The four hundred and fifty-fourth chapter of the text comes with the wind


On the battlefield full of monsters, Shirou Emiya ran back and forth in the group of monsters with a spear in hand.

Along with his actions, the spear in his hand was also waving again and again.

Under the wielding of the long spear wrapped in flames, the pieces of demon beasts were swallowed up by the flames and burned to ashes.

In the face of Emiya Shirou's slaughter, many monsters are also running towards him.

want to stop his actions.

But under the spear of Emiya Shirou, no monster could break through Emiya Shirou's spear and touch Emiya Shirou's body.

Compared with the fists and feet he had just entered into the realm of the gods, the spear that entered the realm of the gods earlier and had a wider attack range was more useful on the battlefield.

Following Emiya Shirou's slaughter, the number of demon beasts around him visibly decreased.

Just when he wanted to return to the city wall and forget about the last battle, an anxious voice suddenly appeared beside Emiya Shirou's ear.

"This is! Rika's voice!"

The next moment, Emiya Shirou's figure disappeared from the battlefield.


On the other side, Tatsuka Fujimaru and his group of four who went to the dense forest to investigate the city of Ur are facing a big enemy.

In front of their eyes, the **** Leopard Man in funny costumes holding funny weapons is waving the sticks in his hands, ravaging Anna and Matthew.

Facing her offensive, Anna and Matthew were completely unstoppable.

"I didn't expect to actually meet a goddess!"

Looking at the Leopard Man who looked like a funny character in front of him, Tatsuka Fujimaru on the side was full of waves.

After passing through the dense forest, the four Fujimaru Rika came to Ur City.

Contrary to their expectations, the city of Ur did not seem to be attacked by monsters, and was still intact at this time.

Even the citizens of Ur said that Uruk's help was not needed.

This is undoubtedly a satisfactory situation.

But after a little inspection, Merlin noticed something strange here.

There are very few men here.

So, after gathering everyone in Ur City, Merlin exposed the truth hidden here.

The people here protected themselves from the hands of the gods by means of live sacrifices.

The price is to sacrifice one person every day.

Such a situation naturally made Fujimaru Rika and the others angry.

Just as they were arguing with each other, the funny characters they had met on the way before appeared in front of them again.

And showed them overwhelming power.

"This guy who calls himself Leopard Man is actually a strong enemy?"

Looking at the Leopard Man who looked like a funny character, Fujimaru Rika's voice was full of unwillingness.

"People can't look at appearances, she is a **** after all."

Lifting up the fallen Fujimaru Tachika, Merlin continued slowly: "If there is no Servant with the same divinity, we can't fight against it at all."

"Unfortunately, we'll stop here this time."


Looking at Mash, Anna, and Leopard who were fighting in front of him, Fujimaru Tachika's eyes were full of unwillingness.

Even along the way, a lot of lives have been sacrificed.

But she was still not numb, unable to put the lives and deaths of those citizens aside.

But the current battle situation is very unfavorable, the situation of Matthew and Anna is already very dangerous, and they will not be able to hold on at any time.

And just when she made up her mind and prepared to retreat, Merlin's voice came again.

"However, we may have other ways."

"any solution!?"

Fujimaru Tachika looked at Merlin expectantly.

"Of course it is to call our assistant!"


"It's Mr. Shirou!"

With Merlin's reminder, Fujimaru Rika immediately recalled what Emiya Shirou said to them when he left Uruk!

"When you are in danger, don't hesitate, as long as you call out, I will come to save you."

Recalling the promise at that time, Fujimaru Rika's eyes gradually became firmer.

The next moment, she clenched her fists and shouted loudly, "Please help us, Mr. Shirou!"

With her shout, the surrounding breeze swept away in an instant.

A huge storm descended from the sky and enveloped it here.

"Wow, what is this!"

Disturbed by the sudden storm, the leopard hurried back in panic.

After all, from the surrounding air, she could feel the presence of a powerful divinity.

"You actually have helpers, so despicable!"

Placing the stick in his hand in front of him, the Leopard man shouted with no confidence in his heart.

On the other side, Mash and Anna, who had already retreated to Fujimaru Rika's side, ignored her in the slightest and just waited quietly for someone to come.

In the storm, along with the sound of footsteps, a figure gradually walked out of the storm.

"Look! I said you will meet the goddess."

Stepping out of the storm, Shirou Emiya, who was holding a magic spear, smiled and said to the four of them.

"Mr. Emiya."

"Senior Shirou."


Hearing the shouts coming from his ears, Emiya Shirou waved to them with a smile, and then set his eyes on the Leopard Man in front of him.

"Are you the goddess of the jungle, a member of the Three Goddess Alliance?"

Staring at the Leopard Man in front of him, he knew that Shirou Emiya's voice was full of Upon seeing this, the Leopard Man quickly waved his hand and said, "It's not me, it's Kukul!"

"The alliance of the three goddesses has nothing to do with me at all."

The Leopard Man, who felt a lot of dangerous aura from Shirou Emiya, immediately persuaded, and did not dare to call himself the goddess of the jungle.

"Liar, you clearly said before that you are the goddess of the jungle."

Seeing that the funny character in front of him actually began to deny what he had said before, the upright Matthew retorted loudly.

"No no no, I was bullshitting before!"

The leopard man kept waving his arms, denying his identity.

At this moment, Shirou Emiya raised the magic spear in his hand and said lightly: "It doesn't matter, whether you are the goddess of the jungle or not, since you hurt my friend, then return it to me double!"

As soon as Emiya Shirou's voice fell, his figure appeared in front of Leopard Man.

The golden spear slammed into the weapon in the hands of the Leopard Man.

In the face of Emiya Shirou's attack, the Leopard Man was obviously able to recruit and live.

"Nice martial arts!"

After praising the Leopard Man's martial arts, Shirou Emiya continued to attack.

I saw that the long spear in his hand kept waving, and he kept attacking the key points of the Leopard Man.

In the face of Emiya Shirou's attack, the Leopard Man could only parry in front of him.

Although in martial arts, she is not inferior to Emiya Shirou.

But in terms of basic attributes, the gap between the two is quite a lot.

Just relying on physical skills, Emiya Shirou is stronger than her, faster than her, and even more durable than her.

Soon, Leopard Man was stabbed for not dodging Emiya Shirou's blow.

Under the torrential rain, the blood on her body kept flowing on the ground.

In the face of Emiya Shirou's offensive, the Leopard Man was powerless to recover.

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