Text Chapter 463 Armor, spear and sword!

Merlin was sitting helplessly at the door of a tent far from the soldiers' camp.

And beside him, Anna and Fufu are still doing.

However, unlike Merlin's eyes staring into the sky, the eyes of this man and beast kept peeking at Merlin, paying attention to his eyes.

Obviously, this person and beast were watching Merlin's clairvoyance at this time.

As for the reason for monitoring him, it was naturally because of the tent on one side.

Following the sound of footsteps, three girls with blushing faces came out of the tent.

Then Emiya Shirou and Rimuru, whose faces were flat, also followed.

And just now, Zhu Cai, Lixiang and Matthew completed the update of God's Grace.

Looking at the paper in his hand, Emiya Shirou kept nodding his head.

Judging from the basic ability process of the three people in their hands, the growth of the three people is very smooth.

"Congratulations, Zhu Cai, from today onwards, you are an lv.2 level adventurer."

After the experience of the godslayer world and the continuous sharpening of the absolute monster front, Zhu Cai's basic value has continued to grow.

Even without the ability to increase the speed of potential development, Zhu Cai's basic value has grown rapidly.

After all, her strength was already very strong.

"Really? It always feels like nothing has changed?"

He opened his hands and turned around, but Zhu Cai was completely unaware of her change.

"The strength of growth has penetrated into your bone marrow, which requires you to keep adapting in the following days until you fully master it."

After handing her the paper that recorded the basic values ​​of Zhu Cai, Emiya Shirou turned around and looked at Mash and Fujimaru Rika.

"Ma Xiu's basic value has also increased extremely rapidly, and now it is expected to break through quickly and reach the level of sublimation."

After encouraging Mash a few words, Emiya Shirou looked straight at Fujimaru Tachika.

"Although Lixiang's basic ability value has increased a lot, it doesn't feel that bright."

"I think it should be because of the combat environment."

In this regard, Fujimaru Rika smiled wryly.

"That's right, although those beasts are suitable opponents for Matthew and the others to train themselves, but they are too tough for me."

"Don't talk about training in a group of monsters, I guess I can't kill any monster!"

Recalling his own experience during this period, Fujimaru Rika couldn't help but feel distressed.

Originally, after coming here, he planned to exercise.

As a result, he couldn't beat the monster at all.

So his training turned into drills with ordinary soldiers.

Or train under Merlin.

In battle, her duty is to shoot arrows.

Thanks to her training in Chaldea, Fujimaru Tatsuka's bow skills have not reached the extraordinary realm.

But also very sharp.

This made her a well-known sharpshooter in the army.

Although she was trusted by the soldiers at this time, it still could not satisfy her desire for rapid growth.

Hearing Fujimaru Rika's remarks, as early as after Emiya Shirou and the others came out, Merlin who came over also continued: "Although I have the intention to use strengthening magic to strengthen Fujimaru Rika's body and help her join this battle among."

"But there are too many monsters outside, and the strengthening magic I attached to him was quickly exhausted."

There was also distress in Merlin's eyes.

No way, there are too many monsters outside.

Although he can add powerful defensive magic to Fujimaru Rika, there is no point in training.

After all, under his defense, those monsters couldn't touch Fujimaru Rika at all.

Can only be beaten unilaterally.

In this case, what is the difference between playing sandbags in the city!

Feeling the distress of Fujimaru Rika and Merlin, Emiya Shirou couldn't help but laugh.

"I've already reached this point, so I've prepared something good for you."

Emiya Shirou raised his palm slightly, and a folded armor floated on his hand.

"This is a weapon I built for you based on Siegfried's Noble Phantasm, the Blood Armor of the Evil Dragon. After you shed blood and recognize the master, it will become the state that best fits your body."

"This armor has the ability to grow with you, and he has a special ability with a certain defense."

"It can nullify any attack below the D-rank."

Sensing Fujimaru Rika's surprised expression, Shirou Emiya stretched out his hand, and this armor appeared in front of her.

Seeing this, Fujimaru Rika hurriedly took it with her hands and held it in her arms.

Looking at the armor in his hand, Fujimaru Rika's eyes were full of excitement.

Emiya Shirou just smiled at this, and then continued: "The prototype Siegfried Noble Phantasm 'Evil Dragon's Blood Armor' has the ability to be immune to any attack below B-rank."

"Now, this armor is naturally far inferior to it, but as long as you continue to grow, it will be a matter of time before it surpasses its own prototype."

"How are you, satisfied?"

"Satisfied, really satisfied!"

Holding the armor in her arms, Fujimaru Rika jumped up on the spot excitedly.

"Are you satisfied? Then you're too early to be satisfied!"

Looking at the excited Fujimaru Rika, Emiya Shirou stretched out his hand and waved, and a red spear appeared in Emiya Shirou's hand.

On this spear, Fujimaru Rika felt the breath of fire.

"The prototype of this spear is the inextinguishable blade of the weapon in Karna's hand, which has the ability to transform into other weapon forms and the ability to transform your magic into flames."

"Of course, it is also a growing weapon. Although the current number of changes and the quality of flames do not meet your expectations~www.wuxiamtl.com~, its future is undoubtedly extremely impressive."

Taking the spear that Emiya Shirou handed over with trembling hands, Fujimaru Rika was so excited that she could not speak.

After all, these things are so precious.

"Did Shirou-senpai prepare these things in the forging room before?"

"of course!"

Emiya Shirou stretched out his palm and naturally touched Fujimaru Tachika's head.

"Since I have engraved the grace of God for you, then you are a member of our Loki family."

"And our Loki Familiar treats its members as family members."

"And as the only senior you can rely on in the family, I naturally have to consider everything for you, right?"

After listening to Emiya Shirou's words, Fujimaru Rika and Mash next to him were moved to tears.

"Thank you for your care, senior!"

"Ah! Let's work hard next time!"

Patting Fujimaru Tachika on the shoulder, Emiya Shirou turned his attention to Mash who was in tears.

"Don't cry Matthew yet, catch this!"

Emiya Shirou stretched out his hand and threw it, and a treasured sword in the scabbard flew towards Mash.


Mash took the weapon for unknown reasons and looked at Emiya Shirou suspiciously.

"This is for you, after all, I can't pull you down!"

"Because of inheriting Galahad's ability, your combat skills already have their own system."

"I thought about it for a long time, and then I decided on the prototype of the weapon to give you."

"The prototype of this sword and scabbard is Galahad's most familiar weapon, the Sword of Oath of Victory and Avalon!"

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