This volume is finally over.

Due to physical reasons and the busyness of the New Year, this volume has been written to the present.

In this volume, the results of this book have dropped a lot.

The author also found a lot of deficiencies, which need to be kept in mind.

This volume has also taught me a lot from the author.

These new harvests will be used by the author and me in the new book.

Although the book is not finished yet, I already have a rough outline for my new book.

Sometimes when I write this book, I think about finishing it quickly and writing the next book.

After all, this book is really poorly written.

But I will not be a eunuch.

After all, it has been written so far.

I have designed the ending.

The next volume "King of the Undead" that was decided before has been deleted.

It is really difficult to collect data on the Bone King's subordinates.

Forget the trouble, many of which are inexplicable.

After all, the bone king is not like the cute king, and his subordinates are collected little by little.

Anyway, after careful consideration, this volume was deleted.

There are three volumes at the back.

The first is "Godslayer".

Followed by "Absolute Warcraft Front".

Finally, the finale of "Magic Girl Illya".

Among them, "Godslayer" shouldn't be too long. After all, if you kill a **** who doesn't obey, there's nothing to write about when you level up.

It's a tool world.

And the final chapter "Magic Girl Illya" has almost no obstacles except Darius who is transformed into a flame

So it will be very fast too.

Therefore, the slightly longer one is "Absolute Warcraft Front".

So this book is not far from the end.

So, thank you all for your support.

In addition, this volume is just in time for the Lantern Festival, so I will take a day off tomorrow.

Start a new chapter the day after tomorrow.

By the way, restore the third watch.

thanks for your support!


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