On a desolate plain, a dazzling light flashed away.

And after the light left, there was only a red-haired young man left.

"Is this the new world?"

Looking at the blue sky and the surrounding wilderness without any trace of civilization, Shirou Emiya, who came to another world again, immediately began to explore the four directions.

I saw him stretch out his hand, and many flying creatures as his familiars flew around.

"In this way, we should be able to find traces of human beings soon."

"When the time comes, choose where to go!"

After making the next plan, Emiya Shirou just found a stone and sat down, waiting for the message from the envoys.

"However, the level of magical activity in this era is a bit exaggerated! Isn't it still in the Age of Gods here!"

Feeling the active magic in the air, Shirou Emiya couldn't help but sigh.

In his impression, the last world he experienced with the same level of magical activity as this world was still the wrong world.

You know, that era was an era when gods and humans coexisted!

Even though those gods claim their strength, their existence is undeniable.

And the magic power of this world and the wrong world are almost the same.

This is undoubtedly a reminder to Emiya Shirou that this is an era when gods and humans coexist.

"God generation?"

Describing this era with words he was familiar with, Shirou Emiya erased the idea of ​​releasing Shuna and Limuru in Tenpest.

After all, in such an era, it is possible to encounter any kind of danger.

Before confirming this world and finding a safe place, Shirou Emiya thought it would be better for the two of them to stay in Tenpest temporarily.

This time around the world, Emiya Shirou is still carrying Zhu Na and Little Rimuru.

For Erica and Liliana, Emiya Shirou did not carry them.

It's not that Shirou Emiya left them, but that they still have other tasks.

As for the godslayer world, Emiya Shirou will definitely go back to clean up the last king in the future.

So Emiya Shirou's many arrangements in that world can't be just thrown away.

When Emiya Shirou searched the world for the trace of Hephaestus, countless magical societies all over Europe joined him.

And since others came to seek refuge, Emiya Shirou would naturally protect them.

If Erica and Liliana were left in that world to maintain Emiya Shirou's glory, other godslayers would never have imagined that Emiya Shirou had left that world at this time.

After all, Erica and Liliana still have the protection of Shirou Emiya!

Before leaving that world, Shirou Emiya had a special fight with Marquis Vauban, so he would go to Erica and Liliana to trouble Shirou Emiya.

"However, what's going on?"

Emiya Shirou suddenly stood up and looked at his body.

After coming to this world, Shirou Emiya felt a pleasant feeling.

Originally, he thought that this was the reason why he came to the Age of God, or returned to the world of the Moon Moon.

But as time went by, this feeling became more and more obvious, Emiya Shirou even felt that his physical ability was constantly growing.

"In the end what happened?"

Emiya Shirou, who was worried that he was being plotted against, quickly pulled out his God's Grace panel.

Then he saw the God's Grace panel that was constantly being updated.

"My basic ability value is constantly increasing!?"

In Emiya Shirou's eyes, the five values ​​of strength, durability, dexterity, agility, and magic that represent Shirou's basic abilities are increasing little by little.

Emiya Shirou, who had never seen such a thing, couldn't help but panic.

Gudou Although the continuous improvement of the basic ability value represents the continuous improvement of Emiya Shirou's strength, but this kind of inexplicable improvement Emiya Shirou would rather not!

"This is too fast!"

Under the watchful eye of Shirou Emiya, he found that every minute, all of his basic abilities would increase a little.

At this rate, each of Emiya Shirou's basic ability points will increase by 1440 points in one day.

In this case, Emiya Shirou's basic ability value will reach the limit tomorrow.

"What's going on!?"

I don't know why Emiya Shirou kept looking at his God's Grace panel, trying to find out what went wrong.

Under the guidance of super intuition, Emiya Shirou quickly turned his attention to the skill of Hero's Egg.

"The Egg of the Brave?"

Looking at this skill, Shirou Emiya suddenly recalled what he had learned about the brave from the world of Rimuru.

The brave are born in the world to resist disaster.

Every time there is a major disaster for human beings, the brave will be born. The world will first select the qualified person to give the egg of the brave. When it hatches, it can become a real hero.

This is the setting for the hero in the world of Rimuru.

But when Emiya Shirou became the egg of the brave, this system was integrated by the grace of God, and no one knows what happened to him.

In short, whether it is to defeat the Demon King in the world of Rimuru, or to slay a **** who cannot obey in the world of godslayers.

This skill has never moved.

until now.

"So, human beings in this world are now suffering from a catastrophe? Or is it more serious than that?"

Emiya Shirou immediately understood the current situation.

This world is a world where human beings are threatened with destruction, so as soon as he, the hero candidate, came here, he activated his mission.

That is to defeat evil and save mankind?

Therefore, his strength will continue to increase, because now he is being protected by the whole world.

In the face of the evil that is enough to destroy the entire human world, the strength of a hero cannot be too weak.

At this moment, under the destiny of the brave ~www.wuxiamtl.com~, without training, Emiya Shirou's potential is constantly being guided out.

"So this is ah!"

Knowing what happened, Emiya Shirou's expression became calm again.

Although facing the crisis of extinction, Shirou Emiya is not panic at all.

As long as his strength increases, Shirou Emiya can feel at ease.

As for saving mankind?

"That's naturally obligatory!"

Although Emiya Shirou once said that he could destroy the world for the sake of his sister.

But that doesn't mean Shirou Emiya is unwilling to save the world.

He just put his sister's safety above the world.

And when there is no younger sister as a bargaining chip in the balance, why would Shirou Emiya be unwilling to save the world?

After all, who hasn't dreamed of saving the world?

And just when Emiya Shirou made up his mind, the familiars who were scouting around also sent him information.

Looking at the picture in the eyes of the familiar, Emiya Shirou's expression was stunned.

The next moment, he abandoned his calmness and shouted in a panic, "Huh? It's actually here?"


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