The four hundred and forty-eighth chapter of the text

The reason why Emiya Shirou's aura is cluttered is because of the existence of power.

Before going to the world of the godslayer, Shirou Emiya, who became a hero candidate in Rimuru's world, has completed a transformation and integrated his previous abilities.

However, the power of the gods from the godslayer world has never been truly compatible.

Although these powers are not the powers of real gods because they come from the world of godslayers, they are also the embryonic forms of powers.

For God's grace, which mainly focuses on developing human potential, it is very difficult to completely incorporate it.

Unless it is integrated into Emiya Shirou's magic.

After all, the very existence of magic is a symbol of miracles.

Among Emiya Shirou's two magics, the only one that can combine these three powers is the Unlimited Sword System.

Influenced by the origin of Emiya Shirou's 'sword', Emiya Shirou was able to practice the infinite sword system.

Although under the development of God's Grace, the weapons it includes are no longer just swords, but all types of weapons, but its essence has not changed.

It is still a sword.

It's just that the concept of 'sword' has been continuously extended outward, and finally has the meaning of a weapon.

Therefore, all of Emiya Shirou's powers appear in the form of weapons.

And this also gave Emiya Shirou the possibility to completely integrate power into the infinite sword system.

"The Egg of the Brave has the ability to confer miracles. Can this miracle respond to my wishes?"

In the snow field of the heart image world, a forging table appeared in front of Emiya Shirou.

Extending his palm, the Hammer of the Craftsman appeared in Emiya Shirou's hand.

"Since you have the ability to perform miracles, then respond to me!"

"Give the power of miracles to my hand, and let me master the development direction of the next transformation."

"And all of this is for the mission of the brave."

As soon as Emiya Shirou's voice fell, hazy golden particles of light slowly rose from under Emiya Shirou's feet, constantly circulating around Emiya Shirou's body.

"Is this a miracle?"

He stretched out his palm and grabbed at the golden particles of light in the air, but Shirou Emiya caught nothing.

"Now, I feel like I can do anything!"

After feeling the feeling that everything in the mental image world was in his hands, Emiya Shirou muttered excitedly to himself.

Then, under his control, golden particles of light rushed towards the hammer of the Craftsman God in his hand.

At the same time, a gorgeous divine sword also appeared in Emiya Shirou's other hand.

That was his inherent spiritual outfit, Tomogaramura Masa, who had the power to sever.

"As the embodiment of my soul, there should be no more suitable weapon to carry all this than you!"

Putting Tomogaricura on the forging table in front of him, Shirou Emiya waved the hammer of the Craftsman God and smashed it hard.

With the full blow of the Craftsman God's Hammer, a trace of dirt appeared on the front of Tomogaramura.

It was as if the delicate blade had been destroyed.

But this is just an illusion.

There was no damage to Tumu Gai Village, but something more.

In the place where Dumougai Village was being beaten by the hammer of the Craftsman God, strands of rust-like existence appeared on his exquisite sword, destroying its beauty.

At the same time, there was a gap in the sky where Emiya Shirou was in the mental world at this time.

The world seems to have been knocked off a piece.

But Shirou Emiya ignored these changes.

After he took a breath for a while, he swung the hammer of the Craftsman God again and smashed it **** the sword of Tomogaramura Masaru.





The sound of forging iron kept reverberating in this world, and this sound continued here for a long time, until Shirou Emiya no longer had the strength to swing the hammer, the sound stopped completely.

At this time, nearly one-tenth of the area of ​​this snowfield world has disappeared.

And disappearing with this tenth world, there is also one tenth of the weapons that Emiya Shirou collected in the Unlimited Sword System.

As the forged person, Tomogaricura on the forging table no longer looks like a sword at this time.

At this time, it was like a rusted iron rod.

"As expected of the skill of forging divine tools, this wear and tear to the body and spirit, I am afraid that even the real gods can't last long!"

After some emotion, Emiya Shirou held the iron bar on the forging table in his hand and looked at it with satisfaction.

"It seems that every night from now on, I will have to work very hard."

"Store magic during the day and forge weapons at night."

"Before that opportunity appears, I must finish the forging of the weapon, and the time should be enough!"

Constantly planning the future, the corners of Emiya Shirou's mouth rose slightly.

At this time, he is walking on the right path and riding the dust.


The next morning, because of last night's fatigue, Shirou Emiya took a long nap.

When he got up, Fujimaru Rika and Mashuna had already gone out to work and came back.

"Yo, I thought you weren't going to get up, were you going to sleep until dark?"

"Merlin shut up!"

Glancing at Merlin angrily, Shirou Emiya explained, "I have important things to do at night, so don't come to me again after I return to my room at night."

"Yes, Mr. Shirou!"

Matthew responded earnestly.

Looking at Mash's serious expression, Emiya Shirou couldn't help but laugh.

"How cute! Matthew!"

"Oh, cute or something!"

Hearing Emiya Shirou's compliment, Mash suddenly turned red and shy.

Seeing this, Shirou Emiya shook his head, and then said to everyone, "Speaking of which, I have a new partner to introduce to you."

"A new partner?"

Looking back and forth, Fujimaru Rika, who had never seen a figure, asked suspiciously.

"Yes, new partner!"

Holding the golden hexagon in his I saw a flash of light, and two figures appeared in front of Fujimaru Rika and the others.

"Everyone, it's the first time we meet, please give me some advice!"

"Ah, please give me some advice!"

Seeing that the visitor was behaving respectfully and politely, Fujimaru Rika and Mash quickly returned their salutes.

"The two of them are called Zhu Cai and Limuru, and they are my secretary and daughter respectively."


Hearing the word 'daughter', everyone present couldn't help shouting out.

He fixed his eyes on Little Rimuru's body.

Obviously, they never thought that Emiya Shirou actually had a daughter.

"Haha, don't get me wrong!"

Emiya Shirou smiled and waved his hand before shouting, "Little Rimuru!"


Seeing a flash of red light, little Rimuru turned into a bow and lay in Shirou Emiya's hand.

"As you can see, this child was created by me and became a real life by chance, so she is my child."

After saying that, little Rimuru floated out of Emiya Shirou's hand and reappeared to stand on the ground in a human form.

"Do you understand now?"


Although after Emiya Shirou's explanation, everyone knew that Little Rimuru was not Emiya Shirou's biological daughter.

But the wonderful experience of the opponent changing from a weapon to a human still amazes everyone.

Coupled with Zhu Cai who is good at communicating, Fujimaru Rika and the others quickly got together and became good friends.

Looking at the lively living room, Emiya Shirou walked to the side of the priest Siduri and said with a smile, "I've been busy with some things recently, so I should stay in the city to help."

"When the time comes, let the two of them go to the fortress for me!"

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