Unlike previous battles.

Facing Gorgon, Emiya Shirou did not use Divine Speed, that is, the ability of the phoenix incarnation.

It's not that you don't want to use it, it's that you can't use it.

The premise of using Phoenix incarnation is to face high-speed attacks.

When he used this move, Shirou Emiya started it on Jin Gu. After all, Jin Gu's speed was no slower than Shirou Emiya.

So he can make Emiya Shirou use the ability of the phoenix incarnation.

But facing Gorgon, who can be called a behemoth, Emiya Shirou's phoenix incarnation didn't seem to start at all.

For this reason, at the beginning of the battle, Shirou Emiya deliberately took several hits from Gorgon's magic beam.

With such an attack, Shirou Emiya, who had eaten all of them, was naturally severely injured.

However, with the skill of fighting continuation, Shirou Emiya's fighting ability was not affected in the slightest.

On the contrary, because of the heavy injury, the ability of the camel's incarnation was opened.

Emiya Shirou, whose power of both feet was raised to the maximum, relied on pure speed to constantly fly over the surrounding walls, dodging her attacks skillfully.

In the middle, knife marks were left on her body from time to time.

Strengthened by the strange power of the incarnation of the bull, any attack by Shirou Emiya will leave a terrifying wound on Gorgon's body.

The ten-meter-long wound made Gorgon in agony.

Because it was slashed by the scythe in Emiya Shirou's hand, Gorgon, whose immortality was suppressed, could not recover from his injuries.

He could only leave wounds all over his body, and he continued to cry in pain.

"The battle was over long before it began."

Emiya Shirou said lightly.

Before the battle with Gorgon outside the north wall, Shirou Emiya had already figured out all of Gorgon's means.

And also analyzed her behavior patterns clearly.

Gorgon, has long been figured out.

"This fight is a continuation of that fight at the time, giving you the end of death if you lose."

After receiving the letter from Merlin, Shirou Emiya did not delay any longer, and rushed directly to Gorgon, who was already severely injured in front of him.

"Actually, you are already dead, in the battle outside the north wall."

"Do not!!!"

Upon receiving Emiya Shirou's death announcement, Gorgon, who could not accept the reality, struggled desperately.

But in the face of Emiya Shirou's fatal blow, she couldn't stop it.


The scythe in his hand has been raised high, and the magic-covered weapon is flowing with a pitch-black light.

After shouting to Merlin through recitation, Shirou Emiya waved the scythe of punishment in his hand.

With a flash of sword light, the goddess bowed her head.

The completely restrained Gorgon was terminated like this, and the huge body fell backward.

"How could I be defeated here!"

"I haven't, revenge!"

"Is this your last word?"

The completely collapsed Gorgon's body was quickly engulfed by the sea of ​​life.

Looking at the plain lake in front of him, Emiya Shirou's eyes flashed with a different kind of splendor.

"Are you going to start?"

At the moment of Gorgon's death, Shirou Emiya felt the shaking of the world.

The sleeping goddess of creation has begun to wake up.

The final battle is about to begin.

And now, in order to play a decisive role in the final decisive battle, Shirou Emiya has to start his own transformation.

And the transformation site he prepared in advance was the sea of ​​life in front of him.

"I said, can you really stop Tiamat's sea of ​​life's transformation and contract on me?"

It seemed that he heard Emiya Shirou's question, and the embryo of the sword, which had Emiya Shirou's inherent spiritual outfit as its core, hummed softly.

"Okay, then trust you once."

Looking at the sea of ​​life in front of him, Shirou Emiya slowly walked forward.

The reason why he chose to complete the transformation in the sea of ​​life is naturally for the infinite magic power of the sea of ​​life and the ability to rub against the goddess of creation.

Just as Rimuru needs sacrifices to evolve into an awakened demon king, Emiya Shirou naturally needs sacrifices to become an awakened hero.

Although I don't know what the specific sacrifice is, it's definitely right to use magic power instead.

After all, as long as the magic power is accumulated to a certain level, it can be called an all-purpose wishing machine.

As the core of the Holy Grail War, isn't the Holy Grail itself the magic power that the leylines have accumulated for sixty years?

With enough magic, what can't be replaced?

At that time, Shirou Emiya, let alone evolution, can directly evolve to the most perfect state, as long as he has enough magic power.

And this, the sea of ​​life can fully provide.

At the same time, Emiya Shirou felt that the transformation of his ability might be affected by excessive absorption of the Goddess of Creation's ability, resulting in some better changes.

As for the transformation and contract of the Sea of ​​Life, Shirou Emiya intends to block it with the embryo of the sword.

After all, the embryo of the sword absorbed the incarnation of the warrior and gained the power of sealing power.

Coupled with the perfect absorption during this time, dealing with the erosion of the Sea of ​​Life is not a problem at all.

Well, this is what Emiya Shirou's intuition told him.

Super intuitive, yyds!

Without super intuitive affirmation, Emiya Shirou would never dare to jump in.

"Jin Gu is coming? It's too soon!"

Feeling Jin Gu's rapid approach, Shirou Emiya didn't dare to delay any longer, and jumped directly into the sea of ​​life and dived downward.

Then, in just a few seconds~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Jin Gu quickly descended from the sky and came to the temple.

"What about people!?"

Gorgon's defeat Jin Gu saw at a glance.

What he was looking for was the thief who killed Gorgon.

When he came, Jin Gu has been paying close attention to the surrounding environment to prevent the thieves from sneaking away.

But on the way there, he found nothing.

"Then how did the thief disappear?"

After thinking for a moment, Jin Gu came to a conclusion.

The people who came were not the people from Chaldea, but Shirou Emiya alone.

Only in this way can the other party escape under his nose.

Thinking of this, Jin Gu's expression suddenly distorted.

"Obviously, because I was worried about this happening, I had a fight with the other party. But now I actually let this happen. What the **** am I doing!"

After a moment of resentment, Jin Gu recovered.

"What a shame! Even though I wanted to fulfill Gorgon's wish, I didn't expect him to die like this."


The corners of Jin Gu's mouth kept rising, showing a proud expression.

"Gorgon's death means that the mother has woken up."

Feeling the breath coming from the Persian Gulf, Jin Gu's smile became more and more wild.

"The end of this world has come, prepare to die, stupid humans, the era of new humans is coming."

After saying that, Jin Gu rose to the sky and flew to the Persian Gulf.

As for the sea of ​​life, he didn't even look at it.

After all, he could never have imagined that someone would actually jump into the sea of ​​life.

Like me, the giant of the palace, swim in the heavens! Please collect: () I, the giant of the palace, travel to the heavens! Fastest update.

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