Text Chapter 460: The Potential of Fujimaru Rika

, I, the giant of the palace, travel the heavens!


Mash's whisper echoed in Emiya Shirou's bedroom.

At this time, she was lying on Emiya Shirou's bed with a blushing face, bare upper body and let Emiya Shirou write the sacred text on her back.

On her back, there was a constant feeling of rubbing.

Coupled with the fact that he had almost no clothes on his body at this time, and Emiya Shirou, who was sitting next to her, almost finished her.

Matthew, who has a relatively sullen personality, was already stirring in his heart at this time.

Feeling the touch from the back, Mash kept thinking of these various scenes in her heart, and brought her and Emiya Shirou into the positions of the hero and heroine respectively.

This makes for a terrifying scene.

Therefore, the brain of Matthew, who had too strong association ability, was about to crash at this time.

On the other side, Fujimaru Rika, who was standing in the corner of the house, no longer had the slightest demeanor of last night.

At this time, she was shyly looking at the scene in front of her, and her heart was also agitated.

She, who had never been in such close contact with outsiders, was like Matthew, and she couldn't help but think of it.

And just as she was wandering around the world and thinking of various big plays, Shirou Emiya's voice suddenly reached her ears.

"Okay, next is Lixiang."

After copying and translating the basic ability behind Mash on the paper placed on the table, Emiya Shirou just glanced at it and put it aside, waiting for her next future family member.

In full of shyness, Fujimaru Rika took off her shirt and hurriedly lay on the bed.

At this time, Emiya Shirou was in a state of turning his back.

After all, whether it's Mash wearing clothes or Fujimaru Rika taking off clothes, it's not something he can appreciate.

In order to prove his innocence, Shirou Emiya deliberately called Anna in.

Let her watch over him.

"How are you, are you ready?"

Looking at Fujimaru Rika, who had buried her head in the pillow, Anna said lightly, "Ready."

"Then I'll turn around!"

Turning around, Emiya Shirou just glanced at Fujimaru Rika with his eyes and started his mission.

As an elder, he is also the senior of Fujimaru Rika and Matthew.

Emiya Shirou will never do voyeuristic things.

A manly man, look at it in an open and honest way.

In this way, with the extremely skilled movements of Shirou Emiya, he quickly drew the blessing of God behind Fujimaru Rika.

After copying and translating it onto the paper, Shirou Emiya patted Fujimaru Rika on the back and said, "It's over, get up and put on your clothes."

After saying that, Emiya Shirou turned around, retrieved the paper that recorded Mash's basic values, and then compared and analyzed it.

Of the two, Fujimaru Tatsuka's God's Grace panel was extremely clean.

It is no different from the panel that ordinary people have just obtained the grace of God.

There is no magic or skill.

Compared with her, Matthew's basic abilities are undoubtedly richer.

She has a magic and a skill.

"The ideal city already far away"

"The Shield of Resolve"

The former is magic, the latter is skill.

It was exactly the same as when Emiya Shirou received God's favor when he first obtained part of his ability to possess a heroic spirit.

And with the continuous development of potential, Matthew will definitely inherit Galahad's ability completely in the future.

After inheritance, with the continuous improvement of Matthew's level, all her abilities will continue to improve.

In the future, it is a certainty that she surpasses Galahad.

"Hey, I'm so weak! I don't have any abilities."

Taking the paper from Shirou Emiya, looking at his own featureless basic panel, and then looking at Mash's luxurious basic panel, Fujimaru Tachika sighed.

"Hey, there's no way, the senior is very strong. The senior often enlightens me, and I can't get here without the senior."

Hearing Fujimaru Rika's lament, Mash quickly comforted her.

Looking at Mash's helpless appearance, Fujimaru Rika immediately laughed out loud.

"You're lying, Matthew! I won't be hit by this kind of thing!"

Staring at Tatsuka Fujimaru's smiling face, Mash couldn't help but puff out her face.

Obviously she was angry at this time.

"Senior is really too much."

"Sorry sorry!"

Emiya Shirou also smiled as he looked at the two who were fighting.

Then he explained to Fujimaru Rika: "Don't be discouraged, Rika. Generally speaking, ordinary human beings are such ordinary panels after receiving the grace of God."

"After all, we are not like the extraordinary creatures like Merlin, who are born with all kinds of abilities."

"Although we have a low starting point, we have no difference at the top. As long as we work hard, we will be able to surpass them."

"I understand, Shirou-senpai."

Fujimaru Rika nodded.

Looking at Fujimaru Rika and Mash, whose faces were full of smiles, as if they had obtained their favorite toys, Emiya Shirou was filled with emotion.

Although Matthew seems to be far superior to Fujimaru Rika in the favor of God, Emiya Shirou feels that Fujimaru Rika's future must be better than Matthew~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Matthew can have the current starting point, He was relying on Galahad's spiritual foundation, just like Emiya Shirou back then.

Although Fujimaru Rika feels very mediocre now, her belief is absolutely beyond human.

In God's favor, magic represents miracles.

The skill is called the crystal of thoughts.

With Fujimaru Rika's identity and belief as the last master of human beings, it is not surprising what kind of skills Emiya Shirou has awakened.

As for magic?

Fujimaru Rika She was originally a person who went hand in hand with miracles.

Not to mention the great deeds required for the sublimation of God's grace.

The great achievements of Fujimaru Tachika are also unparalleled.

Therefore, Shirou Emiya is very interested in the future of Fujimaru Rika.

"God's favor has been completed, then we are going to move."

"move place?"

The three of Fujimaru Rika looked at Emiya Shirou suspiciously.

"That's right!"

Emiya Shirou chuckled lightly: "After obtaining the grace of God, all you need is to train yourself to stimulate your potential."

"And the best way is to fight."

"Now, beyond the absolute monster front, there are countless monsters that are constantly sieging the city. Although those monsters are brave, they are very suitable for you to exercise yourself."

"That is to say, are we going to the frontline battlefield next?"

Looking at the excited Fujimaru Rika, Shirou Emiya continued, "You guys should get used to it in the past two days, and let Merlin communicate with King Gilgamesh."

"If there are more tasks to be dispatched to you in the future, then send them directly to the front line."

"I think the empathetic King Gilgamesh will agree to our request."

Emiya Shirou said with a smile.

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