kind of monster is Ugar?

That was the monster that had the upper hand against Anna at the beginning.

If it weren't for Merlin's strengthening, even Ana's level would be difficult to handle.

Of course, what frightens the enemy is not their strength, but their numbers.

Looking at the overwhelming scene on the screen, anyone's heart will be shaken!

"So what's the specific situation? Tiamat shouldn't have attacked now, right?"

At the critical moment, Gilgamesh's voice soothed everyone's mood like a breeze, which made everyone's hearts, which were originally shrouded in despair, return to normal.

After all, everyone sitting at this time has gone through countless hardships and achieved great achievements.

No matter how difficult the situation is, it can only make them despair for a moment.

After this moment, they no longer have any despair in their hearts, leaving behind a strong heart that is not afraid of any crisis.

"These beings born from the Persian Gulf are rapidly spreading throughout Mesopotamia, and because of individual differences, their speeds range from weaker speeds of 30 kilometers per hour to extremely fast ones of more than 100 kilometers per hour. All."

The speed of 100 kilometers per hour seems very slow at first glance, which is not in line with the strength of these monsters.

But in fact, the biggest factor affecting their speed is the environment here.

Here is the age of God.

Here is the era of abundant sources.

In this environment, no matter who they are, it is difficult for them to fly too fast.

"Don't say those digressions, what about Uruk? How long are they from Uruk."

Ishtar asked excitedly.

After all, it is a Ugar-level existence worth hundreds of millions, and even she is powerless in the face of this situation!

Roman naturally understood the reason for Ishtar's excitement, and he didn't betray, and directly disclosed the information they had collected.

"Although hundreds of millions have been observed in the Persian Gulf, only 100,000 have actually climbed to the ground, and 10,000 of them are heading to Uruk."

"And the estimated time of arrival is only an hour away."

After receiving Emiya Shirou's reminder that Merlin escaped from Tiamat's dream, Zhu Cai started fighting and retreating, and it took a lot of time in the middle.

"Ten thousand? Can Uruk now deal with ten thousand Ugar-level beasts?"

Obviously, even if there are only 10,000, this is still a problem for Uruk.

"It's just because some of them left the group on the way to Uruk and stayed in the cities along the way, otherwise there would be more people coming."


Gilgamesh, who was on the throne, slapped his mouth in disgust.

The current situation is really difficult to deal with.

"Fortunately, we have gathered all our troops back. Now we should have the strength to fight, right?"

Looking around at the people around, Matthew shouted loudly.

"Even if we can't deal with it, we have to resist to the end, otherwise, we will have nothing!"

After saying these words, Fujimaru Rika turned around and looked at Gilgamesh.

In response, Gilgamesh burst into laughter.

“Very good!”

Looking at the high-spirited people encouraged by Fujimaru Rika, Gilgamesh stood up and waved his hand and shouted, "Then let's start this Uruk defense battle!"


The people below responded in unison.


As time passed, Fujimaru Tachika and others who had been prepared for a long time finally waited for the arrival of the enemy.

In the face of the enemies flying in the sky, the soldiers on the city wall started bombarding by manipulating the divine right seal.

Others were waiting on the walls for an enemy raid.

After all, it is impossible for the other party to run around under the fire of the divine seal, right?

The first thing they have to do is to destroy the divine seal, and the goal of Leonidas and Ushiwakamaru and others is to protect these divine seals.

And Zhu Cai and Xiao Limlu, who have anti-air capabilities, are also fully fired at this moment.

One after another magic and one after another flaming arrows kept rising into the sky, shooting towards the enemy Hiram in the sky.

As for Ishtar, who can fly, and Quetzal, who drives a pterodactyl, and the Leopard Man, they are naturally fighting hard in the place with the most enemies in the sky.

On the ground, Fujimaru Tachika couldn't help sighing as he looked at the falling Hiram in the sky.

"So strong, everyone is so strong!"

"Yes, senior, I think so too."

Mash, who was protecting Fujimaru Rika, also shouted excitedly.

At this time, the commander on the city wall was Leonidas. As the commander-in-chief guarding the north wall, he made perfect use of the existing resources to carry out this defensive battle.

After all, for Leonidas, defensive warfare itself was his forte.

Like me, the giant of the palace, swim in the heavens! Please collect: () I, the giant of the palace, travel to the heavens! Fastest update.

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