The four hundred and seventieth chapters of the text


Furious, Gorgon manipulated the hair-turned snake head to continuously spray magic beams.

In an instant, more than a dozen magic beams set up a tight net around her, trying to catch Emiya Shirou in one.

However, these attacks were extremely slow in the eyes of Emiya Shirou, who was in a state of extreme speed.

In this regard, he didn't need to bother to react at all, he just needed to quickly fly between the magic beams.

After all, the absolute speed advantage is extremely terrifying.

Of course, Emiya Shirou did not stop fighting back while dodging.

At this moment, the magic power in Emiya Shirou's body continued to operate, constantly projecting various weapons.

Wherever Emiya Shirou flew, there would be rows of weapons aimed at Gorgon.

Then he shot at her.

Under the speed of Emiya Shirou, in just a moment, Gorgon's body was covered with weapons.

Under the speed and projection of Emiya Shirou, it was very easy to surround Gorgon with weapons.

"It's so fast?"

Looking at the densely packed equipment, Gorgon immediately covered himself with wings in front of him, and covered his back with snakes made of hair.

But even so, Gorgon's body was instantly hit by Wanjian, and his body was densely packed with weapons.

However, even though he was hit by Wanjian, Shirou Emiya did not feel the weakening of Gorgon's breath at all.

"Don't underestimate me!"

Spreading his wings violently, Gorgon growled loudly.

A strong storm rushed from its body to the surroundings, and the Wanjian that had been inserted into her body was instantly ejected from her body.

Fly in all directions.

"Senior be careful!"

After Emiya Shirou returned, Mash, who had returned to Fujimaru Rika's side, hurriedly blocked Fujimaru Rika with a shield.

Just in case he was injured by the ejected equipment.

"Is it impossible to beat him even so?"

In the terrified eyes of Fujimaru Rika, Gorgon's body that had been pierced was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a moment, her injuries have recovered as before.

"Tsk, what a troublesome immortality!"

Effortlessly dodging Gorgon's successive magic beams, Emiya Shirou leisurely pondered the current situation.

"The truth of martial arts in the world is that only firmness cannot be rushed, and only fastness cannot be broken!"

"As long as my speed reaches a certain level, even the goddess can't do anything about me!"

As a result, Gorgon's eyes flew past, and the corners of Emiya Shirou's mouth rose slightly as he looked at her expression distorted by anger.

"Although her immortality is really difficult, I can totally project Anna's weapon!"

Emiya Shirou, who clearly knows the future trajectory, naturally knows the restraint of Anna's weapon against Gorgon, and at the same time Anna can counteract each other with Gorgon's petrified magic eye.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for Fujimaru and others to beat Gorgon under normal circumstances.

"It's a pity that I can't kill her now, so let's beat her back first!"

Glancing at the soldiers around who were terrified by the appearance of the goddess, Shirou Emiya used the power of the incarnation of a goat.

"Guardian of the righteous, I only invite and dedicate to you. Guardian of the righteous, I commend you and wish you."

"He who supports the sky and opens up the earth, who gives victory and grace, I will exercise justice, please grant me the right path and light! Fight the unrighteous and the evil with the skill of words and spirit! This is the victory Heaven!"

"Lightning. Lightning! Lightning! I am a conqueror who can beat a thousand, beat a thousand, and beat tens of thousands."

"Now, please shine brightly for me, who is on the side of justice, and grant me divine power! It is me who shatters all enemies and hostility, people and demons!"

Following Emiya Shirou's words, all the soldiers and warriors present heard his cry.

Then, their spirits became excited.

"Kill the goddess!"

Gu Dai </span> "Destroy the Goddess!"

"Kill the goddess!"

As one of the soldiers shouted this slogan, the voices of the entire team gradually unified and became louder and louder.

Feeling the common will of everyone, the sky began to be covered with dark clouds, and thunder and lightning flashed in the dark clouds.

This is the power of the goat incarnation.

When they agree with the thoughts of their partners and the people, the godslayer can use their powerful spiritual perception to gather the people's spiritual power and vitality into powerful magic power to carry out lightning attacks.

And its conditions of use are when the masses are in a state of unease and fear.

"Take it, goddess! This is the common will of all soldiers!"

Emiya Shirou, who was covered in thunder and lightning, crossed the beams of magic energy under the rapid blessing and slammed straight into Gorgon's body.

Under the blessing of the speed, Emiya Shirou's impact has already reached an extremely terrifying level.

Now coupled with the lightning attack.

Gorgon instantly understood the power of this blow.

very dangerous!

Gorgon thought to himself.

However, she couldn't stop this blow at all.

"Don't come here!"

Seeing that the magic beam and the magic eye attack were dodged, Gorgon waved his arms angrily to Shirou Emiya. UU Reading

But such an attack, Emiya Shirou easily escaped.

Then he stuck his head on her chest and slid back against her.

"Uh ah ah!"

Being hit by Shirou Emiya, he kept flying backwards, Gorgon howled loudly.

She could clearly feel that she was about to be penetrated.

If it's just being penetrated, Gorgon won't worry at all.

Because she is extremely immortal.

Even if the body is penetrated, she can quickly repair the lack of the body.

However, devastated by the thunder and lightning on Shirou Emiya's body, Gorgon felt that his immortality was suppressed.

"No, it can't be like this, it will die, it will really die!"

"I haven't avenged mankind yet, I haven't destroyed all mankind, how can I die here!"

"Jin Gu!"

"I'm here! Mother Mother!"

Jin Gu finally came here.

Because Emiya Shirou's attack caused him to suffer some injuries before, and her flight speed was far less than that of Emiya Shirou, she came late.

But even so, he came.

With the arrival of Jin Gu, the blessing effect of the Holy Grail on Gorgon also began to take effect.

The previously suppressed immortality became active again.

"Don't try to hurt your mother!"

Several heavenly locks burst out from various places around Emiya Shirou and shot at Emiya Shirou.

"Tsk, it looks like this is the only way to go!"

Seeing this, Shirou Emiya dodged the attack of the Sky Lock and came to the city wall on the north wall.

In an instant, the fierce battle came to an end.

But the arrival of Jin Gu made the atmosphere in the air even more tense.

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