While Rimuru, Emiya Shirou and Veldora were communicating, Milim did not continue to shoot.

Obviously, she is also very interested in Veldella.

After all, he is a true fighting maniac!

Although she was satisfied with fighting Rimuru and Shirou Emiya, it was obviously not more enjoyable than fighting Veldora.

Therefore, Milim was also very satisfied when she heard that Rimuru asked Veldra to deal with her.


As the battle between Milim and Veldela unfolded, Shirou Emiya and Rimuru temporarily took back their thoughts and focused on the other side of the battlefield.

Here, Emiya Shirou and the two immediately saw little Rimuru who was sitting on the ground and playing with foxes.

"Little Rimuru, is this the nine-headed beast?"

"That's right, my father."

After seeing the silhouettes of Shirou Emiya and the two of them, Little Rimuru quickly stood up and said, "This nine-headed beast was controlled by Demon King Clayman with a spell."

"Before in the battle, I heard its wailing and cry for help, so I used the talisman of breaking the precepts to release the spell and set it free."

"Now, it has been put under our command."

"Good job!"

Reaching out his palm and gently rubbing Rimuru's head, Shirou Emiya smiled and said to Rimuru, "It seems that Clayman was naturally restrained by us!"

"Because of his cautious personality, Clayman has set secret tactics for his subordinates, which makes his subordinates have no intention of obeying him."

"And after encountering an opponent like us who can break the curse, Clayman's subordinates will betray one after another and join us to help us deal with Clayman."

"This is really retribution!"

Nodding, Rimuru also sighed.

Obviously, everyone is full of contempt for Clayman's quality.

"But this Clayman is too weak! He can't even beat Aster."

After seeing the situation on Little Limuru's side, the two turned their attention to the battlefield on the other side.

There, Aster is constantly suppressing Demon Lord Clayman.

"It's normal! After you awakened to become the true demon king, Aster's strength is almost the same as Clayman's."

"Besides, Demon King Clayman is the weakest member of the Ten Demon Lords."

"Actually, he doesn't have the strength of a demon king, but after he took over the territory of the demon king who was once killed, he used his own strategy to win over all the subordinates of the former demon king."

"So that's how it is! No wonder!"

Watching the battle in the distance, Emiya Shirou and Rimuru couldn't help but talk.

In the middle of that battlefield, Clayman was in a state of misery.

He's not entirely out of Aster's rival.

In fact, when he was just fighting, he suppressed Aster for a while.

However, Aster has the ability called 'Super Speed ​​Regeneration'.

Even if Clayman is the Demon Lord, her recovery speed is incomparable.

Therefore, in terms of endurance, Clayman is no match for Aster at all.

Therefore, as the fighting time continued to prolong, Clayman's strength continued to weaken, while Aster's strength did not change, which made Aster gradually suppress Clayman, making him more powerless.

"Do you only have this level? You dare to call yourself a demon king with this little strength? It's really making people laugh out loud!"

After gaining the upper hand, Aster laughed mercilessly.

Her words made Clayman even more angry.

"You bastard, it's unforgivable! Go, Buta Doll!"

When Clayman stretched out his hand, he threw the five dolls out.

In mid-air, the five dolls quickly grew larger, turned into five high-level demons, and rushed towards Aster.

These five dolls are Clayman's secret killer.

They are hidden props that Clayman infuses with the souls of the demons who have taken refuge in him.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Clayman, who knew that he couldn't drag it any longer, threw it and used all his combat power.

Summons five high-level demons to help fight.

If such an attack method faces other opponents, it may also have some uses.

But unfortunately, what he faced was Aster.

Facing the attacking high-level demons, Aster swung the great sword in her hand and cut them all in half with one sword.

"You are really boring! Can you only use such means?"

The power was unforgiving, and Aster kept mocking Clayman.

Obviously, using words to attack opponents, Aster is not tired at all!

Even she fought so far unscathed.

It seemed that she had more Demon Lord momentum than Clayman.

"What a joke, bastard! The battle has just begun! My Buta doll has the ability to repair itself, don't underestimate me!"


Seeing this, Aster put away the weapon in her hand, stood there with her chest folded, and looked at Clayman silently.

Just waiting for the rebirth of the Buta doll.

However, the five high-level demons summoned by Clayman still did not appear to be repaired, and just lay motionless on the ground.

"and then?"

Hearing Aster's ridicule, Clayman couldn't help shouting loudly, "Why? Why isn't he resurrected!"

"Why is it happening like that!"

"Of course, this is because this weapon made by Emiya-sama has the ability to attack the spirit! Your doll doesn't have the technique to protect the spirit and soul, right?"

"It's really rudimentary workmanship! No wonder it was cut off by me, it's really shameful."

"Are you really the Demon King?"

Listening to Aster's words, Clayman froze in place, without saying a word.

Obviously, Aster's words just now had too much impact on him.

"Hey, it's terrifying! Aster's taunting ability is really terrifying!"

Hearing Rimuru's sigh~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Emiya Shirou couldn't help but say: "Indeed, this child's progress in this area is much faster than his strength."

"Didn't you teach this? Why do you look surprised?"

"What do I teach, how did I teach her these things."

"That's teaching by words and deeds!"

"Don't push me anything!"

While Emiya Shirou and Rimuru were arguing, Clayman on the other side launched the offensive again.

"Really? You are relying on the power of that sword to deal with me. Then include this annoying sword in my collection!"

"Devouring her, manipulate the demon king to dominate!"

Strange black filamentous beams shot out from Clayman's left and right hands, covering Shion from head to toe.

Shion was unmoved by this.

Clayman thought that Shion was too late to react, and he seemed very satisfied to see her in that state.

"Hahahaha, you should be happy, after all, this is the ultimate spell that even the Demon King can control!"

"Although it's a waste to deal with a demon like you, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, I have to reorganize the five fingers, so you can be my subordinate and use it for me."

Hearing Clayman's frantic voice, Aster said indifferently, "Is this your last resort?"

"That's really weak!"

Aster didn't care about Clayman's ultimate spell.

After receiving Rimuru's blessing, she gained the ability to 'complete memory'.

With this ability, she can be completely immune to the ability of mind domination.

Therefore, Demon Lord Clayman's skills are ineffective against her.

And that's why Rimuru is willing to take her instead of Ranga.

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