Text Chapter 466 Teaching Matthew

, I, the giant of the palace, travel the heavens!


Waving the shield in his hand, Mash smashed it at Emiya Shirou with lightning speed.

Facing this heavy blow, Shirou Emiya just held the spear in front of him and blocked it from his body.

Although the attack was blocked, Mash's battle was not over yet.

She saw her body bent sideways, passed through the spear standing on the ground, and rushed towards Emiya Shirou's body.

As a shield soldier, Mash, who has no means of long-range attack, can pursue victory only in close combat.

Looking at the battle situation in front of him, Shirou Emiya stepped back slightly, and then opened the distance between himself and Mash.

At the same time as he retreated, the long spear that was originally wearing the shield was also withdrawn.

Although Emiya Shirou is not afraid of Mash getting close, after all, this is training, he can't directly crush the opponent, it has no meaning to the training.

As his body retreated, Emiya Shirou, who had re-opened the distance, held the center of the gun barrel, and easily grasped the advantage of the distance between himself and Mash.

Just like that, before Mash was blocked by Shirou Emiya's spear with an offensive attack, he couldn't advance an inch.

As the offensive continued, the barrel of the gun Emiya Shirou was holding became more and more rearward.

And the distance between him and Matthew is getting farther and farther.

At this point, the advantages that Mash had created at the beginning of the battle had all dissipated.

Matthew himself has also changed from offensive to defensive at this time.

Although there is no advantage, Matthew is worthy of the name of the shield soldier.

In the face of Emiya Shirou's attack, she relied on her shield to defend it all.

Behind the shield, Mash watched Emiya Shirou's movements intently, waiting for the opportunity to counterattack.

And before that, she needs constant defense.

In this way, this offensive and defensive battle was stalemate for a while.

After a long wait, Mash's eyes lit up and finally found the flaw of Emiya Shirou.

Emiya Shirou's attack shifted slightly from the attack angle.

"It's now!"

Mash charged with a shield and pushed Emiya Shirou's gun to the side of her body, in order to shorten the distance between her and Emiya Shirou.

At the same time, he quickly pulled out the holy sword, hiding his body behind the shield.

Guided by the holy sword, her magic power was transformed into light, shining behind the shield.

"The sword of determination!"

Seeing from the picture, Matthew, who had reached Shirou Emiya, finally showed his trump card.

That is, the holy sword attack hidden behind the shield.

The sword of determination to rise up, this is the name Matthew gave to his holy sword.

This is the name corresponding to the skill she acquired, the Shield of Determination.

The Shield of Determination was not a skill that Mash had inherited from Galahad.

This is her skill born from her spirit of wanting to protect Tatsuka Fujimaru.

This skill also represents Matthew's will.

Therefore, when discussing the name of the sword, Matthew named it the sword of determination.

A dazzling light cannon shone in front of Emiya Shirou's eyes.

Facing this decisive blow, Shirou Emiya just tilted his head and avoided it.

Due to the low level of the sword and the fact that Mash's mana accumulation did not last long, the scale of the blow was not large.

Emiya Shirou dodged easily.

Hearing the explosion from behind, the corners of Emiya Shirou's mouth rose slightly.

"Okay, that's it for today's training."

Hearing Emiya Shirou's order, Mash quickly stopped what she was doing.

"How is it, Shirou-senpai?"

"Well, the timing of the attack is perfect. If I hadn't known that this attack would happen, I'd probably have been hit too."

Reaching out his palm and stroking Mash's head, Shirou Emiya smiled and said, "Well done, Mash."

"In just a few days, you have integrated the use of the holy sword into your fighting style, and you will become stronger and stronger in the future."

"I believe you!"

"Thank you for the compliment, senior!"

Mash, who was praised, showed a happy expression on her face.


After some training, Emiya Shirou and Matthew returned to Emiya Shirou's tent.

There, Zhu Cai, who had already prepared dinner, was already waiting for them.

"Welcome back, Lord Shirou and Mash."

"I'm back."

"Sister Zhu Cai, good evening!"

After saying hello, Emiya Shirou, Mash, Shuna, and little Rimuru had dinner.

"How is the recent training results of Sister Matthew?"

Little Rimuru, who had just withdrawn from the Absolute Demonic Beast Front, asked curiously.

After fighting side by side during this period of time, Matthew, Zhu Cai, Little Limuru and Fujimaru Tachika who are not here at this time have already become very good friends.

Since Matthew received the holy sword presented by Shirou Emiya, she and Shirou Emiya have started continuous training.

Get yourself used to the new way of fighting.

Little Limuru and Zhu Cai naturally knew about this.

"Well, the training plan is progressing very smoothly, and the new fighting style has taken shape."

Mash happily replied ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Because Emiya Shirou had carefully studied Mash's fighting style before choosing the weapon for her, so she was not interested in the new weapon Mash. Adaptation is fast.

Coupled with Emiya Shirou's training, she was able to form a new fighting style so quickly.

"That's for sure. After all, Lord Shirou is an excellent instructor! When we were in Emiya City, almost all the elites among our soldiers were trained by Lord Shirou."

"And there is Gobuta. He was originally just an ordinary goblin, but under the training of Lord Shirou, he is already a general of Emiya City at this time, and his combat power is also extremely strong."

"Yes, yes, Father's training is extremely effective."

"As expected of Shirou-senpai."

Hearing the praise from the three girls in his ear, Shirou Emiya shook his head helplessly.

Although other people's praise does sound very comfortable, it has to be the truth!

It's good to train soldiers, but how can a Gobuta be considered an ordinary goblin?

Even without Emiya Shirou, he would have grown into a well-known existence. If this is his background, he would be called the ultimate counter-attack existence!

"But under my training, this kid should have gone farther than he was originally! This is indeed my credit!"

He praised himself a little in his heart, and Shirou Emiya couldn't help but laugh.

At this moment, a crisp voice suddenly entered his ears.

"This is Lixiang's call!"

Knowing that Fujimaru Rika and the others had met the goddess, Emiya Shirou made a decisive decision and appeared behind Mash in an instant.

"Lixiang is calling me, let's go first!"

After leaving a sentence, Emiya Shirou and Mash disappeared in the storm.

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