I, The Giant of the Imperial Palace, Travel Through the Heavens!

Chapter 416: The 7th Godslayer and LV. Eight!

Emiya Shirou was not surprised by the arrival of Luculazia Zola.

In fact, when she and Zhu Cai walked up the hillside and watched the battle, Emiya Shirou had already seen her.

And heard Zhu Cai's report.

Although Emiya Shirou was at the moment of battle, with a thousand times the speed of thinking, he could naturally handle these things properly.

"It looks like I'm in Luculazia's house now. After all, I'm a spectator who witnessed me kill a **** with my own eyes. It's impossible to throw me elsewhere."

After a little thought, Emiya Shirou understood what had happened.

Then his expression became serious.

Because he recalled the mourning words of Pandora when he left the Netherworld.

That's right, because Emiya Shirou himself didn't understand it, he didn't lose the memory of talking to Pandora in the Netherworld.

"According to the information I have obtained, the strongest steel should be the last king, Rama."

As a senior fan of fan fiction in his previous life, although he hadn't read the original work of the Godslayer, it did not affect his understanding of the general information here.

Therefore, Emiya Shirou still knows the ultimate enemy of this world.

Even if the details have passed by, he has forgotten.

"The Last King Rama, this guy is not a simple existence. With his fighting power, he is definitely beyond imagination."

As for the ability of the last king Rama, what Emiya Shirou remembers is the ability of thunder and lightning, and the high-end version of the treasure of the king has the ability of all divine tools.

There is also Shirou Emiya's most memorable sword of salvation, the Platinum Star and the Dafa of the Covenant.

"To be honest, I always feel that the King of the End is a bit too buggy, and he can't win at all!"

"Although I don't know how Godou of the original world line defeated him, it is probably the protagonist's halo!"

"But I'm not the protagonist of this world! How can I defeat the King of the End?"

After some thought, Emiya Shirou didn't get any way.

"Could it be that you want to return Welleslana to Godou, and make him a godslayer?"

As soon as this idea was born, it was rejected by Shirou Emiya.

After all, Welleslaner has been defeated by his calculations, and he will not be able to defeat himself after that.

Emiya Shirou is not so kind to give up his prey to others.

In addition, in the original trajectory, Kusanagi Godou was able to defeat Welleslana thanks to the God King Mekal assisting him on the side.

Otherwise, he would have died long ago.

But now, the god-king Mekal has been killed by Shirou Emiya and gained his power.

In this case, even if Godou was given a chance, he would probably have a hard time killing Veleslana.

"In this case, it is still up to me to finish the task of the King of the End!"

"It seems that I can't stay in this world too much! After all, I don't remember how long it took between the awakening of the last king and the appearance of the seventh godslayer."

"But it shouldn't be long before I think about it! Alas, I'd better leave as soon as possible!"

Emiya Shirou is very clear that the opponent of the King of the Last is not something he can deal with now.

This can only be dealt with after he is stronger.

Fortunately, with the improvement of his strength, his grasp of the 'distant moment of time' is getting stronger and stronger.

Now it can greatly affect the flow of time he has traveled to the world.

"The trouble here, let's wait until later to solve it!"

Thinking of this, Shirou Emiya couldn't help but laugh.

"In this way, now I need to wait for the strength to improve to solve one more trouble. It's really too much debt to be overwhelmed!"

Darius of the Magic World.

The one-eyed black dragon of the wrong world.

Plus the last king of this godslayer world.

Emiya Shirou smiled bitterly: "The reason why I traveled everywhere to increase my strength is to solve my own difficulties, how come there are more and more such things in the end!"

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by both Android and Apple. 】

"It's all fetters and responsibilities!"

The one-eyed black dragon who wanted to deal with it was because of his bond with the Loki family.

Wanting to solve the last king is to replace the responsibility of the seventh godslayer.

"In the end, I'm still the same person!"

Recalling the past, Emiya Shirou shook his head with a wry smile.

Just as Emiya Shirou was laughing at himself, the door to this bedroom was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

"Sir Shirou, you are awake!"

Looking at Emiya Shirou who was making it, Zhu Cai, who pushed the door and entered, asked excitedly.

"Of course, I'm at my best now! I think you will come and give me medicine after I was shot by Mekal!"

"Yes, I rushed over as soon as I received your communication."

At the beginning, before being hit by God King Mekal's double stick, Shirou Emiya had already informed Zhu Cai and asked him to rush to give him medicine.

With the complete recovery potion prepared by Limuru, Emiya Shirou was not afraid of damage at all.

"Thank you!"

"These are my responsibilities!"

Zhu Cai shook his head, and then asked Shirou Emiya in a curious tone.

"Is Shirou-sama already a godslayer now?"

"That's right!"

Emiya Shirou said decisively: "I am now a godslayer!"

Before, because of thinking about Pandora's words, Emiya Shirou didn't remember that he was already a godslayer~www.wuxiamtl.com~ But now, with Zhu Cai's reminder, Emiya Shirou couldn't help but feel it in retrospect. own new power.

First and foremost is Emiya Shirou's physical strength.

His already powerful physical strength was now even harder.

To the extent that it can be called King Kong not bad.

And when he looked at the grace of his own god, Shirou Emiya remembered.

It seems that I have upgraded again!

【Name】: Emiya Shirou

[Level]: LV.8

[Abilities]: Strength: H199 | Durability: H199 Dexterity: H199 | Agility: H199 | Magic: H199

[Development Ability]: Forging B Magic B Archer A Abnormal Resistance C Mystery C Lucky D Broken I

[Magic]: "Infinite Sword System" "Only for that, the oath under the snow" ""

[Skills]: "Clairvoyance", "Mind's Eye", "Knife Cutter", "Brave Egg", "Arms Master", "Battle Continuation", "Super Intuition", "Blessing of Fire", "Dark Hero", "Crown Magician" 』『God Killer』『Wind and Thunder Chaser』


As early as a year ago, Emiya Shirou's basic abilities had reached the limit.

It's just that because there is no great cause that can be crossed, this has caused him to be trapped at the level of LV.7.

Now, after defeating the god-king Merka and gaining his powers, Shirou Emiya has finally crossed over to the level of LV.8.

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