Passing through the layers of clouds, Vimana, who was sailing in the sky, was flying at full speed.

Under the speed of Vimana, the distance that ordinary transportation takes an hour to reach, Emiya Shirou and the three of them have seen the power of the **** of disobedience in a moment.

It was a dark cloud, densely shrouded in front of everyone.

"That's the power of the **** of disobedience!"


Hearing Emiya Shirou's emotion, Zhu Cai and Lim showed doubts on their faces.

"Sir Shirou, isn't that just a dark cloud? Can you detect the aura of the God of Disobedience from that dark cloud?"

"Of course not."

Emiya Shirou laughed and explained.

"I'm just reasoning."


Having lived in this world for more than half a month, Zhu Cai has a certain understanding of many words in this world under the continuous study.

Among them is the meaning of 'reasoning'.

"That's right!"

Seeing that Zhu Cai was still confused, Emiya explained.

"In this world, because they are in different regions, the climates of each place have their own characteristics."

"Sardinia, for example, has a Mediterranean climate. The climate here is warm, dry, and rarely rains."

"And judging from the area of ​​the dark clouds in front of me, I'm afraid this will be a downpour that is rare in a century!"

After listening to Emiya Shirou's explanation, Zhu Cai quickly understood the current situation.

"So this is ah!"

"Is this what you once said, the effect of the nature of the gods on the surrounding environment?"

"That is to say, one of the two gods fighting in Sassari is the **** of the storm, isn't it?"

"That's right, that's it."

Emiya Shirou looked at Zhu Cai with admiration, and then continued to explain: "But although the other party is the **** of storms, he is not just the **** of storms."

"He is not only the **** of storms, but also the **** of thunder, the **** of the sky, and even the king of gods."

"In short, the opponent is a **** with an extremely complex godhead, and his combat power is also extremely powerful."

"Is it actually the king of gods?"

Hearing that sublime description, Zhu Cai couldn't help but be surprised.

Obviously, the name of the **** king is more shocking than other **** names.

"Don't worry, no matter what kind of **** the opponent is, it's just a **** of disobedience."

After comforting Zhu Cai, Emiya Shirou, who had already arrived in Sassari, manipulated Vimana to dive down and descend from above the clouds.

"That is?"

The sudden appearance of Vimana naturally startled the two gods who were fighting.

"Who are you?"

"Our nemesis? Son of Epimetheus?"

"No, I didn't feel that hateful aura on you."

As an invincible war god, Veleslana instantly turned his attention to Shirou Emiya, who was sitting on the throne inside Vimana.

"Who are you?"

The topic returned to this question again. Facing the question of the war god, Shirou Emiya stood up from the throne and walked forward slowly. …

"My name is Emiya Shirou, and I am a warrior who came to fight against the gods and wanted to gain power."

During the conversation, the fighting spirit that belonged to Emiya Shirou was exuded, and the aura of iron blood and heroic spirit turned into fighting spirit and rushed towards the two gods of disobedience.

"This breath!"

Welleslaner and Mekal's eyes lit up, and they couldn't help showing expressions of admiration.

"I didn't expect that in this era, there are still warriors like you. This iron-blooded breath is like those heroes of the Gang. It's a miracle!"

"Indeed, characters like you are indeed rare in this era."

"I'm waiting to recognize your fighting spirit, but do you have the strength to intervene in this battle of the gods?"

Hearing Mekal's questioning, Emiya Shirou's fighting spirit grew even higher.

"Then try my power!"

"Let's give you a greeting first! Vimana!"

Following Emiya Shirou's order, Vimana, who flew over the deity's head, dropped his own weapon.

Namely, nuclear warheads from ancient times.

And unlike the original, this is a blow that has been strengthened by Emiya Shirou's skills many times.

This blow can be called devastating.

"This is!"

Aware of the terrifying aura, Veleslaner and Mekal's pupils shrank, and they immediately launched their defenses.

The next moment, with a sound like a world opened up.

Infinite light and heat continue to radiate out.

At the same time, a mushroom cloud slowly rose.


"That is?"

At this moment, the Sardinian witch Luculazia Zola, who was flying in the sky, looked at the mushroom cloud rising in the distance, her mind went blank.

This is a nuclear bomb?

Luculazia Zola kept asking herself in her heart.

As the strongest weapon of mankind, how could Luculazia Zola not know the existence and power of nuclear bombs.

But how could that kind of thing appear in Sardinia,

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ Appearing in the battle of the God of Disobedience?

As a witch from Sardinia, Lucrazia Zola has a powerful talent for vision.

Just now, when he was resting at home, he suddenly saw through his spiritual vision that a strange divine power was condensed near the columnar stones near Sassari.

So, she hurriedly went to check if she suspected the birth of a divine beast or a **** of disobedience.

Now, although he hasn't arrived at the exact location, looking at the scene in front of him, Luculazia Zola has already determined the thoughts in his heart.

"The **** of disobedience was born."

"And fighting!"

Thinking of the impact this battle would have on the entire Sardinia, Luculazia Zola rushed over with gritted teeth, trying to stop this battle of the gods.


"Fun, fun, yes it's so fun!"

"Young man, I admit it, you have the strength to fight us."

"Come on, come on, grant me failure!"

As the mushroom cloud dissipated, the two gods of disobedience reappeared on this earth, although they were a little disheartened, but received little damage.

After realizing the attack just now, Welleslaner shouted excitedly.

For the God of Victory who pursues defeat like him, the more opponents the better, the stronger the better. …

Only then can he be happy.

However, unlike Veleslana's excitement, Merka, the king, became angry.

"How dare you so offend the king!"

"Boy, I will punish you with my own hands and let you be buried under the bite of locusts."

"A locust?"

A golden figure descended from the sky and landed on the ground.

"The locusts are the servants of Merka. In addition to being the **** of storms, Merka is also the **** of the sea, the **** of the sun, and the **** of life in charge of harvest and waste."

"So the locusts that eat up the desolate the land are also a symbol of his majesty."

"I didn't expect that in this era, there are still people who know the name of the king, boy, you have been forgiven for offending the king."

"Really? It's pointless, but I'd like to thank you for your kindness."

Wearing golden armor, waving a golden spear in his hand.

Emiya Shirou, who carried the crimson Rimuru bow on his back, was full of magical protection.

This moment is the peak.

"The breath of the sun? Is it a divine tool?"

At the same time, Veleslana and Merka, who felt the aura of the sun from Shirou Emiya's armor and weapons, were stunned for a moment.

The next moment, Emiya Shirou's words came.

"Since Your Majesty is so kind, why don't you give your head to me!"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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