Emiya Shirou, who has reached level 8 of God's Grace, is about to upgrade again.

The reason why it is so fast is all due to the destiny of the brave.

In that state of constant improvement, Emiya Shirou's basic ability value reached its limit in just two days.

If it weren't for the difficulty of finding an opponent who surpassed the great cause, Shirou Emiya would have already reached LV.9.

In fact, although Emiya Shirou has not yet killed his chosen crossover target Gorgon, the advanced experience required for Emiya Shirou to level up is about to fill up.

He could clearly feel it.

According to the plan of the wrong world, the experience accumulated through combat belongs to the ordinary experience value, and can only be used to improve the basic ability of the body.

Higher-quality experiences like leapfrog combat are high-level experiences that can be stored for leveling up.

Of course, if you want to accumulate advanced experience, at least one attribute must reach D rank.

In the past battles, Emiya Shirou's accumulation of experience is nearing completion.

After defeating Mekal to become Godslayer and reaching LV.8, defeating Veleslana did not add any advanced experience to Emiya Shirou.

After all, he had just been upgraded at the time, and none of his attributes had reached the D rank.

But when fighting Hephaestus, Emiya Shirou's fastest-improving attribute magic had reached D rank, and he was qualified to accumulate experience.

Perhaps it was because the gift itself was bestowed by the gods. When defeating existences related to gods, Shirou Emiya gained a lot of advanced experience.

The death of Hephaestus gave Emiya Shirou nearly two-thirds of his advanced experience.

Plus some advanced experience gained from defeating Gorgon before.

At this time, Shirou Emiya is not far from the upgrade.

Once Gorgon is killed, Emiya Shirou will inevitably level up and enter the LV.9 realm.

With this upgrade, Shirou Emiya will also complete a huge transformation from a hero candidate to a hero.

Emiya Shirou's intuition told him that this upgrade would consume a lot of time.

"So that's the case, you're talking about this kind of thing! It's so secretive and secretive, I thought you were going to die with Gorgon?"

"That's right, next time, Shirou-senpai should be more straightforward."

Looking at the concerned eyes of Fujimaru Tika and Mash, the corners of Shirou Emiya's mouth raised slightly.

"I see, I'll talk better in the future."

Smiling and patting the shoulders of the two of them, Shirou Emiya said with tenderness in his eyes, "So, please don't worry about my safety, and do everything to save this era!"

"Yes, Shirou-senpai!"

Fujimaru Tachika and Mashu responded in unison.


In the early morning of the next day, Shirou Emiya was ready to go before dawn.

Quietly walking out of the Chaldean embassy, ​​and standing on the street where some citizens had begun to sell their stalls, Shirou Emiya turned back to look at the embassy.

"The next time I come back, the Chaldean embassy will probably disappear without a trace!"

Emiya Shirou knew very well that when his transformation was completed, Tiamat should also start to attack.

At that time, there was no possibility that the Chaldean embassy could be preserved.

Shaking his head, Shirou Emiya walked out of the city.

He didn't say goodbye to Fujimaru Rika and Matthew. After all, this was not the last time, nor was it a hike, so there was no need to say goodbye to this ceremony.

Saying goodbye to them will only add to the sadness.

Walking quietly in Uruk City, feeling the breath of prosperity, Emiya Shirou's heart was full of satisfaction.

"I will definitely protect this prosperity."

Standing at the gate of the city and looking into the city, with the blessing of clairvoyance, Shirou Emiya saw the tower.

And on the roof of the tower, Gilgamesh was actually looking at him.

"Guessed it?"

Thinking of this, Emiya Shirou stretched out his palm and waved at the tower.

Gilgamesh, who was far away in the tower, was stunned for a while, and then he waved his hand with disgust, saying that Emiya Shirou should leave quickly.

In response, Emiya Shirou smiled and turned to leave.

And Gilgamesh on the rooftop looked at Emiya Shirou's back, his eyes sharpened.

"The decisive battle is about to begin."


Through the dense cedar forest, Shirou Emiya, who was advancing at full speed, soon came to the outside of the Temple of Blood.

In the state of blocked breath, not a single beast found his trace along the way.

"Then the next thing is to wait, waiting for the start of the battle on the north wall."

"Waiting for Jin Gu's appearance."

As the holder of the Holy Grail, Jin Gu's existence is very important to whether Emiya Shirou can quickly end Gorgon.

Under normal circumstances, Emiya Shirou didn't want to fight two.

In that case, the battle situation will be extremely stalemate, and it will also make the battle situation full of uncertainty.

At this time, on the north wall, Quezal, Ishtar and Merlin were waiting for Jin Gu's arrival.

Among them, Quezal's task is to fight Jin Gu, while Merlin and Ishtar prevent Jin Gu from returning when he intends to return to the Temple of Blood.

This is to provide protection for Emiya Shirou's actions.

"I'm coming!"

On the north wall, Merlin, who was hiding behind the city wall with Ishtar, shouted while watching the magic fluctuations in the sky.

Seeing this, Quetzal kicked the beast beside him, looked at Jin Gu and shouted loudly, "Jin Gu!"

Along with Quezal's excited shout ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Jin Gu, who fell from the sky, slammed straight into Quezal.


The bodies of Jin Gu and Quezal collided, and everything around them was swept up in an instant.

"Hey, Merlin, since Jin Gu is here, let Shirou know!"


Merlin smiled and said through the long-distance recitation that he and Emiya Shirou specially designed: "Hey, hello! Shirou, Jin Gu has come, you can start the attack."




After responding, Emiya Shirou sat up from the tree and jumped to the ground.

Looking at the barrier covering the Temple of Blood in front of him, Shirou Emiya, who had already completed his battle strategy, waved his hand, and a strange-looking dagger appeared in his hand.

"First of all, the talisman for breaking the precepts!"

Emiya Shirou threw it at random, and the dagger shot towards the barrier covering the Temple of Blood like a flying knife.

With the sound of 'bang', the enchantment covering the Temple of Blood shattered.

"Then the next thing to destroy is the temple!"

Looking at the huge shrine in front of him, Shirou Emiya raised the corner of his mouth.

"You broke the contract and brought sin to the world. The Lord said - the sinner will be punished. Smash his back, dig out his bones, hair, and brain, and trample the blood and soil together. If I have sharp teeth, it is hard to get close Those who violate the contract will follow the words of the Lord and give them the hammer of destruction!"

With the chanting of the word spirit, the huge wild boar rushed out from the ground.

What Emiya Shirou used was the 'wild boar', one of the ten incarnations!

Like me, the giant of the palace, swim in the heavens! Please collect: () I, the giant of the palace, travel to the heavens! Fastest update.

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