Text Chapter 480: The Order to Fujimaru Rika

"not dead?"

Mash looked at Emiya Shirou blankly and said incredulously.

"Yes, none of them died."

"Although I don't know the exact principle, that's what my intuition tells me."

"Besides, do you remember? When Merlin was peeping at the temple where Quezal wasn't there, didn't he realize that the citizens who were sacrificed were still alive?"


Merlin also interjected when he saw this.

"In this way, the name of the other party's good **** is worthy of the name."

"In this way, we do have a chance to draw her to our side, but it should be very difficult!"

"How hard is it?"

After listening to Emiya Shirou's explanation, Fujimaru Rika, who had clearly realized the development of the matter, stepped forward and said firmly: "No matter how difficult this matter will be, as long as there is a slight possibility, then there is something to try. necessary."

"Then leave this matter to you, Lixiang!"

Emiya Shirou said with a smile: "After all, people have said that you fit her aesthetic very well!"

Stepping up to pat Fujimaru Rika on the shoulder, Emiya Shirou forced a smile and said, "If you really can't convince you, you can use the beauty trick!"


Hearing Emiya Shirou's joke, everyone present laughed loudly.

"very good!"

Gilgamesh said loudly after laughing: "Since the strategic plan has been completed, then this matter is left to you, Fujimaru Tachika."

"Conquer the goddess and let her become our strength!"

"Yes, King Gilgamesh!"

Fujimaru Rika responded earnestly.


This trip to the jungle is still without Shirou Emiya.

After all, there is now an Ishtar goddess in the human camp, so that the high-end combat power of the human camp that was originally embarrassed immediately became rich.

Just enough to be stationed in Uruk alone to guard against the surprise attack of Gorgon, the goddess of vengeance.

On the one hand, the safety of Fujimaru Rika will also be guaranteed.

As for the distribution of personnel?

Given Ishtar's character, if she was left in the capital, without Tatsuka Fujimaru or Siduri to mediate, she would probably quarrel with Gilgamesh soon.

In this way, Gilgamesh's work efficiency will be greatly reduced.

Moreover, if Emiya Shirou stayed in the capital to defend, even if there was a serious problem in the jungle, Fujimaru Rika would be able to call Emiya Shirou in time.

Therefore, this distribution method is very reasonable.

Due to the lack of time, after confirming the specific plan, Fujimaru Tachika and others, who had just returned to Uruk and met Feathered Serpent God, were about to set off again.

Before, in order to hire Ishtar, Tatsuka Fujimaru and his party spent three days back and forth.

At this time, there are only seven days left until the decisive battle with Gorgon, the goddess of nemesis.

And the place where Feathered Serpent is located is obviously more far-reaching than the place where Ishtar lives, and it will take longer.

Therefore, Fujimaru Rika and the others are very pressed for time.

After coming out of the tower, Emiya Shirou stopped Fujimaru Rika, who was planning to leave immediately, and dragged her to the corner of the side wall, and began to whisper.

As the objects to be guarded against, Merlin and Ishtar walked to the other side with a wink and waited quietly.

"Is something wrong, Shirou-senpai?"

Suddenly pulled to the corner, the somewhat stunned Fujimaru Rika asked suspiciously.

Gu Kong "Lixiang, do you know another goddess in the Three Goddess Alliance?"

"You mean Ereshkigal, the mistress of the underworld?"

"That's right, it's her."

Emiya Shirou nodded earnestly, although he said solemnly: "My intuition keeps telling me that Gorgon, the goddess of nemesis, is not our last opponent."

"I think that after Gorgon, the goddess of nemesis, we will face Admiral Quezal and the 'mother' summoned by Gorgon."

"And from the existing information, we can clearly see that this 'mother' has far more strength than Quetzal and Gorgon, and is definitely our formidable enemy."

Fujimaru Tachika's pupils shrank.

Although it is hard to believe, she has no doubts about what Emiya Shirou said.

Besides, what Emiya Shirou said was also well-founded.

"Then what should we do?"

Quickly returning to a calm state, Fujimaru Rika hurriedly asked for advice.

"Right now, we don't know the true face of the enemy, so we can't be prepared in advance."

"So, all we can do is strengthen our own side."

"Then it is a very important thing to win over the mistress of the underworld, Ereshkigal."

Emiya Shirou paused for a while, giving Fujimaru Rika some time to think.

Seeing her nodding her head slightly, she continued: "I talked to Ereshkigal who was possessed by Ishtar before, and learned her sincerity from there."

Afterwards, Emiya Shirou told Fujimaru Tatsuka what he had heard from Ereshkigal.

"This shows how deep her love for the human beings in this world is."

"She ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ can definitely win over her like this, and I'm trying to do it too."

"It's a pity that there doesn't seem to be any progress other than placing a bet."


Fujimaru Rika was very interested in the bet made by Shirou Emiya.

But Shirou Emiya was obviously unwilling to elaborate.

"It doesn't matter what the stakes are, what matters is Ereshkigal's attitude."

"The child has been living in the underworld and has no friends at all. Apart from that, I am afraid that he has not communicated much with outsiders."

"So, she who can appear on Ishtar now is extremely suitable for communication."

Reaching out his palm, he patted Fujimaru Rika on the shoulder, and Shirou Emiya said earnestly, "So during this trip, you must find time to have a good chat with her at night."

"After all, you are the last master of humanity who saved several singularities! She must be very interested in you!"

"And once you come to the communication link, it should be your specialty!"

Fujimaru Rika nodded seriously.

As Emiya Shirou said, communication is Fujimaru Rika's strongest ability.

For Fujimaru Rika, who has no fighting ability at all, this is the only ability she can do and can change the situation of the battle.

Emiya Shirou believes that most of the heroic spirits should be willing to have friendly exchanges with her for a person like her who has gone through many hardships and constantly saves human beings!

"I understand, leave it to me! Shirou-senpai!"

"I'll be relieved to leave it to you!"

Patting Fujimaru Rika on the shoulder again, Shirou Emiya sent her to Merlin and Mash.

Looking at their disappearing figures, the corners of Emiya Shirou's mouth rose slightly.

This wave, this wave is the fight!

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