Text Chapter 451 Emiya Shirou's Promise

Now, Emiya Shirou's state is extremely weak.

His inherent spiritual equipment was tempered and entered a state of transformation, so that even Emiya Shirou's severing ability could not be used.

And the Unlimited Sword System, which was the foundation of Shirou Emiya, could not be used at this time.

After all, the Infinite Sword System has been smashed by the hammer of the Craftsman God at this time, and it has been integrated into his inherent spiritual outfit.

And at this time, two and a half of the three powers he obtained from the world of the godslayer were integrated into the embryo of the sword and completely merged with him.

Even, under the guidance of Shirou Emiya's miracle, even his magic "Only for that, the oath under the snow" has entered a transformed state at this time and cannot be used.

Today's Emiya Shirou, in addition to some passive abilities and magical knowledge, only has nine incarnation abilities out of the ten incarnation abilities of Veleslana.

"But even so, I'm not easy to mess with at this time."

"Although Welleslaner's power is very limited, he has the ability to reverse form and can be used as an ace."

"And my most essential ability, and the ability I am most proud of, is my body and my martial arts!"

Magic, skills, and power are all likely to be sealed.

But only Emiya Shirou's body and his martial arts cannot be sealed.

Nurtured by the grace of God, every adventurer is actually the embryo of a **** of war.

After all, among the adventurers who can go deeper into the terrifying dungeon and constantly break through the level of self-enhancement, none of them have the ability to defeat the strong with the weak.

Especially those first-level adventurers.

One of them counts as one, and each of them is an existence that can leapfrog battles.

Some people can even go two levels.

Many adventurers there may be unremarkable in the wrong world.

But if it is placed in other adventure worlds, it is estimated that each of them is a hero-level existence.

Emiya Shirou has always believed that if adventurers like them really reach the level of lv.10, then the future will definitely be like the existence of the **** of war.

"Although you can still use the ten incarnations from Welleslana, it shouldn't last long, right?"

"This ability will soon be sealed."

Looking at his palm, Emiya Shirou thought to himself.

Emiya Shirou is very clear that the prototype of the power he obtained from the world of the godslayer is the help that he can go further in the future.

Therefore, he intends to take advantage of this opportunity to completely grasp it.

The nature that can be integrated into the infinite sword system and the inherent spiritual equipment is no longer necessary, the real focus is the remaining part.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to master the power of miracles, Shirou Emiya intends to introduce the remaining nine incarnations into his magic.

Use this as a seed to awaken his third magic.

For adventurers, the very existence of magic is a miracle.

In Emiya Shirou's view, if adventurers really come to an end on the road of God's grace, then his magic may be the prototype of his future power.

And Emiya Shirou is ready to do it in one step at this moment, and directly uses the power as the seed to guide the embryonic power that belongs to Emiya Shirou himself.

"It will take time, but I have plenty of time."

"Just do it before the upgrade."

At this time, Emiya Shirou's sword has been forged, and all it needs is the final transformation.

According to his intuition, Shirou Emiya knew that the opportunity for transformation was when he upgraded again.

And the target of the upgrade, Shirou Emiya has already chosen.

That is Gorgon.

"As the only six god-level servants in this world, the goal of upgrading is naturally Gorgon."

Among the existing six god-level servants, except for the final boss of Tiamat.

People like Ishtar, Quezal, Ereshkigal, and Leopard Renren are all goddesses who will stand on their own side, and they belong to the necessary combat power in the future.

Although in the original trajectory, Gorgon also appeared to help break Tiamat's horn, but it was not Gorgon's will, but Anna's will.

For Anna, Gorgon is a memory she doesn't want to recall.

If it wasn't for helping Fujimaru Rika and the others, she would definitely not be that way again.

During this period of time, Shirou Emiya and Anna also became good friends.

Therefore, Emiya Shirou did not want to see her become that way.

After simply tidying up the forging room, Emiya Shirou wrapped the inherent spiritual armor that had turned into an iron rod with cloth and carried it behind his back.

The inherent spiritual equipment at this time can no longer be incorporated into the body.

"Everything is ready now, I only owe Dongfeng!"

Pushing open the door of the forging room, looking at the blue sky outside, Shirou Emiya smiled expectantly.


"You said you were given the mission to investigate the city of Ur?"

After returning from the forging room, Shirou Emiya saw Fujimaru Tachika and others who were preparing items and preparing to leave.

"It is not good?"


Reflecting his own value, Mash, who was reused, said excitedly.

"The king also called the senior's name."

"Really? I'm impressed by it~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Lixiang!"

"I also think so."

Hearing Shirou Emiya and Mashu complimenting you one by one, Tatsuka Fujimaru couldn't help blushing.

Hearing the praise from the two of them, she felt that it was too embarrassing.

And just when she was about to interrupt the atmosphere, Shirou Emiya suddenly said, "Although it's a good thing that you are being reused, you must restrain your joy and act cautiously."

"After all, this is the generation of the gods. Maybe a goddess will pop up from any jungle. Be careful."

Emiya Shirou, who knew that the Fujimaru Rika and the four would meet two goddesses, reminded them.

"Yes, Mr. Shirou."

Matthew replied with a serious look.

Seeing this, Merlin on the side couldn't help but smile and said, "How could it be so easy to meet the goddess! Although it is indeed an area ruled by the goddess of the jungle, it shouldn't be so unlucky!"

"Hmph, you'll know by then."

Glancing at the frivolous Merlin, Shirou Emiya looked at Mash and Tatsuka Fujimaru again, and instructed earnestly, "If you do encounter a goddess by accident, try to use communication to solve the trouble."

"But if the other party is still unrelenting, then you call my name, and I will go and wish you a helping hand."

"Call your name?"

Fujimaru Rika asked suspiciously.

"Yes, call your name!"

Patting Fujimaru Rika on the shoulder, Emiya Shirou explained: "I have the ability to quickly appear beside a friend, as long as the other party calls my name."

"When you are in danger, don't hesitate, as long as you call out, I will come to save you."

Looking at the two women in front of him, Emiya Shirou made a serious promise.

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